Critique my Obama/pro-2A sign for gun events


New member
I intend to wear this as a sign on my back while passing out the NRAILA's Obama fact sheet at gun events. Let me know what you think. It's probably a little too crowded. But it's a late night first draft.

Actual photoshop file which will be good to download for 7 days:

what does Ted have against 30-30 ammo?
if he had said that about 357mag i wouldnt have been surprised (i'd still think he was an ass, but i wouldnt have been surprised!)
but 30-30? whats so evil about 30-30?
IIRC I believe that I read that the 30-30 was able to penetrate police ballistic vests. Hence its an evil weapon.

Personally I have no clue about the 30-30s capabilities.
Kennedy will not be introducing any more legislation from the looks of things,but there are plenty more in the wings waiting to take up his crusade against gun owners.Fortunately they are not as intelligent or as influential as Kennedy.Barbara Boxer and Sheldon Whitehouse are two outstanding examples who seem to be learning disabled.
Obama is an undisguised gun-grabber.He will no doubt appoint the worst possible people to the Supreme Court if he wins.And he will likely have two vacancies-Stevens and Ginsburg-he is really getting old,and she is old and has colon cancer-she also dozes off during sessions,so those are two reasons right there to defeat Obama.
For what it is worth. I am sitting here watching Bennellis American Safari TV on vrsus. John Mcain is doing a cameo on the show. The announcer and Mcain were sitting together and he asked Mcain if he would initiate, support or sign any bill that would infringe on 2nd amendment rights? Mcain launched into some stock stump speech saying how proud he was of his 2nd amendment record and Obama this and Obama that. When he was through sidestepped the question entirely.

Again, the announcer asked a simple and direct question, would Mcain initiate, support or sign any bill that would infringe on 2nd amendment rights and Mcain would not give a direct answer to a direct question. I've lived in AZ for 30 years and the only thing Mcain has consistintly done is take care of Mcain. His "maverick" image comes from ******* everyone off doing what is best for Mcain, not crossing the aisle to do what is best for america. Mcain is a panderer, he will pander to anyone or any side to benifit himself. Do some research, see how his positions have changed. These changes are not the evolution of the man, just pure pandering for his own self interests. If you vote for Mcain to protect your 2nd amendment rights, you will be disappointed.
Dale (by the way, love the name)

I agree with you 100%, although we have to be honest withourselves here. McCain and Obama are the 2 main stream candidates that are going to be on the november ticket. Although I do not trust McCain totally with our 2a rights, I trust him much more than I would trust Mr. Obama. Yes, there are other non mainstream candidaes that I would prefer and think would do a much better job protecting our rights, but sadly this election will come down to one of the two mainstream candidates so I feel that a vote for anyone else would be throwing my vote away. In that light, as an avid gun owner, I will have to vote for McCain, even if I do feel it voting for the lesser of two undesirables. Anyone with me on this?
You're right. It's a two-person race. Period. Voting for anyone else is just an exercise in masturbation. It may feel good, but it's not going to produce anything.
did either of those two bozos indicate that the 30-06 cartridge should be banned as well?

i was wondering the same thing.
or maybe the FMJ 303
or maybe...........never mind, i dont want to give em any ideas!
They have no idea what cartridges are out there and what their capabilities are. I'm fairly confident they don't even know which rifles use which cartridges. They see a report that says one cartridge will penetrate duty vests. What they fail to look into is the protection level of those vests. Generally not even IIIa in most depts! They cost too much! :eek: Very few officers are equipped with vests that will stop the majority of rifle rounds.

I would be curious in an impromptu poll to see what different leo's that read the thread are wearing. Whether they are allowed to purchase their own? Maybe evne required? Of course, some will not want to participate for various reasons and that's OK. Not sure how they do it on a daily basis but kudos to the them that do!
The Justices weren't split on whether 2A was an individual right, just whether the DC ban was in violation of that right. They were unanimous that it is an individual right. I know, it makes no sense, but that's what they said.
The M1 doesn't fire the 30-30 cartridge.


The ban was related to performance characteristics. Basically, anything that could penetrate the weakest bulletproof vest in use by any cop in any department in the USA could be banned. It was only introduced by Kennedy calling to ban the .30-30, 7.62 and .223.

"In a recent report, the ATF identified three, .223 and the 7.62 caliber rifles, as the ones most frequently encountered by police officers. ......Another rifle caliber, the 30.30 caliber, was responsible for penetrating three officers’ armor and killing them in 1993, 1996, and 2002. This ammunition is also capable of puncturing light-armored vehicles, ballistic or armored glass, armored limousines, even a 600-pound safe with 600 pounds of safe armor plating. It is outrageous and unconscionable that such ammunition continues to be sold in the United States of America." - Ted Kennedy

Obama voted for this.
jclayto said:
. In that light, as an avid gun owner, I will have to vote for McCain, even if I do feel it voting for the lesser of two undesirables. Anyone with me on this?

I'm with you 100%. McCain isn't perfect, but it baffles me that this is even a debate. The laws he votes for wouldn't impact me one bit:

And I will be buying lots of scary black rifles this year! On the other hand Obama's votes would make me a felon.
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"The ban was related to performance characteristics. Basically, anything that could penetrate the weakest bulletproof vest in use by any cop in any department in the USA could be banned."

I know what Teddy said. All I am saying is that you should eliminate reference to 30-30 or you will look like you think that M1 rifles fire that caliber.

TimRB said:
I know what Teddy said. All I am saying is that you should eliminate reference to 30-30 or you will look like you think that M1 rifles fire that caliber.


From wikipedia:

Wikipedia said:
The .30-06 Springfield cartridge (pronounced “thirty-aught-six” or "thirty-oh-six") or 7.62 x 63 mm in metric notation

If I change the quote to:

".223" ... "7.62" ... "30.30 caliber".... "It is outrageous and unconscionable that such ammunition continues to be sold in the United States of America." - Ted Kennedy

Would you be satisfied?
You know, I hear lots of gun owners complaining about John McCain. Other than Campaign Finance reform and the "gun show loophole" I can't find one thing I don't like about his voting history:

So, you don't care about him taking the first step in stripping your 1st Amendment rights?