CZ Rami or S&W sd9ve


Hi everyone I'm looking to ur expertise in making a decision for a firearm. First off I live in Belize where gun regulations are pretty strict, so what I purchase may very well be my one and only gun.
I have the option to buy either a CZ Rami or S&W sd9ve I plan to use the gun for everyday carry and to go to the range on weekends. Which would you guys recommend?
SD9VE is very Glock-like and a good bit larger than the RAMI. It's also striker-fired so you don't have to learn two trigger presses (double action, and single action). The RAMI will conceal better. I happen to like DA/SA pistols and find the RAMI to be a great gun, although I don't own one. It's built like a little tank and runs very reliably for people who own them.

I would probably say that if carry is your main priority, go with the RAMI. If it's range use, the SD9VE will probably be easier to shoot for extended periods because it's larger. Both are very reliable.
Rami. And you'll most likely have the only one seen. They can be hard enough to find in shops in the states.

When I found mine they were unloading it from the truck, bought it before it had a chance to hit the shelf.

Striker fired is easier to learn to shoot and requires less thought, but a DA/SA pistol like the Rami is so much more rewarding, and better looking to boot.
Those are your only two options? Not even a Glock 19?

Between the two you list I would go with the the SD9VE but much prefer the Glock 19. The SD9VE is a good pistol but the trigger pull is a bit on the heavy side though workable and would improve with time. Since it will be your only pistol I would also compare warranties and parts availability. The S&W probably has the best warranty.

Good luck.
The Rami, of course. I love old school S&W revolvers. A 4" 586 remains one of my favorite pieces but you won't see me buying any of their new stuff. Maybe I'm just old school but I don't understand the big problem folks have these days learning how to effectively shoot DA/SA type pistols. Maybe it is just something weird about those of us who spent so many years going back and forth between revolvers and autos.
I have a theory. Stryker fired pistols are the automatic transmission of today. DA/SA are the manuals slowly fading out like they began to in the 80's.

Its us older farts who know the joy of dancing with a DA/SA pistol. The elegance of its lines, no plastic or huge concessions to manufacturing costs. Beauty for beauties sake.

Any beginner can pick up a Glock and start ringing steel in no time, and Glocks certainly have their place, I own one. But a quality DA/SA handgun just has that 'feel' to it and makes the smirk last a bit longer.

The same can be said for the 1911 and what I'm saying now could have been said when DA/SA/decockers came out.

Sadly, the day may come when DA/SA pistols go the way of the manual transmission.

Still, RAMI all the way! ;)
I've never owned a Rami, but I've owned a bunch of CZ's and clones thereof.

I also owned the 40 caliber version of the S&W in question.

The Smith was an okay cheap "introductory" pistol. It went bang every time, but the trigger was pretty bad.

All of my CZ's are better shooters, so I would go with the CZ.
I would also choose the Rami. It isn't just because I'm one of those DA/SA dinosaurs. Handle both side by side. One of them can be described with words like "okay" and "adequate". The other can be described with words like "great" and "something special". I think CZ hit a home run with the Rami.

BTW, a friend of mine went on vacation in Belize. He got me some Marie Sharp's hot sauce. It was pretty good!
Hi everyone I'm looking to ur expertise in making a decision for a firearm. First off I live in Belize where gun regulations are pretty strict, so what I purchase may very well be my one and only gun.
I have the option to buy either a CZ Rami or S&W sd9ve I plan to use the gun for everyday carry and to go to the range on weekends. Which would you guys recommend?
Welcome to TFL, Jram501! I've underlined my first concern. We can post all day long about which is the better gun, which carries better, etc., but most TFL members are from the United States and few of us will know about the Belize gun market. I'd go with whichever one has better support and supplies in Belize, particularly if it's likely to be your only gun.

With that said, and bearing in mind that I've never owned or even shot either of them, if I were buying one or the other in the United States, I'd go with the Rami. So, there you go. Spats' Largely Uneducated Opinion On The Matter.
I don't own either one and I've not shot either one, but given the choice, I would choose the Rami.

Both are capable, reliable sidearms, from what I've heard, but very different in size, capacity, and operating system. To me the Rami would be the standout between the two. I am partial to the DA/SA operating system.
Tallball, I carried a S&W 459 (9 mm) for a while many years ago and I would agree that the trigger was horrible. Back in the day though, it was considered by many to be a pretty good and relatively inexpensive pistol.
As others have said, the CZ will be a better gun. It will also be better for carry. However, it is a bit small for a lot of range use. Your hand will get tired earlier than with a bigger gun. I have always thought that a mid-sized gun (like the S&W) is the best size for a one gun situation if carry is part of the equation. Small enough for carry most of the time, yet big and heavy enough for longer range sessions and more extended practice.

That said, you can go with the range benefits of the bigger gun and still get CZ quality. Are there any CZ 75B Compacts, PCRs or P01s around you?
I own a RAMI with the manual safety. When I carry it, cocked-and-locked is my way of going. Very nice gun. The little CZ would get my vote!
