Crocodile Dundee Gunned Down by Police in Australia?


New member
I heard a blurb about the untimely death of the Real Life Crocodile Dundee in Australia. The only details were that he was involved in a gunfight with the law down there and killed one of them before he went down. Does anyone have any further information on this development? Was it a criminal activity or were the police coming to take away his weapons?
Yeh it's true. Not sure of the details check out they would have the story.
Apparaently he has been in trouble from police before for cattle stealing.
Just criminal scum by the sound of it.
There are probably 1000 people who are meant to be the "real" Crocidile Dundee.
Just a pity he killed a policeman before he got shot.
The news media here haven't given any real details yet either.
They showed a picture of a 4WD ute on it's side with minimum commentary.
Will post back with more info as it comes to hand.

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I also wonder if ANY info coming from official Australian sources can be trusted any more than Pravda or the German Observer..."Cattle rustling" could be true or it could be "Koresh endangered children" type of ruse.
Read in one paper that he appeared out of the bush - where he was hiding - at a police road block and started firing at the police without provocation. He obviously saw the police and went after them.
Please don't think of this as anything other than a demented murderer. Apparently there was some shooting at police officers the night before. This IS not a Waco or Ruby ridge. This bloke murdered a policeman in cold blood.
They wern't coming to confiscate his guns or anything sinister. Like in other threads - don't read conspiracies into things where there are none.
A murdering idiot is a murdering idiot.
Our media is about as reliable as yours. There is good reporting and there is bad.
The news report may be accurate. It could also be a case of an insurgent taking on anyone in uniform. The point is, at this time I have reasons to treat any official news out of Australia or any other country, for that matter, with the same level of suspicion as TASS. Having seen the amount of spin in our "free country", I am not inclined to beleive ANYTHING without it being confirmed by trustworthy eyewitnesses or investigators. Australian police doesn't fit my definition of trustworthy anymore than NKVD did. "Dundee" could have been a demented murderer along the lines of Whitman, but I won't take the word of Australian police for it.

I realize that this cuts out a lot of my news sources, but I'd rather stick to the smaller number of trustworthy reports.
What was the reason for the road block? When I see or hear of road blocks, I think USSR or China, not a free country.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi

The "roadblock" wasn't sinister; it was the logical thing for the police to do.

If you look at a map, you'll see Darwin sits right up the top. There's really only two sealed roads out of the city: the Arnhem Highway heads east into Kakadu National Park; and the Stuart Highway heads roughly south, through the centre, and down to Adelaide at the bottom. You have to drive 200 miles south of Darwin before you hit another sealed road that leads anywhere.

Hence, a roadblock on just two major roads more or less screens anything going into or out of the city -- and they were set up temporarily to try to stop Ansell leaving.

But you get a bit further down the road and you are stopped at a roadblock anyway -- for fruit fly control. Your car is searched to make sure you're not carrying fruit out of Darwin. Same thing if you drive across the Nullarbor Plain from east to west.

And here in WA, the police have been known to choose a major country road leading into Perth and stop and search every motor vehicle, looking for "drugs or guns". The fact that this is totally illegal doesn't seem to worry 'em ..... "if it saves just one life" ......

Are you people serious ? I can't believe this crap. This bloke was a murderer - stop reading things into every crime.
There was a roadblock obviously to catch a person that was firing into a house the night before. If all gunowners go own like a couple of you do no wonder gun owners get a bad name.
Where is there one tiny bit of evidence to support these police gestapo theories ?
you have roadblocks in the US right ? ofd course you bloody do it's how you catch criminals in some circumstances.
I can't believe what I'm reading here.
What I read said that he was a rancher, but had financial difficulties steming from a government sponsored culling program of potentially diseased cattle. The govt. paid him pennies on the dollar for his cattle and broke him in the early 90s. In '92, he was caught rustling, which may have stemmed from a disagreement w/ a fellow rancher, esp. since he was also charged with assaulting another station operator. He lost his cattle station to pay his bills. He was alos very ticked that Paul Hogan ripped his story off and never paid him a dime for it, esp. while he lost everything.
Like HS2K said on another board, another a##hole gone. It seems that he was a murderous thug and not very bright, if he had two rifles and was hiding in the brush, he could have shot the two police officers and the stopped motorist that was wounded from cover, taken any of the vehicles and be gone. Good riddance.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
My problem is with roadblocks. I don't really have much of an opinion, for lack of information, about the guy.

