Cracked Glock Receivers (Design Flaw)?

Just by coincidence, I picked up a new 30 earlier today. I haven't even fired it yet. It has a line in the same place as the crack on my 27. It doesn't look quite the same - it looks like a "knit line" as brianidaho suggests. I don't know what to make of either one.
The only cracks I have seen are the WISE-cracks on this forum about Glocks and dishwashers from the non Glock owners. :D :D

All kidding aside, I checked my G-23 all over, and I cannot find any cracks. If someone could post a picture that would be helpful.
hey I read the thread from glocktalk and this sounds serious to me, I pay to much money for my guns to have ANY kind of weakness in the frame (even if it is considered a blemish and not a sdafety issue)! Get it checked and get it replaced!
I had a G26 do the same thing. The crack started at the muzzle end of the spring cover on the frame and intersected the serial # plate. Sent it to Glock and they replaced it, no problem. The new frame seemed more stout in that area.