Customer pulls out gun, things go better then expected.

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He heard you guys talking about guns and wanted to feel a little camaraderie with you so pulled his out. Good thing some of you guys weren't in line behind him or we'd be discussing how many followup shots were needed to put the old guy in his place.
Good thing you weren't talking about - guess what. If you get my drift.

Let's cut to the chase - it was not a good thing.

Is this going anywhere else?
nate45 said:
Old guys are eccentric.

Define "old" - over what age?
I know some pretty eccentric 35 year olds too.

Carrying a P-38 for CCW is eccentric, I don't care what anyone says.
A P-38 is eccentric? Unusual perhaps, but not eccentric. I've done it for grins. It's not an easy gun to conceal. But it's no larger than a Beretta 92FS, firing system works about the same.

Everyone over 75 has some degree of dementia.
You have proof? Mom is 89 and can remember every item she wants on her shopping list from week to week. Another relative is 77 and still enjoys repairing lawn mowers, washer, dryers and more. What IS true, that I've noted is that they are more easily surprised and their reaction times are slower due to age.

He is probably lonely and/or wanted to talk about/show off his P-38.
As opposed to a lonely younger man who wants to show off his Sig P226? :rolleyes:

A younger person probably wouldn't have done it or would have clued you and your buddy in better before doing it.
There's no basis in fact for this statement.
What people will or won't do is a crap shoot.

Was he wrong? Probably. He certainly lacked courtesy to the others present. He was probably listening and simply happy to hear others casually discussing something he knew about.
So you guys are saying my post was filled with common misconceptions?

And that the elderly gentleman might have been just as normal and competent as anyone else?
No, it was not a good thing in this day and age. I see that quite a few of you guys are too harsh and critically paranoid almost. Not everyone is a bad guy and I think perhaps some look too hard for the bad guy.

May I suggest that people need to chill out and take a lesson from the bankers. They don't teach the tellers how to spot counterfeit money. They teach the tellers how to spot good money, understand?

Learn about body language and most of the spookies will go away for you. I'd bet money that the old guys was non-threatening in his actions and the OP just didn't know what to look for and got paranoid.
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