CZ52 or Romanian TTC Tokarev

The bottom left is a Norinco 54-1 in 9mm. It has the Tokagypt grips. They made them in 7.62x25 and 9mm. The magazine has a spacer in it for 9mm.

Gunbroker had them selling for $400. That's why I paid $275. Considering I saved on a transfer I was happy. I'am getting ready to try a Yugo M57 next.
Yugo M57 on the way. I probably overpaid for this one also. I guess I'll have to get more Tokarev ammo. Might have to buy some surplus stuff.
Actually, the CZ52 is the better made pistol of the two. Many TTs just don't hold up well, the Romanian variant might be better, but overall they are junk.
I don't know about the other guys here but you didn't hurt mine. I would rather have a romanian TTC than a CZ but the truth is I'll probably never never own either.

to me they are the mosin nagants of the pistol world. they used to be very popular because of dirt cheap ammo and dirt cheap guns and now that you can just about pick up a ruger P series for the same price and the ammo costs about the same as 40 S&W there is really no allure anymore unless you just like to collect them.
Without question for a little bit more money you can get a much better return on your investment. The CZ52 like most of what the Czechs produce in small arms is better quality than the rest of the former Warsaw Pact countries. I qualified with the CZ52 when I was working with a Czech Battle Group, the TT may have been more of a challenge. They were still carrying them in 1998. It is an interesting design and is safer than the TT. I purchased one when they were around $79 wholesale, I shot it once.
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I prefer the tt....I actually use it as my ccw...i picked up a romanian......have never had any trouble at the range with it...
I reload for the CZ52. It's an amazing little round, designed to defeat Infantry soft armor, that never showed up. It drills perfect little holes in game, even with soft points. The TT just leaves me cold.