Received my .0006 copper wire Friday. 3 hours of hell then I put in my order for tungsten. Copper is way to soft. Tighten the screw down and it pinches off the wire. BTW I broke the good hair while messing with the other one.
Good to hear it works well.
Nice looking rifle.
Copper wire doesn't work. it's too soft.
Received my .0005 tungsten last week or so.
Going blind trying to get it installed.
KYSilverado--did you have any secrets your willing to share. 4 hours of hell you had to learn something.
I borrowed more magnification today. Maybe that will help. Boy is this stuff small.
Correction. My first post said the rifle was my fathers. As I re read that post it sounded awful so I must make a correction. The rifle is still my fathers. I borrowed it for a little target shooting. My dad is here and doing just great at nearing 80 years old. Thanks
I just made my first attempt at replacing reticle wire. Pretty sad but not so bad that I will not try again. Im just messing around with some old 4x Weavers and even with those the finest wire i can find (From the voice coil of a small speaker) looks about twice as fat as it should. Also i ended up with rather cold joints due to trying to use an iron without enough watts to heat the frame properly. I knew it wasnt going to look right but reassembled the scope--I had a good laugh when i looked through it. I think ill get so better wire and try it with the brass frame preheated.
I was putting it mildly. Believe it or not I did it with little to no magnification. I did have a small magnifying glass with a light. No tweezers. Just scotch tape, black construction paper and the screwdriver.
I gave up trying to work off the spool with the single strand. I all the wire on the spool one time leaving several threads dangling off the spool. Put them on the paper and under bright light. I could see them fairly well then. Find the end of one and get scotch tape on it. Pull it over and tape it to the reticle tube under a screw. Stretch it gently across to the two screws with the thumb of your free hand. Screwdriver in the other. Screw in one screw. Keep a enough pressure to keep it tight and tighten the other. Cut the ends.
Got it.
I used mucho magnification, lots of bright light, pointed tweezers & and very small screw driver. With all the above I did it in less than 1/2 hr.
Glad that's done.