Dallas Morning News Poll

This seems to be quite a good poll.

Even a comment section that can be viwed :)

At the moment 68% are for no new Laws ! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Don't forget to vote on their security poll. This is our chance to plug for armed security guards as opposed to men walking around with walkie talkies.

One of the things that struck me about most of the Anti gun comments is that countries that do not have guns have no violent crime.

What BS, violent crime exists everywhere, even in the gunless former Soviet Union.Other countries are not as open as the US is and do not report every violent crime as our press does.

What about the restrictions in African Countries, in the Balkans, in South and Central America. All non violent places?

England and Australia have had increases in crime since their restrictive gun laws were put in effect.

People are too easily led to believe the current propaganda put out by the media.
It is a sad commentary on contemporary journalism that the largest mass murder in United States history, with 80 dead, went largely unreported in the mainstream press because the victims were not well-scrubbed white children and the circumstances could not be used to support the campaign for gun control.
Found this on Glock Talk.
Shows the true folly gun control is.

Article from Eastern Daily Press, Thursday 1st April 1999.


Firearms ban after Dunblane tragedy "made no difference to day-to-day operations"


A firearms clampdown which forced handgun owners to surrender their weapons in the wake of the Dunblane tragedy has made no difference to the number of armed incidents in East Anglia.

The handgun ban, which has so far cost the Government almost £84 million in compensation, has seen more than 7000 weapons belonging to owners in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire destroyed. But police in Norfolk and Suffolk last night said the mass surrender of weapons had made no difference
to the number of armed incidents across the region.

In Suffolk, the figures of reported, armed incidents have risen steadily since 1994, although officers predict a slight drop this year. And in Norfolk, the figures have risen gradually since 1992 - with a slight drop in
1997 but rising again in 1998. ambridgeshire is the only area to report a steady fall in the number of armed incidents - although police said they doubted it related to the handgun ban. The firearms clampdown followed the massacre of 16 primary school children and their teacher by Thomas Hamilton in 1996.

Insp Robert George, firearms officer at Norfolk police, said: "The handgun ban has made no difference to our day-to-day operations, but we didn't expect it to. It was primarily introduced to deal with individuals who have legal access to firearms and mis-use them. These incidents are few and far between."
During the "debate" over the handgun ban in the UK, an MP was asked how confiscating the 80,000 or so legally owned guns would affect the estimated 2 million illegal guns. He replied that, "Those guns don't worry us, they are in the hands of criminals."

This indicates the futility of trying to talk to gun control people about crime - they simply assume criminals will get guns and don't care. They want to disarm everyone else, including the police.

Jim Keenan, re your "80 dead": Was this the night-club fire in NYC, where the perp threw a five-gallon can of gas in through the front door and torched it off? (Dredging out of memory, and you know how that goes...)
Somebody please correct me if this is wrong, but I understand that gun control in England only pretended to be about crime. Historically it originated during a period of political and social unrest following World War I. Its actual goal was to remove a tool of democracy from the hands of the enemies of the oligarchic state, namely, those pesky groundlings. Since the members of the English underclass never had a widespread tradition of arms ownership anyway, they just let their guns go--there was not enough gun rights awareness to prevent the suppression of this civil liberty.

Of course, gun control in the U.S. is also about politics, not crime--but millions more Americans are aware of it than apparently was the case in England.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited May 11, 1999).]
Keeping this thread alive...again, I have my reasons....{G}

Shoot straight regards, Richard
From: Ivan 5-11-99 720PM EDT Yes , Jimmy, the gun control people in England were afraid of the people and one of the biggest gungrabbers in those days was Winston Churchill. Srangely, it was the Conservatives who liked gun control in Britain .Well, now in Amerika, all the sleazy politicos are wanting to disarm the masses. In my opinion, these school shootings over the last 40 months are not simply random incidents. Inthe latest charnage, where is the third gunman and will the FBI ever release the tapes from inside the school? Quoting Shakespeare, " Somethings Rotten in the State of Denmark"(Shall we substitute Amerika for Denmark Also I think the 80 dead refer to the slaughter at Waco,where a church was attacked by Federal Police,with military hardware, which resulted in a horrible bloodbath( SEE the tape "Rules of Engagement for the real story) Ivan
Gentlemen, In all tyranical governments from ancient times, the tyrants first disarmed the populace , such that only the "palace guard" and the Army had weapons..... their problems usually came from a growing army that became the middle class with families to support and no means of support, so they rose up with their arms and defeated the tyrant, or the whole ruling society became so decadent that they were oever thrown by a much smaller force from one of their conquests.

Even Mao said that all political power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Think about it.... one of the alphabet agencies establishes a regulation that you may not even know about , but violate, and that comes to the attention of the local federal enforcement stooge... what happens? they come to your door with a gun or with someone with a gun to tell you how you will comply with the new regs.

Look around you , read ... it's time for a social revolution... and if that fails.....

We must enforce the Bill of Rights !!!!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
80 is alot and I also assume you were refering to the nightclub firebombing in NYC, but please do not forget the 168 people killed in the OKC bombing. 9 of the 24 people working at my credit union on the 3rd floor were killed in the blast.

I believe you're just trying to pique our curiosity!

(it's working... ;))


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 22, 1999).]
Since practicing the Chicago method of voting (vote early and vote often) in the past, I hunted around the page and couldn't find any links to the poll. Has it been discontinued or shut down? I'll try again now, but couldn't find it earlier.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
The poll was a short-time deal a few weeks ago. I still have no idea why 45King feels that he needs to keep the thread alive.
Well, he has his reasons and I'm sure he'll tell us when he's ready. Besides, it has a sinister quality....I like that ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
C'mon 45King...Fess up. Is it the UK ban you're interested in seeing more comments about???

Personally I see nothing here that we didn't already know about. What's the scoop???

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited May 22, 1999).]