D.O.D. Reverses order to Destroy once fired brass.

Another take on what just happened. It started Thursday and was over Tuesday. No national organizations. Talk radio was catching on to a problem when it was over. DoD's initiative was defeated by bloggers and forums in a very short period of time. This episode along with the Zumbo story shows what an informed, motivated group can do with proper use of the internet.

Given the fragmented and often contradictory information about this situation, there are several ways in which it can be viewed.

The cause:
  • Administration operatives with nefarious intentions whisper to DoD to cut off the supply of used brass.
  • A DoD drone makes a small change in a technical document with large unintended consequences.
  • The DoD contractor misunderstands a change in technical requirements and conveys inaccurate information to public purchasers.
The resolution:
  • Netizens spring into action and quickly focus attention to rectify an injustice.
  • City and state agencies buying reloaded ammo demand a return to the way things were.
  • A dumb mistake was fixed.