CZ P07 or Glock 23

Since I like hammer TDA guns, and since I've shot both of them many times, the P-07 is the clear winner. If you like striker guns, you'll probably like the Glock.
If I bought polymer guns, I'd get the CZ P-07, and if I liked polymer, and striker fired, I'd wait for the P-10c.
I've made a decision

So, I've made my decision and I'll be buying as soon as a couple of my consignment guns get sold (or I get impatient in which case it could be as soon as payday next week).

I actually decided to go with my last minute addition, the S&W M&P40c.

Why not the Glock or CZ? I love the metal framed CZs, all of them. The P07 is OK, I've never shot one but whenever I handle one in the store it just doesn't have the "magic" of the 75B based metal guns, it doesn't feel as good in my hand and I don't think I like the trigger as much. I've been shooting for 17 or 18 years. I probably should get a Glock. However, they don't quite do it for me. They are great enough on paper, and good enough in person, that they usually make my final cut when looking at guns (especially carry guns), but they haven't yet got the nod.

Why the M&P40c? First, when looking in person, they were priced similar to the Glocks near me. At $500-650 prices and maybe $25-50 less for the S&W, I might have gone with the Glock, but with online prices of $360-420 (v. $500-560 for Glocks) I couldn't ignore the M&P. I haven't shot either in quite some time, and I liked both OK, I recall liking the M&P a lot more. The Glock's trigger was a little better when dry firing. Though I don't love any striker trigger, both were livable, and the Glock's was definitely better. I like the feel of the M&P in my hand better. Both are great on accessory availability and aftermarket support. Both have a good reputation for reliability and most owners like them. So, other than price, both were a wash.

Why the M&Pc? I do like a slightly larger gun for carry these days. However, the full sized M&P is closer to a full sized gun and not the traditional "compact" sized G19, P07, P229, etc. Also, I have two guns at that size now, the .45ACP SIG P250 Compact and the 9mm CZ P01, so a .40 in that size won't give me any capability I don't have already, just another caliber option. I can see some times where something sized between my traditional mid-sized guns and my micro-9 SIG P290 would be nice to have. Especially if MD is eventually forced to go shall-issue (maybe the Peruta v. California case may finally do it if the Supreme Court takes it since the issues in that case seem to mirror MD law) or if I move and I carry everyday I can see some times where a smaller gun would be nice, and more capacity and capability than the P290 would be nice. Finally, should it prove accurate enough, the ability to take full size mags and still fit flush with an adapter means it can be nearly as capable as the full sized gun with a lot more versatility. Thus, in the end it became M&P40c v. G27 not M&P 40 v. G23 and the extra round the M&P carried became another advantage that outweighed the slight Glock advantage in size.

Now the only question is can I wait until a gun or two on consignment sells and I get the money (I have to wait for MD's waiting period and background check and the buyer takes delivery before a dealer would release the money to me, so at least a week after the sale), or do I buy it next week after I get paid?
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Based on your two choices, I'd say the Glock.

Now, I'm not a fan of the .40S&W but whatever floats your boat.

However, you did mention the SIG P229 which is what I've carried for some time. The P229 and HK USP are both designed around the .40S&W. Both of those are my favorite guns.

The SIG and HK price range. I used to say to buy a used SIG, as they're relatively affordable. Now, I no longer recommend that because of SIGs warranty service on used guns, it's non-existent. In other words, it sucks.

Circling back.... I know you prefer hammer-fired guns and so do I. But I'd have to give this round to the Glock 23. Unless you can find a nice USP 40 Compact. :)
The M&P Compact is a good choice. With the thumb safety, at least for me. I prefer those on striker guns although there are a couple of Glocks I carry, which obviously don't have these safeties.

Bart Noir
Who could settle for a CZ P01 as his only gun. Really, it is that nice.
Good choice with the M&P 40c. I almost got one in 9mm just a week or so ago, but my wallet (and therefore my wife) led me to the SD9 instead.

Make sure you post pics!