jrhines and SlackO, my apologies. My opinions of air guns have been altered.
I am a former & current air gunner. My boys were all trained in air guns. I am guilty of thinking of them as toys because I've only used low-cost air guns. I'm "re-calibrating my scale."
I also recall that when I was young, growing out of my model-building phase and into my gun phase, I disposed of all my models by shooting them with the air gun (first a Benjamin in .22, then a Czech model in .177). Pretended I was an anti-air or anti-tank gunner, as the case may be. I eventually progressed to the point where it was no longer a question of hitting the model, it was the challenge to shoot the tank barrel off inch by inch, or to shoot the tail clean off a 1/72 scale plane.
Probably made me the shooter I am today.