CT Residents

1776, I agree. Its obvious these laws/bans are getting them votes too. I grew up in mass, so I pretty much was around antigun much more than progun my whole childhood and very early adult yrs. I can understand your predicament. The only difference is that at the time I was in mass I didnt have any issues because I was neutral on the subject. hang in there
I hate to bust y'alls bubbles... but the simple fact is

Republicans run on a pro-gun platform when they don't have control... then when they get control they enact just as many anti-gun laws as the demos....
Not From CT but...

I don't currently live in CT, but my family still lives there and I travel to see them often from VA. I've looked at the gun laws there and can only shake my head and be grateful of the gun laws in VA.

I've had my out-of-state CCW application sitting on my desk for 2 months now, not wanting to shell out the $180 bucks or so it'll take to apply. From the sounds of it though I should do it soon before out-of-state CCWs are banned.
mak52580, I would send those papers in asap. As you can see from my previous posts, the leftards in this state voted in every 'F' rated Dumocrat into office. The state police are already trying to take away some of our rights and are trying to outright ban OC, which most states are MOVING TOWARD, not away from. If I were you i'd send in the apps tomorrow. 2011 is not going to be a good year here in this leftist state.

"This mans views on the 2nd Amendment will set this state back 50 years in terms of our gun rights."

Umm, Dude? That would be a good thing!