CZ Scorpion evo 3 S1 pistol

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That was a typo, I meant to say 'a couple hundred bucks more'

Price checking shows the GHM9 pistol to be about $500-600 more than a CZ Scorpion Evo3 pistol. I don't think you know what "a couple hundred bucks" is.

And the GHM9 brace w/ adapter on Atlantic Firearms is another $500, versus $230 for the Gear Head Works brace/CZ folder (with many other less expensive options available).

And of course mags for the Scorpion Evo 3 are less than half the price of the GHM9 mags. You're going to want some of those.

But my point still stands.
The CZ with say two hundred bucks worth of upgrades (plus time & effort) isn't even in the same league as the B&T for example. So if one is going to spend hundreds on 'improvements', just jump in all the way, thats my point.

To each his own, but I simply don't get it.

Outside of a brace (which you'll still likely want if you don't plan to SBR your GHM9 pistol), I'm talking about ~$30 for different thumb safeties. Which not everyone will feel the need for.

Sorry, dude - you are just way off base here. You should have done a little more math in your head before posting. A "few bucks" became a "couple hundred bucks" then became much, much more.

I looked at the CZ's as well when they first started showing up here, I even plunked down some cash and took some home. But when I compared them side by side it was a total no brainer being two-thirds of the way to a B&T. If one likes the CZ bone stock I can see the argument, but as soon as one starts forking out cash.....

Well, one's a nicely-finished boutique pseudo-submachinegun and the the other is pseudo-submachinegun based on a military arm that's seen fairly widespread military and police unit adoption. Both sling 9mm pills reliably (the CZ perhaps moreso with its longer history of development).

Make your choice. Neither is necessarily a bad one if you can afford it.
Price checking shows the GHM9 pistol to be about $500-600 more than a CZ Scorpion Evo3 pistol.
I would suggest you learn how to call around price shop better as there is only a $400 dollar difference even on a bad day.

I don't think you know what "a couple hundred bucks" is.
I see you ignored the part where spoke of a couple hundred bucks after upgrades to the CZ

And the GHM9 brace w/ adapter on Atlantic Firearms is another $500, versus $230 for the Gear Head Works brace/CZ folder (with many other less expensive options available).
a) Apples to oranges comparison (or maybe Honda to Ferrari)
b) Again I would really suggest you learn how to call around and price shop better

And of course mags for the Scorpion Evo 3 are less than half the price of the GHM9 mags.
See a & b above

Sorry, dude - you are just way off base here. You should have done a little more math in your head before posting.
Im sorry your gal lost dude - seems you're still bitter about the other posting. :p

Well, one's a nicely-finished boutique pseudo-submachinegun and the the other is pseudo-submachinegun based on a military arm that's seen fairly widespread military and police unit adoption.
Both are being used by military and police, one is just vastly nicer quality & refined.

Both sling 9mm pills reliably
Mine all fire bullets.....go figure
I would be game for an on camera head to head shoot off between one of my B&T's versus your CZ. I'll even let you pick the stakes....say winner gets to take the others weapon home? I'll even front you a failure :cool:

Neither is necessarily a bad one if you can afford it.
I never said the CZ was bad, I own a couple.
Rather that given the price point, especially after CZ 'improvements', I don't see why folks just go for the Ferrari.

Again, just my goofy opinion :)
8.95 for new trigger spring
24.00 for new safety selector

239.00 for cyclops scope.

I think it was 190.00 for the brace.

No idea what if anything for the BT upgrades. But was told that the BT had jamming issues....but cant confirm that as I dont own one.
The first generation was designed to feed FMJ as that is what all their customers wanted (or were allowed). Once sales exploded and they were able to bring them into the U.S. they quickly found some JHP's could FTF, so they released a gen 2 that feeds everything 100%. B&T will upgrade gen 1's at no charge last I spoke with them.
Lolol...I forgot...2.00 for a piece of 2000 grit sand paper to polish trigger package when I put the new spring in.

Meh to each there own I guess.

I am very satisfied with the CZ Scorpion.
Looking on I'm seeing a price difference of more like $500-$600. But I'll keep an eye out as the B&T is nice.

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I do like B&T stuff, but I can't justify the cost.

The Scorpion was the right price for the right thing, from a company I like and respect.

If I'd spent much more, I'd probably gone with a AR-based PCC or a SIG MPX.
Looking on I'm seeing a price difference of more like $500-$600. But I'll keep an eye out as the B&T is nice.

