Coyote Attempt

The best camo hands down is Predator camo. It is high-contrat, and breaks up your profile well. But no camo on earth can make you invisible, especially if you cannot sit still. If you cannot lay in snow or brush until animals come right up to you, learn how. If you twitch, you're busted, coyotes have very sharp eyes.
The best camo hands down is Predator camo. It is high-contrat, and breaks up your profile well. But no camo on earth can make you invisible, especially if you cannot sit still. If you cannot lay in snow or brush until animals come right up to you, learn how. If you twitch, you're busted, coyotes have very sharp eyes.

I don't have any of it..but I do hear that Predator camo is the best....If U don't sit still..U are just wastin your time..cause with coyotes..yer gonna get busted....
Okay good to know.

I have a few spots in mind that may be good stands. Just a matter of calling them in I guess Haha.

Thanks for the tips. I feel like I am getting closer to the basics!
My setup, Fox Pro wildfire, luepold mark AR scope, and Hornady .223 Vmax 55 grains make all the difference(tough to get now though). Unless I use the Matthews then I use a pop up "dog blind". And plenty of scent blocker,and some coyote urine. You now know all I know so..good luck
Trap them. Its a lot less frustrating than trying to get them to show up when they dont want to. You can kill some with a rifle, but a lot more with a trap line.
Coyotes tend to shift to an approach from the downwind direction in the final 50 to 100 yards. You need to position yourself if possible to force Ol Wily to come in cross-wind due to trees/brush.

"Eager eaters"? No telling from which direction or how fast they'll come in on the call. :)
Keep learning!
Watch every bit of video footage you can!
It is the next best thing to actual experience and can clue you in to how or what a coyote is thinking if/when you call one in. This may help you take a shot before they bug out!
There are a bunch of free videos on Bucking The Odds.

Coyotes are smart! Like Art said, if they have a choice they will come in to a distress sound from the downwind side!
They have one of, if not the best, nose, eyes and ears in the woods!

Keep studying and have some patience and it will happen!
Oh yeah, take a camera! We love pics!:cool: