CZ 75 Compact or SP-01 as concealed carry?


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What do you think is better as a concealed carry - CZ 75 CIMPACT or CZ 75 SP-01 ? The compact is smaller, of course, but is the difference in size and weight significant enough to even bother with the compact? 4 rounds more in the magazine do not really matter to me for a CC gun but the ability to pull it out quickly does.
Thank you! Then compact it will be when in comes back ro $500 or so new. Currently it's $629.

You know for sure that it will go back to that? Over the past few years I’ve seen prices on CZs steadily increase. This was pre Covid and pre panic. The cheapest I see it online is $619, even at places that historically sell at very low prices. I think the days of them being $500 new are behind us.

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If we are all going into a big inflation after the government printed all those trillions of $s, it makes sense.
If we are all going into a big inflation after the government printed all those trillions of $s, it makes sense.

You read where I stated this started before COVID, right?

Years ago CZs used to be as cheap as $500. But over time the fit and finish, especially on internal parts, has notably improved in the ones I’ve owned (my first 75B was 10 years ago or so). While inflation always plays a role, I think part of the price increases is the manufacturer improving the quality of the product and the prices increasing accordingly.

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The only CZ-75 that I would recommend for concealed carry is the Rami, other variants are just extremely big/heavy for the task. That doesn't mean that it cannot be done, merely that it's more difficult and far less comfortable to do so.
. The only CZ-75 that I would recommend for concealed carry is the Rami, other variants are just extremely big/heavy for the task.

The P01/PCR are pretty small and certainly easy to carry handguns. Add some slim G10 grips and they are remarkably svelte handguns. One could do much worse in the all metal framed world then a P01/PCR.
The size is similar. The P01 and PCR are alloy frame decocker models so much lighter.

I know you CAN get a steel P01 or one with the Omega trigger to convert to safety but most traditionally they are alloy framed decocker variants and IMO more applicable for carry duty.

Now keep in mind my opinion is that if some jackwagon on the net who knows very little about very little but you have my opinion none the less.
Although not specific to your question I have a short section on the P01 in a write up here. There are pictures comparing it to some contemporaries. You will have to wade through me bloviating.

Also not specific to the P01 here is me bloviating on the SP01, specifically I discuss size towards the end.
The compact, pcr and p01 are all the same size.
The compact is a steel frame with safety.
Pcr is alloy frame decocker
P01 is alloy frame decocker with rail.

They make a p01 in steel frame but it has a safety, imported in small batches and command a premium.

Rami is discontinued.
Weighs darn near the same as the pcr. In order to get a full grip you got to run the extended mag, at that point it's the same size as the pcr.
Awe, the cries of inflation that have never happened in 40 years with no mention of the opposite thing that keeps happening, depressions that recover quick because of that printing monetary policy that saves your money from vaporizing into nothing.

Pistol prices are all up because we all wiped out inventory.

CZ is a weird one. They went up in price, but then went up more with no real reason for it. I thought my SP-01 at 600 was a stretch. At the now 700+? What's the point? Get the Shadow or don't get a chunky monkey to begin with.

I really think, with good reason, that people who really want a CZ will buy them at 600-700...but they really aren't big sellers compared to about any other big brand.