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I never find 'deals' by looking at listed prices, I find them by calling.
Another 'trick' I've had some success with is to group email several vendors asking for best price, often one will undercut the previous. The last pair of B&T's I bought was last summer and they were just under $2300 delivered.
I see you ignored the part where spoke of a couple hundred bucks after upgrades to the CZ

And you ignored that part where upgrades to the Scorpion are based on personal preference and are not necessary. If you want a brace for your Scorpion pistol, you have to pay for it. If you want a brace for your BHM9 pistol, you have to pay (more) for it.

The Scorpion is less expensive than the BHM9 and upgrades/accessories to it are less expensive than the BHM9. That can't be disputed, outside of unverifiable reports of "calling around." No one is saying the BHM9 is not a good firearm or that it's not worth its asking price. In fact it is a budget offering compared to B&T's APC9.

Really, why buy a BHM9, when you can just save up "a couple hundred bucks" and buy a superior APC9?

The only thing brought into question is your math, not the quality of the gun.

a) Apples to oranges comparison (or maybe Honda to Ferrari)
b) Again I would really suggest you learn how to call around and price shop better

Can't dispute the Honda to Ferrari comparison. Both have 4 wheels and go from point A to B. One is less expensive, more reliable, costs less to run, and is more widely adopted. One is flashier, fun, and more expensive. Both are great in their own ways.

Im sorry your gal lost dude - seems you're still bitter about the other posting.

Not sure what gal we are talking about and who lost what?

Mine all fire bullets.....go figure
I would be game for an on camera head to head shoot off between one of my B&T's versus your CZ. I'll even let you pick the stakes....say winner gets to take the others weapon home? I'll even front you a failure

I never made this a competition. That is your take. I merely pointed out the fault in your mathematics, and have not seen you post anything to dispute it, just nebulous statements about "calling around".

But I'm not really into internet peeing contests, so I'll leave it that.

Feel free to continue posting you opinions, and maybe you can find hard data to back them up. Or perhaps you would rather just start a new thread devoted to the BHM9 where you can extol its virtues without sidetracking the discussion of a different product?
The CZ Scorpion "pistol" with brace is a fun, handy little package. Out of the box it's fine, but there are a ton of aftermarket accessories and upgrades. The more you shoot it, you might find yourself delving into the upgrade world.

I also own a GHM9 and MPX-K with collapsible braces and they're fine in their own right, but price differences can be a factor. I don't really like to compare them as I think the GHM9 (as well as the APC models) are extremely well finished and smooth. The only downside with my GHM9 is the kind of sucks and upgrades are not proving to help (mostly light hammers = light strikes). I'll eventually get it smoothed out a little.

The MPX-K is actually my favorite mostly because of familiar controls. The magazines are the most expensive but the most robust of magazine choices (now that Magpul is making CZ magazines at a very reasonable price is a big advantage).

The CZ is still a blast and I have the K-kit waiting for me at home. I did add a new grip, changed the safeties, and added an HBI trigger kit. I also have the folding stock with Tailhook brace waiting to be attached (or not), we'll see.

Fort the grip, the standard SMG configuration with stock make the grip angle less of an issue. With many of the braces, it sits differently and the angle doesn't go over so well. As many have heard, the safety selector can be bothersome on your trigger finger side. I really haven't had the issue, but other options are inexpensive and easy to swap out. Another simple and excellent upgrade is the magazine release. It's a simple change and the paddle upgrade makes magazine changes a little more intuitive.

I waited before I upgraded the trigger. It's not the best, but it's not that bad either. However, once I switched to a lighter spring and flat trigger upgrade, it was a noticeable improvement.

If anything, I love these braced "pistols".

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I'm all in favor of the Scorpion.

My business partner has the MPX and a GHM9... The MPX is a joke. It constantly has issues (typical with MPX's). The GHM has a nice fit and finish but there's very little aftermarket and it's definitely had more failures than my Scorpion.

The GHM has a bit softer recoil than the Scorpion - but it's 9mm, who cares?

Shooting suppressed, the Scorpion is a much better gun.

I like shooting his guns occasionally, but I wouldn't trade my Scorpion for them.

Additionally, TBM900 should probably calm down with the ego and smart-aleck replies. That's not really how we do things here. Take that stuff to the other forums. If you want to discuss the merits of each, then go for it, but knock off the ad hominems and unsubstantiated claims.
Meh....I have a MPX with thousands of rounds down range and it is rock solid.

The Scorpion and B&T are both great, and small enough to have them both.
Enough with the bickering between two of the participants here!

Old 454 bought the pistol he wanted, so any further discussion is pointless, especially the type of "discussion" that came later in the thread.

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