Probably an OK price -- not terrible and not great. But you have to cope with an ugly finish problem. You can find them in that price range or less on GunBroker, but then you have to have it shipped to an FFL, and pay his fees, too. You might be able to get it for a little less.
The polycoat is messed up pretty badly. (I wonder if one of the prior owners had a problem getting the slide stop out an didn't know about the little lines on the other side, near the rear, where slide and frame must be aligned.)
If you get it, you can lightly sand that chipped area and use Dupli-Color Auto Body Touch-up paint (in matte black) to help get it looking nearly back to normal. (Probably any matte black auto paint will work, if you can't find Dupli-Color.) That won't stand up as well as polycoat, but YOU probably won't be banging on it like has been done.
That touch-up paint comes in a small applicator bottles or in a spray can. The spray might be a better option, but you'll probably want to remove the slide, and practice a bit on small strip of wood, and cover/mask a good bit of the frame to keep the paint away from areas that don't need it. For smaller areas, spray a little on something plastic, and use a brush to pick some up and apply -- the spray paint is thinner and easier to use than the stuff in the applicator bottle.