Yes, we do have random, gestapo-like, roadblocks here, as well. The first I saw, I figured that they must certainly be after a specific person, yet there were no helos in the air to help in the search. Since then, I've seen several more, usually in the same area and road, for no apparent reason; they really piss me off.
Hell, we have 'sobriety checkpoints'. On any given Friday or Sturday nights (especially around teh holidays) you can find them in and around any of the popular drinking areas, e.g. Georgetown, Old Town Alexandria, Adams/Morgan. Not htat I have any use for folks that drive under teh influence, but it is rather draconian and just being on the road after a certain hour doesn't consistute probably cause in my book.
I agree with Mike. When my wife and I went to Utah to visit my daughter, we were stopped by a roadblock immediately upon entering Utah. These were Federal officers. There must have been 30 or 40 of them, mostly armed with MP-5 submachine guns at the ready. When I asked what the problem was, I was rudely told "It was none of my G*dd*mned business." When I left Utah a week later, they were still at it on people entering Utah. The scary part was these guys looked like they were itching to shoot someone.
As far as sobriety checks are concerned, some federal judge said that they have to stop everyone, or none at all. They cannot legally just pick vehicles out at random. They are a pain in the rear, but they at least serve a purpose in catching a few drunk drivers.
Paul B.
This is all totally laughable. Federal Officers with MP5's stopping people at random while entering Utah. This perp killed by police in a shootout that he started, so they are wrong, con trails from gov't planes that poison people. Sobriety check points that are put up so some jerk doesn't kill someone cause he doesn't know when to say when. Stop the world cause I want to get off. Holy crap I think the agents are outside my door right now....Nope just my neighbor Dave needing gas to mow his lawn. I think alot of you guys need to get a grip.
Well I do think 'contrails' is a little silly. But I don't think B.Shipley is lying. Not blindly believing the press is generally a good thing, even in this particualr case. I didn't read a "Ra,ra,ra! Go Dundee, go!" into any of the posts. If you feel that getting rid of the presumption of innocence is a good thing in relation to the unconstitutial sobriety checkpoints, then you are probably in a majority. A majority of apathetic Americans who p*ss their freedoms away daily.
I am in Utah - and know of no such Road Block.

When and where was this Road Block?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Since when did I say give up any rights. As for sobriety check points I am all for them.
I mean if you are intoxicated and driving a motor vehicle you are breaking the law and everything that can be done to stop someone from driving while intoxicated or impaired I am all for it. As for the Federal roadblocks don't believe it one bit. What type of Federal officers were they and where was it.
I don't believe either for one minute that a sobriety check point in any way violates my Constitutional Rights in any way. If they make me and my family safer on the road along with my friends etc. Well they are a good thing. I can control what I do behind the wheel but not some other person that has had to much libation or other. As for the press I don't believe all I read. Don't believe all I hear either, but I do believe what I see. I have never seen Federal roadblocks and I have been through sobriety check points that were very uneventful. Cause I wasn't breaking the law by drinking and driving while under the influence. Anyways on it goes....Keep'em sharp.
How does it not violate your Constitutional rights? If we can do it for drunks, why not fugitives? Random criminal background checks of everyone who is happens to be on public roadway? How about for illegal weapons? Why not house to house next? It would probably catch somebody. It's so sad to see such ambivalence. But if could just save one child, hugh?? :(