Crossing the line-If 'ya gotta ask,,,

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New member
,,you know the answer. Whatever the intention, a direct violation of policy is just that. I won't shirk my responsibility or attempt to justify my actions. I know what I did, and did it with the full knowledge of the consequences. Isn't that what it's all about anyhow? I would like to thank the owner and the staff for a wonderful year of discussion, insight and knowledge. To all, take care, be safe and shoot straight. I've got one leeeeeetle tinnny request though. Let Rob kill off my account, I don't think he ever cared a whole lot for me, and since I won't be going his way to let hit him knock me up side the head in a traffic stop, this'll have to do ;)
Dennis, let DC lock this one down huh? I think she would get a tiny bit of satisfaction from it.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Deliberatley Unarmed People (DUPs) are one thing, we demand the choice.
I think I missed something...
What just happened here?

Hal... WTF?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
After doing some research, I've found out that this person posting as "Hal" has been...using an alias!

Oh wait, that's not it.

Spill it, Hal. What gives?
Don't miss a day and can't figure what the heck is going on either.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited December 14, 1999).]
I haven't missed a day either and don't know what this is about. Did Hal post something that immediately got deleted by a moderator maybe? I havent seen anything. Can someone give an explanation?


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
What are you talking about?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I think Hal is, in a roundabout way, trying to apologize for flaming Lou.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
You may be right Coinneach, or at least very close. Those with questions should go to the "Okay ladies/wives..." thread at and read the whole thread. Please note also that many of the posts there were edited, so what was originally written may have been changed somewhat. Pay particular attention to Hal's post of 12/14 at 6:30. Then note that this thread was begun at 6:41 the same day.

I certainly don't speak for Hal, but it appears to me that he is simply standing up and taking responsibility for his actions. I don't know if he is imposing exile on himself or just expecting an administrator to do it for him. I have e-mailed him asking for an explanation, but haven't heard anything yet.

I think Hal would have heard from someone in an official capacity if he had been banished. I hope this can all come to a peaceful solution and that all involved can simply agree to disagree.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Well, it was a bit overboard, but it wasn't a violation constituting banishment. And, to my knowledge, you weren't contacted by staff.

I am a bit concerned you feel I'd get some jolly zapping ya tho ;)


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Oh, c'mon Hal - get off your sword, have a cyber beer, and don't sweat it. We all have bad days. Just ask my wife - she'll tell you what I'm really like. ;)
Ok, it's me Hal.
First off let me state that no one at TFL pressured me or contacted me in any way. I am not under any restrictions from the owner or staff of TFL, and I have contacted Karanas off-line concerning that part of the matter. He and I see eye to eye, and remain friends, with absolutely no hard feelings. Yes, maybe I am a bit burned out. Maybe a break is in order. I do know that Rich hates these good-bye threads, and really I expected it to be locked down right away. C'mon DC, take the shot ;). You Italians do get a certain satisfaction in the cutting IIRC ;)
Actually, since I've known you longer than the other staff and irritated you longer, I figure you should get the call ;) I would have it no other way. There is way more to this than I am telling here, but the remainder concerns my personal life, and has nothing to do with TFL. I can say, that from the heart, I do thank each and every one of you for helping me through what has been a very difficult past few months. All of you have been there for me, in a thousand different ways you couldn't even imagine. One of my deepest personal beliefs, is the right of freedom of choice. Choice has its price though, and that price can only be paid in the coin of responsibility. The freedom of choice ahs been bantered about so frequently that is has become nothing but a catchword. Responsibility, both personal and collective has been on my mind a great deal lately. I will return to the forums here to read and enjoy, lurk if you will, but will spend most of my time away from the general and political. Take care all, and God bless.
Damn, Hal...

You sound like you've got a serious weight on your shoulders, ya sound kinda resigned.

Sorry, sugar, I've always liked you and you've never been even the thought of a baleful glance. You are stereotyping we Sicilians...we only dispatch those who deserve it ;). And, you've been a welcome and respected TFL founder.

Seriously, whatever is going on, my sincere kind regards. E-mail is always welcomed.
Con Dios, cugino

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hal, I sincerely don't get it. I have to think your action was prompted by your response to Lou since it followed it by only 9 minutes. But if that was it, I must say I think no one was truly upset by it. It's possible that you read more into your own post than we did. I obviously can't speak for Lou or Karanas, but I'll wager they would be upset if you leave because of only one post. So, unless something else took place off-line, I hope you reconsider. I just reread many of your recent posts and none of them are even close to hinting that you would consider leaving TFL and they certainly don't contain anything that, to me, is confrontational any more than the rest of us are at times. I feel like we are loosing a good friend and we have no idea why. ??
Read Hal's second post.

More than one TFLer has been burned out, and weighed down by personal issues. Most of the ones I know of have come back. As he says, sometimes a break is in order.

Hal- Step back, take stock, and find your center. I've re-read some of your posts, and you're a fine contributor to TFL. You'll be missed while you're gone, but...

You'll be back....
And again.
Ok, I think I do owe everybody here a bit more of an expalation.
I am NOT
About to be arrested.
The object of a posters scorn.
Under a decree of tone it down from staff.
About to be hauled off to the looney bin.
About to have SWAT teams surround my house.
On the edge of going postal.
What I AM is:
Operating on 2 to 4 hours of sleep for days at a stretch.
Putting a lot of people here through crap they don't need.
Using these forums as an extention of my own thoughts.
The last point is clearly a violation of policy, to say nothing of being a bit on the strange side. A lot of times, while driving, I need to run some of these posts through my mind to keep from falling asleep at the wheel. It happens frequently. Too much of a good thing isn't an ideal situation, K? It's time for a break. I wanted somewhat of a clean one, but in my addled sleep deprived condition, I wanted to say good by. It may be for a little while, it may be for longer. Hope this clears it up a bit. On the personal side, I have a lot of things, both positive and bad happening. It isn't a big deal, I'll work through it.


[This message has been edited by RAE (edited December 15, 1999).]
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