Coyote Attempt


Hey guys (gals) I recently moved out to a farm on a quarter section and have access to almost all the land surrounding mine. I heard lots of coyotes last dear season before the snow really started falling but didn't really pay much attention because I was filling my deer tags.

I have never hunted Yotes before and I am looking to start clearing them out for the farmers with sheep, llama, and other livestock. I am just curious if anyone has a few kind words of wisdom to share. There are also wolves around here too and I believe I heard there is a bounty on them so I may try for them too.

Not sure what kind of wisdom you're looking for, but I think a good .243 rifle would be a fine choice for the little wolves at any range out to 300 yards.
Coyotes living in areas where they have a good population and have been hunted little are very easy to call with basic predator calls. These are good areas to learn what works and what doesn't. As they get educated, they become more of a challenge and thus one needs to progress to continue to be successful. They are coming into the season right now where they need to feed their pups, thus making them even more vulnerable during daylight hours, especially early in the morning and right before dark. Any caliber rifle that you can shoot to the range you can see will work.
Thanks guys! I will check that site out!

I have a varmint load done up for my 300WSM its a 110gr Hornaday Ballistic tip that flies ~4000FPS so that's what i plan to use for anything smaller than a deer.

I was more curious as to what sort/brand/name of calls are used and any little tidbits that may prove key to getting Wild-E down for the count.

Thanks again!
Wow, shoot em with that 300 mag load and you might have to go stamp out the flames on the poor old coyotes, or on the coyote chunks.
I shoot them with 223 Black Hills 36gr varmint granades at about 3800fps. My 1:9 twist Tikka shoots them at .5 MOA. I've killed them out to 350 yds. They just drop in their tracks with no exit wound. Very light recoil.
Your 300 WSM will work, but put higher BC bullets in for shooting distance with wind. IMO, Coyotes are often 300 - 600 yards away a weary of Peops. Stay hidden and know where your rifle hits out to 600.
HOLY SMOKES! 110 grn doin 4000 fps! overkill much?......180 grn Nosler BT at 3000 fps out of my 300 WSM does perdy good too :D i could literally put my hand through the hole without getting bloody. just make DARN SURE what is past that yote when you touch off that land cannon. because that boo-lit will go WAAAY past the poor little song dog. wouldnt want any collateral damage on the sheep. any self respecting coyote wont eat a llama, llamas are nasty so i wouldnt set up around them :p (kidding)
I checked out Little Smoky,AB....Dude..U are way up yonder....
Have U thought about an electronic caller? A wolf would be a cool bonus...
The 110gr Hornaday is BT and it is defiantly more than I "need" but it is my smallest load I have worked up. I could take the 200gr Accubonds but like you said I will probably put a fist sized hole in the then little guys.

I don't have any experience with electronic callers where what does a guy look for in something like that? I would love to score a wolf or two...

I am a ways up here and my nearest neighbor is a few miles away so as long as I'm careful to not shoot towards my own place I should be okay Haha.

Yes llama does taste terrible!!! Wolves just love them though! The like alpaca even more tho.
Start with a handcall. There are truckloads of e-callers sold to well intending hunters thinkin they need em. Many of them never call in a predator. Start cheap, add tools later to expand your repertoire.

Your .300wsm will definitely kill em deader than dead. But it seems that you think you'll get less fur damage with lighter varmint bullets than with heavier big game bullets. The farthest thing from the truth. You're gonna put a 2 holes in every coyote you shoot and probably wolf too. You can manage the size of the exit with heavier bullets slowed down a touch, holes will all be HUGE with the varmint bullets though. Try to work up some .308 velocity loads, maybe a touch less, using 150gr on up bullets.

Make sure you can see down wind. Most anyone can call in a coyote, most new hunters will never see them though. My favorite set up is callin cross wind with a shooting lane dead down wind to ambush the coyote as he circles.
If you are hunting yotes now, hide damage is of little consequence because the quality of the fur is done till next fall. I shoot one or two every year during turkey season that come in to the turkey calls and decoys and don't even bother to carry them out even though the turkey loads often leave little damage to the hide. Mouth calls will work if you are familiar with them, and this time of year most electronic predator calls are on sale. My first electronic predator call was in 1970 and was just a plain battery operated cassette player with a tape ordered from the back of Field and Stream. Pretty low tech compared to callers of today. It worked to bring in fox and coyotes. Moved up to a Johnny Stewart in the 80s that was like carrying a small suitcase in the woods with you. It too worked well. I now use a Primos Alpha Dogg. There are some good entry level electronic calls that run for under $50 U.S. that will do all you need.
Good info guys!

I have an entry level Foxpro coming in a week or two. Cost me 90$ CAD. I guess that's not too bad I may pick up a few predator hand calls as well just have walking around with.

I have a low velocity white tail load pushing a 165gr ~2500fps maybe that would be better?

What are the basic calls I should look for? Distress, Food, ect?
Foxpro is good....I would think rabbit distress or woodpecker....Some sort of distress call would work....
I have a low velocity white tail load pushing a 165gr ~2500fps maybe that would be better?
That'd be my choice. Your fur clear up there may still be good, may not be. Nevertheless, might as well find out now what kinda damage it's gonna do.
Distress calls it is!

I will have to get some camo do I need full camp or can I get away with just some earthy colors and low movement?
I will have to get some camo do I need full camp or can I get away with just some earthy colors and low movement?
Today 08:56 PM
I would wear full camo....face net too....
I could'nt wait on U to post a kill....I got him this mornin....30-06..180 grain....150-200 yards....(Here's a new strategy..let the neighbors cows run him under the fence and over my direction)...:D
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I will have to get some camo do I need full camp or can I get away with just some earthy colors and low movement?

Camo ain't gonna hurt but like with all hunting it isn't required. For the most part camo, especially all the "designer" patterns, is over rated. Sit in shadows if ya can and only move (slowly!) when the coyote is also moving.