CPHV amicus brief in Emerson

Incidentally, saw a second sally from Lawrence Tribe, explaining his new position on the Second amendment. (I'll post a link here, when I get the chance; It was at www.worldnetdaily.com, I think. Nope, couldn't find it there.)

His nuanced position, boils down to: Yes, the Second amendment is an individual right to own some sort of firearms. However, no law EVER enacted ANYWHERE in the U.S. has ever gone so far in the direction of gun prohibition as to violate that right. It's one of those rights which might THEORETICALLY be violated, except in any specific instance you might point to.

Not having had the chance to read his new book, I don't know whether this represents backtracking in reaction to the death threats he's gotten from the gun control movement, or a demonstration of just how little divergence from the party line they tolerate before they go balistic.

Sic semper tyranus!

[This message has been edited by Brett Bellmore (edited October 29, 1999).]
Re: Tribe's new position -- His nuanced position, boils down to: Yes, the Second amendment is an individual right to own some sort of firearms. However, no law EVER enacted ANYWHERE in the U.S. has ever gone so far in the direction of gun prohibition as to violate that right.

Hello? Perhaps Mr. Tribe needs to read the New York City, Kalifornia, et al's laws on
confiscating firearms.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Oatka, Tribe's not stupid. He's read the laws.
This kind of "cognitive dissonance" (to borrow a phrase :) ) is not all that unusual. Here in IL MANY people will tell you with one breath that they support the 2nd Amendment, although they don't like guns personally. With the next breath they tell you that IL's registration and licensing scheme doesn't infringe, nor does the "assault-weapon ban," nor do waiting periods, nor do background checks and waiting periods.
It only sounds ridiculous to people who've thought about it, and most HAVEN'T. Neither has Lawrence Tribe, but he may be in the middle stages of a turnaround. Let's all hope so.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron