Coyote Trolling??

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You're absolutely out of hand, leadcounsel. You have such disdain towards your own species. Is there a psychological term for this? Anyone?

One who hates or mistrusts humankind

This seems important. In spite of his protestations to the contrary, we have witnessed several threads wherein LC takes a distinctly anti-human perspective regarding a belief in the responsibility to manage populations of animals deemed destructive to local ecosytems.
LC and others who believe that we have no business participating in the management of our local fauna seem to argue from an emotional rather than intellectual perspective. I say this because while many have offered evidence to illustrate the reason behind the practice, there has been a significant demonstration of a lack of knowledge regarding the subject matter on LC's part. Indeed, such evidence is mostly ignored rather than addressed.
The fact that you are capable of higher thought doesn't give you the ethical or moral right to terminate that life because it annoys you; instead it gives you the ethical and moral duty to figure out how to coexist with that creature as best you can.
We aren't talking about killing on the basis of annoyance, we are talking about exercising a necessity.
It cannot think coherently or change its instinct to NOT kill your sheep or eat your plants. Therefore, it is OUR duty to figure out how to shift its behavior without resorting to slaughtering it.
I don't follow the logic in the statement (non-sequitor) above. You state that an animal behaves strictly on instinct and is therefore incapable of changing its behavior, you then exhort us to "figure out how to shift its behavior".
These individuals equate the practice of modern, managed, legitimate pest control with the extinction of the dodo and passenger pigeon. They assume this practice is conducted on the basis of blood lust alone, associating it often to sexual or emotional immaturity or mental illness. They also believe there is greater value in the life of individual animals than in our right to manage those populations. In this regard, LC seems to simply be a mouthpiece for PETA.
I for one feel no inherent pleasure when any animal dies at my hand, though I consider such killing sometimes necessary even when I wouldn't consider eating or wearing it.
This is not intended as a personal attack, it is an attempt to better understand and frame that perspective. Please let me know if I miss the mark, LC.
When is too much nuclear waste, mercury, cianide, styrofoam, plastic and other permanent garbage enough?
When did you decide that you'd enjoyed enough conspicuous consumption; that you'd go back to basics requiring only those items necessary for a simple existence? How old is your auto? How many does the family have? Are you heating with oil or gas? Do you read at night by electric light?

My point is that one cannot preach from the "high moral ground" unless one lives on that ground.
Rich Lucibella-
Actively protecting bunnies and ground squirrels nationwide, one dead Coyote at a time!
When did you decide that you'd enjoyed enough conspicuous consumption; that you'd go back to basics requiring only those items necessary for a simple existence? How old is your auto? How many does the family have? Are you heating with oil or gas? Do you read at night by electric light?

Rich, Rich, Rich, Do you know what actually happens when people of his mind set touch reality, it ain't purdy
That garbage was created by cutting down fantastic trees in the Pacific Northwest (yes, I know there are new trees planted, but that landscape where they have cut the trees down is an eyesore). For that daily handful of garbage, countless animals which made their habitat in htat forest were needlessly killed.

More, dare I say, emotional ranting. I hate to see the loss of any more old growth forest, but most of the "garbage" you are getting in the mail is from managed forests. I would think it most unprofitable to cut down valuable redwood and turn it into paper pulp.
How paper is made in the Northwest (and just about everywhere else...)

Forest management is good for the land:
North Carolina, Ontario, Canada, Tennessee, California

Managed forests are good for animals, too:
Ruffed Grouse Society

And coyotes are amazingly adaptable:
Chicago, New York, Ohio, Detroit, near the intersection of 13th and Yukon Street in Vancouver

Maybe they're just there for the restaurants.
Gentlemen, there are always to sides to any debate. We have one opinion on how the world turns and Mr. leadcounsel has another. We expound on how we see nature and the world and of course he counters with how he sees it. Neither will convince the other that the opposite is true, nor will we convince enough to change our way or his way of thinking....and....that is what is good about debate...PLEASE stop asking him to leave...I like it........Only in AMERICA.....
I agree to a point. That point ends where emotionalism, generalization and failure to provide sources begins.

This one's done. Part Deux welcomed, to the extent it comports with the original premise of the thread.
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