Crossing the line-If 'ya gotta ask,,,

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Hal, if you need some time off TFL, by all means take it. Yeah, you probably PO'd a newby and a few old-timers, but who here hasn't ticked a few people off?

Oh yeah, you said:
What I AM is:
Operating on 2 to 4 hours of sleep for days at a stretch.
Putting a lot of people here through crap they don't need.
Using these forums as an extention of my own thoughts.

Well, I know firsthand what working on 2-4 hours sleep for days at a time can do to someone's mental outlook and physical condition. If snapping at someone on a bulletin board is the worst thing you do until you catch up on your sleep, you're handling it a lot better than I ever could. I decided I wanted a reasonable job when I started hallucinating driving home one day....scary.

Anyway, I'll keep this short - good luck, I hope things calm down for you soon so you can recharge. I'll look forward to seeing your posts return, whether it's as RAE or Hal.
Rich, You were just beginning to grow on me, but I understand. Mercy works both ways... and we must be merciful to our selves too. Do take a break. I know I have gotten myself overloaded before and then one little thing happens and it makes me realize I am headed for trouble. I hope to hear from you in the future. There was something you wrote above that is so true, that the word "freedom" is used to freely. It is used much to lightly. Just like the word love, easy to say, but sometimes hard to show. Many blessings to you Rich. Lou
At the request of Hal, this thread is closed.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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