CZ 75 Compact or SP-01 as concealed carry?

Fair enough.

Make sure you run your 4WD system every month or so on gravel or slick surfaces just to keep the diffs all lubed up. :)
Less than 1K rounds and alloy isn't good enough?

Mine has over 4 times that amount and the rails look darn near brand new.

Sig P226/229 considered one of the best combat handguns in the world, a proven track record, ALLOY frame.
That's a good point about Sig P226. I have one but never had time to take it to the range.
Thank you for your 4WD advice Cslinger. Even though this probably belongs to a truck forum, I admit that since 2016 I put my truck in 4WD only 3 times.
Just saw that the SP-01 is now going for 800 dollars (Kygunco, who usually keep it fair).

That is ridiculous. That gun is no way worth that money.
For whatever reason in the last few years CZ’s in general have really jumped in price, not sure if it just panic pricing or people are valuing them higher due to realizing what nice pistols they really are. I bought my 75B SA a few years ago for $325.00 and it’s my favorite 9mm by far and was a steal. Now it would probably run at least $550.00-$600.00 for one.
I have the CZ75 Compact D .... absolutely love it. Size and fit are perfect. It's my preferred carry gun. Accurate and it's nice to shoot, I love the DA/SA trigger. DA pull is harm but doesn't interfere with a fast accurate first shot.

Only thing I noticed is,about 200 rounds max before cleaning. I've done so e 250 round training classes and I've had to do a quick cleaning before the end of the class. It would stick s little feeding a round after a mag reload and not go into fill battery. Smack it closed with my palm and it would feed the rest of the magazine flawlessly. A quick hose down and shake with CLP was enough to finish the class.
I just saw a glock 19 for 600 bucks
A Walther pdp for 650
No way in hell are those recycled trash bags worth it.

I like my recycled trash bags. I say this as someone that still has a number of pistols made from non-recycled hunks of metal and has no intention of selling them.

Honestly, someone saying they don’t think your preferred firearm is “worth it” should be regarded with a shrug. It’s an inanimate object. It doesn’t have feelings. In the meanwhile value is often relative.

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My "mall shooter class" handgun instructor told me - Before I decided to buy it - that he had fired "at least 10,000 rds." in his older PO1. Quite a nice heavily-discounted price for it!

That's why I bought it as my first 9x19 handgun. Perfect reliability, which immed. convinced me to later add my PCR.

Ben Goldstein (see Youtube) now lives in Israel, where they tend to take gun reliability pretty seriously in his security job.

This was our 2-day "m.s. class" in 2019, during one of his rare visits to the US. Well over half of it was safety briefings plus instruction.
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1000 rd is a pretty small round count in all honestly. The notion that an alloy framed pistol wouldn't be able to do that borders on laughable. They have gone tens of thousands of rounds.
Indeed, 1000 rounds used to be, pre COVID, a break in first week, usually in two range trips, for a new gun.

Aluminum is gonna hold up fine for many times that number of 9mm.
I don’t want to get into the debate to convince the OP to go lighter as we all want what we want. I am the same way.

That said the P01 was tested to something like 30,000 rounds with a good hunk of them being +P. That doesn’t mean shot to destruction but that is what the requested service life was. Point is 1000 rounds of even HOT +P is nothing.

Now steel or polymer (which most likely has steel rails) will almost always be more durable then alloys. (Assuming quality product to quality product). That doesn’t make a high end alloy pistol “fragile” however.
I agree with one of the previous posts on inflation. It is definitely here. Food is more expensive, gas, grass cutting services, cars and.... guns. It lloks like CZ did raise MSRP on their products because of the higher costs and fundamentally because our $s are worth less. The feverish money printing activity did not go unnoticed. Buying more firearms than you really need by some people would not solve the biggest question - how to save your wealth. Stocks, bonds, real estate, precous metals, commodities, cryptocurrency? Definitely not cash. I think looking at human history in inflationary periods should give some good answers.
Inflation certainly is not and has not been around for most of our lifetimes. But it has to happen for one political party to have any reason to exist. Apparently.

Lumber has already crashed, don't know if you've noticed this.

Guns are a horrible thing to measure inflation during a panic period.