coworker's kid mauled by dog

When I was 6 y.o. I was chased by 2 rather large dobermans. Scared the beeezeeeus out of me. Least to say the dogs in my nieghborhood werent all that friendly. A winter storm has blown down the fence of a neighbor, and the 2 dogs decided to have fun with me. Lucky there were adults nearby and I never got bit. A few years later on a fishing trip, I was chased again by someone's hunting dog. My dad took care of that with on swift hit with his fishing pool right on the dogs nose. OUCH!!!! Poor dog must have flown 3 ft back. To this day I still love dogs, and for those who attack, I learned from my dad just pop them in the nose...............but instead of a fishing pole, I'll substitute with a Benchmade pushed into the spinal cord.......not the most humane but I'll be damned if I dont do anything for a defenseless child. :mad:
I wish Mia a fast and healthy recovery!!
Mia and her mom actually came in to work today. She looks well and was happily zinging about like a gnat, so it was hard for me to get a good look at her. I did see a nasty scar on the top of her head (from the fall) and the dog got her in the face around the left eye - there was a semicircular pattern of stitches below and above her eye. If she has other scars, I didn't see them - but it is difficult trying to keep a four year old still!