Coyote skull!

Well Troy, I had heard about that but I didn't have any mounds in January. In March there were a few that popped up but they wern't that active!
The severe lack of rain Has pretty much excluded fire ants from my area this year, Can't say that I miss them, but I'll keep it in mind for later years.
Could you imagine that package getting busted open at the sorting facility?:eek: They might consider that an act of terrorism!!;)
There is a fella who is on the NPHA & the Texas Predator Posse forums who goes by "Rizzo", who also as his own colony at home

I just had two bobcat skulls and a coati done by Rizzo, he's out of Prescott AZ. He proly posted pics of a coati skull he did's mine;)

JJ, you know that if I ever head out to Texas I'm calling you right:D If you ever make it to AZ get ahold of me, we'll go kill some stuff.
huntinaz, that sounds like a plan!! I have never been to AZ before, it would be great to see the sights AND put some fur down as well! I am game if it happens either way!:D That is a LONG way to go to coyote hunt though!!
very nice coyote, I have been hunting and traping them for 5 years now, here in southwest va we have a $50 bounty per animal. I have learned for every one you trap or shoot you educate ten. they are very smart animals. trying to out wit them is half the fun. so far I have taken 74 coyotes.
Thanks for the kind words scottbird and congrats on what sounds like a successful predator career thus far!
You are correct in educating more then we kill! I'm not sure I would agree to that large of a ratio or not. At least not in my area anyway. But you are correct in that there are a bunch of coyotes that respond to the call or approach a trap set but see, hear, smell or just sense some thing and leave without being seen.
They are very smart and those that get away just produce more that are even smarter than the last! ;)
yes sir JJ. when hunting at night I hang chicken liver in pantie hose in several tree limbs, then back off about 60 yards in the truck and a spotlight and wait. sometimes it works, sometimes not. they are not welcome with the large amount of sheep that are raised here. keep up the hunt, and most of all, have fun.
Hey guys I thought I would update this post with a couple of skulls I recently cleaned!
Since I already had a white "natural" skull on the shelf, I thought I would try something a bit different with these!
The one I tried to go with an exaggerated skeleton look!


The other I was gonna go with a metallic look so I picked up some copper paint!
Then I started thinking, copper paint + coyote head = copper head coyote!
So I attempted to create a copperhead snake pattern!
I had a nice scale pattern in the beginning but after a few touch ups the scales all but disappeared!
It turned out okay but I learned some nice techniques for the next one! [emoji6]

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