Neat stuff here.
I think the speedloader things are cool for showing off, will they be there when you need them? The more I practice from a sidesaddle, the more I like it. Also, my pad/bag really counterweights the gun, so it handles real nice. The ammo in it is less accesible, but I figure its for a time and hardcover reload deal that hopefully is never needed. The bag doesn't move like a buttcuff and when full provides nice forearm rest if you onehand the thing. My grip strength is A-ok, so I do. Remembering the Miami deal I have tried one-handed load and shoots too, keeping the butt on the ground works, but what also works for me is pointing the muzzle up and dropping the gun, catch the forend, cycle by giving it a smooth and fast up and down motion and then tossing it back up and catching it by the comb and back on target. Can be accomplished rather quickly, just takes a little doin to lock your elbow out while pointing an 870.
The slings, awful. swing everywhere, cumbersome. Geat a nylon shell belt if you must have the mexican bandit shell carrying look.