Crazy hunting kills

Wow - that IS a crazy kill. Great googily moogily - can't believe the anti-hunter lady didn't show up - thought that part was surely coming with the extended string of bad luck. How come you stabbed instead of slicing the neck open? Just wondering? Where did the arrow hit - spine, but where?
U.D. said:
How come you stabbed instead of slicing the neck open? Just wondering? Where did the arrow hit - spine, but where?

I sort of did both. I had intended to stab the jugular/carotid and cut out through the front but the blood instantly made the knife so slippery I couldn't hold tight enough to push it through. The way she was bleeding I thought sure it would only be a matter of moments. It took me a good 5 minutes to gather all my gear... and there she lay, like she was bedded down for the night, staring at me like nothing ever happened... except for being covered in blood.

Arrow hit directly above the aim point, front/center of lungs. That's the second time I had that happen, first time was my first bow kill ever. That one was because it jumped because it was staring right at me when I released. This one, I don't know. I don't think it was my fault as I was well experienced and over any nerves that cause bad shots by that time, especially with a doe, but I'll never know for sure because whatever might have been wrong with the bow/sights/rest was masked by the fall damage. The oddity is that the first arrow was perfectly in line but several inches (maybe a foot) high while the other two would have been way high and way right by the time they got to her.
As a teenager, many moons ago, myself, and about 6 friends in the neighborhood decide to go to Virginia to this "great deer camp" for rifle season.(we lived in Maryland)
Get there, and start scouting.
Well, first day of rifle, we all got skunked.
We went to the deer check station to see what others have brought in.
Guy comes walking into the station.
"Yeah, I got one, but you have really small deer around here."
We look at him, kinda puzzled, along with the state game commission officer.
We walked out to his truck, and there lies the "deer"..
Saw it in a field, one shot and it was down.
Officer commences to write the citation...

Wait for it.....

Guy shot some farmers goat!!!!
When i was about 12 years old my dad and a friend (Will) was bow hunting on oposite sides of a cut corn field. Will shot a decent 8 quartering to and hit the shoulder.
They tracked the deer untill dark, when they bumped the deer off of a ridge top. They then backed out untill the next morning.

By the time my dad and i got to the last place they saw the deer, Will had already beat us there and was tracking the deer. We started following the deer and Wills trail down the holler and up the next ridge. At that time we heard Will screaming like a mad man so we ran to help.

Apon arriving to Wills location we saw him standing in victory over his deer, covered in the deers blood.

We asked Will what had happened and he said that he jumped the deer out of the bottom but the deer didnt have enough stringth to make it up the hill, so it turned and charged. Will picked up a large stick and smacked it over the deers neck. The deer turned and charged again so he hit it once more breaking the stick over the deers head. The deer fell to the ground, Will mounted the deers back like a horse bearhugging its neck and finished it off with his knife.

Knowing Will like we did i doubt thats how it happened but good story though.:)
This happened night before last while hunting hogs. I managed to kill a 170 lb. boar with an elbow shot, the bullet impacting the arm about 3" out from the body, entering the outside of the elbow, but not exiting the other side of the elbow. My hunting buddy and I were confused until we skinned it.

The bullet hit and broke the humerus about 3/4" above the joint with the radius and ulna. The bullet (or fragments) traveled up the arm instead of passing through the arm and exiting. Going up the arm, they entered the chest cavity, blowing out a hole in the ribs about the size of a small egg and then into the heart. There was no exit wound and no sign of the bullet.

We took plenty of pics and despite the positive outcome, my buddy still have me a hard time yesterday as we worked on his stands. Elbow shots are not ideal, LOL.