Critique my Obama/pro-2A sign for gun events

So, you don't care about him taking the first step in stripping your 1st Amendment rights?

I meant his voting history on guns.

As for the 1st amendment, I have mixed feelings about campaign finance reform. I believe that McCain-Feingold is a horribly crafted law that tied the hands of the NRA as well as all other political advocacy groups that are not the mainstream media.

I care about the first amendment but large chunks of this horribly crafted law have already been knocked down by conservative judges with the liberal judges loudly dissenting. If McCain appoints to SCOTUS who he promises to appoints then I suspect campaign reform will be held on a tight leash. If Obama gets ahold of SCOTUS then anti-1st and anti-2nd amendment laws will likely be set in stone.

According an article in this mornings USA Today Obama addresse a crowd at a Rod and Gun Club in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and promised that he will "support strongly the Second Amendment and the legal right to bear arms". He then predicted that the Republicans wiill "try to scare the heck out of you about the Democratic nominee".

The Republicans don't have to try to scare anyone, Obama's voting record is enought to do that, as far as the right to bear arms..

Maybe he can't remember what his voting record really is on the right to bear arms. He truly will say whatever he thinks he needs to to play to his audience, regardless of the facts.
"Would you be satisfied?"

Why not just eliminate any reference to specific calibers? The quote stands just fine without it, and it is clear from the full quote that Teddy didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about. There are lots of cartridges that use 7.62mm bullets.

The Republicans don't have to try to scare anyone, Obama's voting record is enought to do that, as far as the right to bear arms..

Actually they do. If you read my trip report you will realize that a HUGE percentage of gun shop owners don't know squat about Obama's anti-gun history. My 3 day effort of handing out pamphlets at the gunshow was a real eye opener. I gained a lot of friends this last weekend. :D
Here is some honest, objective criticism, at least I hope it is:

The poster starts off with "Ask me about Obama", then promptly quotes Ted Kennedy, that's a bit of a weak point, IMO. Find an Obama quote instead. The Kennedy quote that you did pick is weak. The ellipsis (...) inside that quotation is a sure sign of a quote taken out of context.

Provide specifics to back up your facts, otherwise, its just propaganda. Provide a date for the Kennedy quote, and the bill # for the "Ted Kennedy ammo ban".

Provide a footnote source for the "questionnaire with Obama's handwriting".

I hope this is helpful, and not overly critical. I'm trying to be objective. If you want to disseminate facts, you need references - otherwise, it's just propaganda.
cxg231 said:
The poster starts off with "Ask me about Obama", then promptly quotes Ted Kennedy, that's a bit of a weak point, IMO. Find an Obama quote instead. The Kennedy quote that you did pick is weak. The ellipsis (...) inside that quotation is a sure sign of a quote taken out of context.

Provide specifics to back up your facts, otherwise, its just propaganda. Provide a date for the Kennedy quote, and the bill # for the "Ted Kennedy ammo ban".

Provide a footnote source for the "questionnaire with Obama's handwriting".

I hope this is helpful, and not overly critical. I'm trying to be objective. If you want to disseminate facts, you need references - otherwise, it's just propaganda.

The sign isn't made to get inform. It's to get people to talk to me. I was carrying copies of the bill with me. I was also carrying copies of this:
I meant his voting history on guns.

Well, when you added in the Campaign Finance Reform debacle, I took it as an open season.

Your basic premise to your question that I observed was "what has McCain done to yank gun owners' chain?". If I don't stand corrected, this is how I tie it all in:

1. One has a hard time fighting for the 2A if you can't even excercise the 1A.

2. John McCain, a.k.a. Juan McAmnesty to some, didn't get his nickname for nothing. Do you realize the damage America takes by allowing illegal aliens in this country?

3. To me, I clearly see the debate that you don't see. The actions/inactions he has taken over the years as Senator has been quite damaging to gun owners and the BOR.

4. My stomach turns sour every time I'm reminded of the fact that he was considered to be Kerry's running mate. To me, that was one huge example of how "reaching across the aisle" type of guy he is...or should I say "jumping ship". With that philosophy in mind, what makes you think he'll stick to the original ideals of a Republican representative?

Hope you see where the debate is now. If you don't I'd cordially invite you to start a thread based on your original question. That way, I won't further hijack your thread.

If it's any consolation, I do admire your involvment in getting the word out. Most people in the general public are either all talk or don't care about elections in general....
wacki said:
The sign isn't made to get inform. It's to get people to talk to me.

Well, I appreciate that you are carrying the back-up material on you. But what about the people that take your hand-out and don't talk to you? Give them hard information rather than propaganda right there on the flyer and they might take your message to heart, right? ;)