CT Residents


New member
Heelo to all, Being from CT I wish to inform all ct residents to contact the N.R.A. to get a list of all the anti-gun politicians running for office this year. Their are many to be aware of. Our 2nd Ammendment rights are going to be attacked like never before. Richard blumenthal is running for state senate, and george jepson is running for attorney general, both are very anti-gun and if they get into office the gun owners of CT will lose their gun rights for sure.George Jepson received a F Rating from the NRA and said he was very proud of that rating. So please get the word out that we don't need these politicans in office. VOTE AGAINST THEM, For our sakes.
GOOD ADVICE turbotype. Everyone should do a little homework, ESPECIALLY this year!! As you said, George Jepsen is running for CT AG and is someone to be feared! He is probably THE most anti-gun politician to EVER run in Connecticut, and that's saying something! You can bet OC as well as other gun laws will suffer under him. As you said, he is PROUD of his F rating from the NRA. Now, Martha Dean is VERY pro 2nd amendment and actually shoots at different ranges here in CT. As for Richard Blumenthal, well he is THE one reason OC laws are NOT well defined in CT and soooo many getting charged for "Breach of Peace" (BOP) or worse. I have actually spoke with Martha Dean about this and she flat out told me the law would be much more specific and defined as to OC and whats allowed & not if she were elected!! So......GET OUT THE MESSAGE and VOTE EVERYONE!!!

Richard Blumenthal is NOT running for the state senate. He is running for the U.S. Senate, to replace Chris "I never met a banker who wouldn't give me a deal" Dodd, who is retiring.
Ummmm, I didn't say 'state senate'?? I'm saying as our state AG, he has caused us nothing but problems and is very anti-gun. We can only hope Martha Dean gets in as most here in CT have there heads in the sand, and are ultra-liberial. People have no idea how much we'll lose with a George Jepsen win as AG......:(

"No, you didn't. Turbotype87 did, in the opening post of this thread."

Sorry, my bad. Also, don't know if anyone in CT knows this yet, but the CT State Police wants the CT state legislature to ban OC in CT in 2011!!! Yep, as most states move toward OC, Connecticut wants to outright ban it. They've tried doing this in the past, but I really think that they are looking at the upcoming elections and as i've said before, if George Jepsen gets elected as our new AG this WILL happen and they (State Police) no this. George Jepsen is proad of his 'F' rating from the NRA and will severely attack our current gun laws. So yes, this election is probably the most important in quite some time. Especially if you consider that Dan Malloy(D) also has an 'F' rating from the NRA is running for Governor and is WAY ahead of Tom Foley(R) in the newest poll. I won't even talk about Dick Blumenthal. :mad:

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Well my fellow CT residents, we're officially screwed! Jepsen got elected as our 'new' AG. This man is "proad" of his 'F' rating from the NRA and is probably as bad as Daley in Chicago in terms of his views on the 2nd Amendment. OC will be a thing of the past, and the penalties for 'printing' and other laws protecting gun owners rights are in jepordy! I can't friggin believe this man got elected.

If you are a member of the NRA they will have this information ( there list of candidate ratings) in the magazine The American Rifleman
I am a member, and knew of this information. That's why I told everyone who would listen about Jepsen. Didn't matter though. We had a COMPLETE democratic sweep here in CT. I think the ONLY state that did. The whole country moves to the right, but not the LEFTARDS here in this pathic state. I can't tell you how pi**ed off I am right now! This mans views on the 2nd Amendment will set this state back 50 years in terms of our gun rights. Hell, he even ran on 'gun bashing' to get elected.

Hell, he even ran on 'gun bashing' to get elected.


I remember that. His opponent, Martha Dean, an NRA member advocated firearms safety training for children such as Eddie Eagle and competitive rifle teams. He took a snippet from her saying she supported firearms training for children and made it sound like she was for kids running amok with guns.:mad:

Anyway, I don't see our state moving in the right direction. The best to hope for is to maintain the status quo for the time.
its unbelievable how the views can vary from state to state.

its almost like how in WV the senators know they must be pro mining. this might not be the best analogy and I am definately not against coal mining but CT has a Stronghold on antigun sentiment.

Well it looks like here in CT, No one cares about there 2nd Amendment rights. I told everyone i knew to get out to vote against Jepsen, this antigun loser got into office. I just don't understand what the people of CT are doing. Their are to many liberals-Democrats in this state. Everywhere else in the nation the people have spoken except CT,MA, and Maryland. CT is a messed up state. Get ready to be screwed, were going to be like N.J. Time to move to New Hampshire.
Sorry, but if you think Repugnacans are on your side... you better look

closer at your gun control history...

how soon people forget...
Hmmmm, how soon we forget?

Results of Tuesdays election in this sorry state:

Winners: U.S. House of Represntatives
(D)John Larson NRA F rated.
(D)Chris Murphy NRA D rated.
(D)Rosa DeLauro NRA F rated.
(D)Jim Himes NRA D- rated.
(D)Joe Courtney NRA C rated. (This one is a mystery as he is anti-gun BIGTIME)

Winner U.S. Senate:
(D)'Dick' Blumenthal NRA F rated.

Winner Governor:
(D)Dan Malloy NRA F rated.

Winner Attorney General:
(D)George Jepsen NRA F rated (and that's being kind).

Winner Secretary of State:
(D)Denise Merril NRA F rated.

Yep, i'm sure as hell gonna vote for the Dems. As i've said before, we're screwed bigtime. I have to agree with turbotype, New Hamshire is looking pretty damn good right now. :mad:

It's true that we didn't score any gun rights victories as far as the election went. However, if you look at the voting margins as compared to previous elections, the voters moved toward the direction of gun rights. Albeit, not enough to win any races this time. So I wouldn't give up the ship yet, the future may be brighter. What can we do for the next race?
While I do not live in CT I work there, and stay there a lot. I can not believe that U.S. citizens would elect such a list of far left, anti gun and anti American candidates. I saw the Blumenthal/McMahon debate. He coudn't even articulate how a job was created, bumbling about government programs. I forget which politician (there all the same) ran on further bans of "assault weapons".

Thank goodness I live in PA, and my project in CT is coming to an end. I can't wait to not have to go there.
I almost lost my cookies when I saw Jepsen on tv telling us about these assault weapons that killed people. You can thank him, he says, for getting them band. I thanked him by voting abaint him and the other above mentioned folks. They all got elected however! OH MAN, living in a blue state:barf:
I'm just wondering now how long it will take Jepsen, and the other 2nd amendment friendly politicians to start putting there anti-gun agenda into play. My guess is sooner, rather then later.
