Country not ready for 3rd party!!!!

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New member
Guys (and gals, by all means),

In the "do you believe" stream we have narrowed down the focus of possible solutions to a 3rd party vote. I, 416Rigby, alias Devil's Advocate, am here to tell you that the Country is not ready for it.

I believe it was CMOS who made the comment that, as nice as it would be, and as pure and idealistic it would sound, the greatest majority of the public would still vote either Republican or Democrat.
I wholeheartedly agree with him. Remember '92? The republican basis was nauseatede by the titubation of G Bush, and some of the Dems (especially the FDR dems) were sucpicious of Clinton. I too fell prey to idealism and supported Perot. The result?

Am I saying that it is NEVER possible that a 3rd party will prevail? Heck, no. But before throwing away our vote, it is essential to educate the public on the underlying buttresses of a different ideology, one with which a lot more people than us can identify with. And that time is far from ripe now. Believe me. Vote 3rd party and we will have another 4, perhaps 8 years of a gun-grabbing, alienating, lying and cheating socialist government.

I HEREBY PLEDGE THIS. IF PROVEN WRONG (i.e. if a 3rd party like the Libertarians get elected in 2,000) I WILL PERSONALLY SEND $10 TO EVERY MEMBER OF THIS FORUM SO THAT THEY CAN HAVE A COLD ONE (or a burger & fries)ON ME.

Instead, what we should start doing is what someone suggested. We should get organized and get some media attention in support of our cause. We should "peacefully harrass" using the same tactics that the 1960's liberals used to support their cause. We should boycott, act as victims, sue, march, whatever it takes to create awareness. Look, the media are expressly against us, so it will take a fight - a good fight and a long fight.

We can not expect total victory from a completely defensive position!

OK, since we like analogies, and we have kinda beaten the dog one to death, here's another.
Voting third party now, without first creating a grassroot support for it would be like being in a trench, wanting to win the war, and throwing away your life in a suicide attack; a handful of determined men, full of ideals and zeal wanting to take a well-entrenched, excellently-armed, numerous foe. The result? Sure death, not a heckuva lot of change, another victory for the enemy and perhaps a medal to your widow.

Instead, like in every other successful battle, the following steps need to be taken.
1) Weakening the adversary through taking away their support (in our case steering more and more people away from their cozy liberal, pc view of the world);
2) Building up numbers. First you have to have an army, THEN you attack. Once our ammunition (voting) is spent in the 2,000 election, that's it!!! Once we are "killed in action" or "taken prisoner", that's it until the next election 4 years away!!!
3) Making sure the battlefield is clear of mines that can stop us before we even make it to the opposing trenches. This means clearing the air of the media-bias agains us as much as possible.
4) Before you attack, pounding the opposition with as much barrage fire as possible so that, when you attack, they are already weakened.

THEN, we may have arealistic shot at victory.

Now, let me make one thing clear. Once and for all, I am not inherently tied to the Republican party. They have let me down in the past and they continue to do so now. But keeping them in power until a realistic 3rd party option is in place is to me the sensible thing to do. Look, I am not going to argue with wome of you who think that Repubs and Dems are identical on issues. I just disagree, and let's leave it at that. Let's just say that Liberalism implies pacifism and an inherent horror for guns, nukes and force in general, so the only way to reason with these guys is to sorely defeat them. Let me tell you, the likes of Brady and Company won't stop until all of our guns are confiscated. I was in England when it happened to them, and believe me, it can happen here. The Repubs (some of them, at least) may too believe in gun-control, but only for a purely pragmatic (versus ideological) reason. Does this make a difference? Heck yes! If killings were on the serious decline, repubs would be less likely to propose GC legislation because "the current laws must be working". Instead, it wouldn't matter a lick for the Liberals. A gun is an inherently immoral thing, an instrument of death and to them it is probably worse that some people "dare" enjoy them than the fact that they are used in crime (..."after all, that's what they are for").... So, regardless of crime stats always expect confiscation as the ultimate goal for the Democrats. Not so for the Republicans. Period. Full stop.

So, my point is that UNTIL, we lay the groundwork for a likely Libertarian victory (which is unlikely as of today, and we all know it, whether we admit it or not, unless we live in total isolation) we HAVE TO STOP THE DEMOCRATS FIRST.

Let me do yet another analogy. We are the Partisans of the Constitution. We are the Freedom Fighters of the American Way. But at present, our land is occupied by the Nazi Army of PC/liberalism; it controls our media, our schools, our Government etc. What do we do? We come down from the mountains and get us killed in small groups, or we join the Allies? Sure, Communist Russia (the more liberal Repubs) is among the allies, but a lot of other good nations make up the majority of the allied forces. My solution is to join the allies for THE CRUCIAL BATTLE JUST AHEAD (2000 election), while starting to drum-up support for our own cause for a more realistic "partisan" victory in the years to come.

Doing otherwise would be political suicide.


Constitution-RKBA=a weakened document!
I'm not too thrilled with the prospective choices that we're likely to have come the 2000 elections.
The major problem I see with the 3rd party option is that the focus always seems to be on the top job, the Presidency.
This indicates that ego still precedes pragmatism.
If any of the individuals currently considering a 3rd party candidacy were to actually win the office of the President, they would immediately become a lame duck.
The Democrats and Republicans in Congress would never cooperate with someone who represents the end of their cozy arrangement.
I would be more impressed with all this 3rd party rhetoric if I could see a substantial effort on their part to elect qualified people to seats in the Congress. Instead of a long term strategy to get 20-30 people in the HR and the Senate, we get this seasonal beauty contest filled with the losers from the big show.
Until a 3rd party can build a solid foundation in the existing power structure, they will never come close to achieving the Presidency.
Oh, another thing....

In my battle-preparation scenario, here's another vital check-point:

5) Make a serious, no-nonsense cost-benefit analysis before you go over the top (=before you vote). Ask yourself:
a) What is the likelyhood that we win? (As of now very little, just read the polls)
b) What is the most likely scenario if we lose? (Gore or Bradley get elected, they appoint anti-gun Cabinet members and Supreme Court judges..... If you think that gun control is what the Republicans propose now, you just wait until this lot gets up for a term....)


Constitution-RKBA=a weakened document!
Karansas: But there's so much a Libertarian President could accomplish in the weeks it would take to impeach and convict him; Then his VP would have a shot at it, appointing a new Libertarian VP to take over after his or her removal: Let's see; Pardon everyone in prison over a victimless crime. Order the Justice department to destroy all it's illegally collected gun registration records. Have his attorney general bring civil rights prosecutions against the entire BATF...

Seriously, Rigby, do you think a viable third party is something that can be built in a day? That, oh, in 2008 we can realize that the time is right, and knock one together in the space of a week? HA! That's like planning to knit yourself a parachute when the plane starts falling.

When the time IS right, (And there's only one real way to know it's right: Try like heck to win, and see if you succeed.) we'd better have a full blown party up and running already, capable of running all those candidates. And the only way to do that is work on it NOW. So I'm going to work on that, as I have for the last 20 years, while you can keep trying to win through the existing parties. I expect we'll both suffer a lot of frustration.

Finally, I don't think we put as much single minded emphisis on the Presidential race as you think; It makes a good focus for our national efforts, that's all. I'm quite sure there will be Libertarian Representatives and Senators before there's a Libertarian President; We come much closer to winning THOSE races.

Sic semper tyranus!
I agree with 416 except one point.

We should boycott, act as victims

Nobody will buy it. We, the victims? We are the ones carrying the guns!

Some 8 years or so, I told my co-workers that a vote for Perot was a vote for Clinton. Few of them believed me. I live in the only state that Perot won.

But, lest we forget, The Republican Party started out as a third Party. It only took them 8 years from formation of the party to a man in the whitehouse. The only problem is, which third party? I'm not a Libertarian. Some of their platform bothers me. I support the US Taxpayers Party-recently renamed the Constitution Party. So, I vote for my third party, you vote for your third party, and Gore is elected president. I don't like that scenario. Gore would be worse than Clinton ever hoped to be.

By the way, this is from the Constitution Party platform:

Gun Control

The right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self defense, defense of the family, and defense against tyranny, conferred on the individual and the community by our Creator to safeguard life, liberty, and property, as well as to help preserve the independence of the nation.

The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution; it may not properly be infringed upon or denied.

The Constitution Party upholds the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens, and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition.

We emphasize that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them. In such circumstances, the peaceful citizen's protection against the criminal would be seriously jeopardized.
SBryce: Well, the Constitution party is certainly better than the Demo-publicans! And Joseph Sobran would make a wonderful VP, and a better President. I'd love to see Sobran in a debate. (As long as he could be kept off the subject of who wrote Shakespear's plays!)

Still, I have trouble with some of THEIR platform; I AM a libertarian, after all! And I'm not sure they grasp just how erosive of civil liberties the war on drugs is, inherently. Sure, you could attempt to enforce drug laws by constitutional means, and that would reduce the damage it (the war, not the drugs) did to society. But how long would such a frustratingly unsuccessful effort be kept up? There's good reasons the war on drugs led the government to violate our civil liberties, and those reasons would remain, to forever tempt our government to violate our rights again. Like a cancer cell ready to grow back into a cancer. The Constitution party has a good grasp of what the Constitution means, and the desire to enforce it, but I'm not so sure their grounding in the basis of our rights, and what is and isn't properly the business of government at any level, is all that good. Some REALLY bad policies could be perfectly constitutional, you know.

None the less, bring 'em on! We're not going to build a third party capable of ousting one of the major parties, if we can't handle a little competition from other third parties.

Sic semper tyranus!
Hey, let me make a few specifications....

First of all, I never said that a viable third party could be built "in a day". Actually my point was quite the opposite. It would take time - a lot of time to narrow it down to a single alternative to the 2 major parties that would be appealing enough to enough people to get a presidential winning out of it.

Second, by saying "act as victims", I meant more "victims in the public debate". Look at the way the NRA gets demonized by our Commander in Chief. All it would take is for someone to get beat up just because he is wearing an NRA cap, and voila', here is a chance (notice that I say "chance") for some fairER media treatment.

I still think that "trying the heck to win and see what happens" is nothing but a wishful (however well intentioned) and very naive act, the only result of which will be to just elect Gore. I can tell you exactly "what would happen".
1) Gore gets elected - God only knows who he will pick as cabinet members. Imagine another (or perhaps another term for) Janet Reno; or perhaps another Joycelin Elders; how about a Barbra Streisand for White House Press Secretary?; or that moronic Maxine Waters in Foreing Affairs?
2) He instates 3 bug-eyedly liberal anti-gunners in the Supreme Court, and, believe me, if we ever had a chance to get the 2nd repealed, this will be it.
3) The press, rolling in the mud of glory and triumph for having defeated W, McCaine or whoever the Republican was, is going to keep up the liberal propaganda. I can alrealy see the headlines: "Angry White Males can't rally enlugh support to counter Nation's wishes" or "The Country goes with Compassion" or yet "The American people show their disgust for racism, greed and the NRA". Talking about driving everyone who doesn't think like them to the "fringe of extremism".
4) On this shockwave of "let's-all-hold-hands-liberalism", the House and the Senate also become Socialist in 2002. Then you are going to wish you lived in Cuba, believe me.

And if you think that the Country will, at that point, wake up and realize that we are going in the wrong direction, when more people get freebies, perks, free stuff of all sorts and undeserved benefits from the Government, then you are hallucinating. We don't live in the eighteenth century anymore; the majority of the people are not cut from our grandfathers' fabric, who gladly gave their lives to fight evil ideologies and oppressive regimes. We live in a time of sloth, of selfishness and of isolation from our community. If you are a single mom and you are already struggling, go ahead and have another baby with that cute poolboy - heck, the Government will just put you on an extra foodstamp! If reality sucks, there is always "virtual reality". If your buddies pull a fast one on you, there are always Ross, Joey, Chandler and Monica - they never let you down!
And most of all, there is the media. If there was one thing and one thing only that I would do "as a king" would be to change the rotten partisanship of that lot. Non-liberals don't stand a chance nowadays in the public debate. Just turn on the TV or open a newspaper.

So, in a situation like this, what on earth makes you think that a libertatian would win? If the media succeeded in demonizing fairly non-threatening figures like Dan Quayle, what makes you think that they will gladly steer the sheeple away from their liberal buddies into your libertarian candidate's hands?

Look, some of you may think that if W gets elected in 2,000, we "lose the election". I would personally throw a gigantic party to celebrate, should that happen. Still, think of it that way. If W wins we lose, so if Gore wins we double, nay, quadruple-lose. And if you are under ANY kind of illusion that a libertarian would even get a single day in the White House during this rabid, socialistic political climate, boy.... what can I say? Good luck to you, but I hope there are not enough of you at the polls next year to get "8 more with Gore".

It's a sad thing, but politics is a dirty field, and you cannot hope to stay ideologically clean if you want to win. You have to get dirty, very dirty, and that means compromising and swallowing bitter pills for the bigger goal.


Constitution-RKBA=a weakened document!
Rigby: The way I see it, politicians have an obligation, as laid out by their oath of office, to uphold and defend the Constitution. We, as citizens, have a corresponding obligation: To vote only for politicians who won't be committing perjury when they take that oath! The only reason they can get away with violating their oaths is that we've fallen down on our half of the job. I will NOT vote for anyone who I believe will violate their oath of office if elected. I don't think I have the RIGHT to vote for someone who I know would violate the Constitution. It would be like giving Al Capone my personal permission to rob banks, just because he promised that he'd refrain from kneecapping the tellers!

George W. Bush will, if he is elected President, violate his oath of office. His statements to date demonstrate that he either fails to grasp, or simply doesn't care about, the differing jurisdictions of the state and federal governments. That he intends to do things as President, and urge Congress to do things, which will violate the Constitution. He thinks he's running for governor of a REALLY big state, rather than to be President of a federal government which is tasked with doing only those few things the states by their nature can not handle, such as national defense.

Al Gore may get elected President, and grossly violate the Constitution. But it will be without my vote.

Senator Bradly may get elected President, and grossly violate the Constitution. But it will be without my vote.

George W. Bush may get elected President, and grossly violate the Constitution. (In somewhat different ways.) But it will be without my vote.

The Constitution is dying. Realistically, it may already be dead. And why? Because for too long we've been willing to vote for Hanible Lector, just because he's not the anti-Christ. Well, I'm not going to; A vote for the lesser of two evils is a vote for EVIL!!!!!!!

Sic semper tyranus!
I get it.

The Democrats grossly violate the Constitution.

Bush is an enemy of the Constitution. (I must have lived in Texas only in my imagination, because I have not noticed anything but a strict adherence to the Constitution...... Signing the carry law... Carla Faye Tucker and standing up to the international pressure to commute her death penalty..... His refusal to let Texas cities sue gun manufacturers..... Seriously improving education..... getting tough on youth violence.... I must have dreamt it all).

So, where are your "saint-politicians"? Those who you are so sure would never get corrupted by power and never, never let you down as a voter? Where are those individuals, aglow with permanent constitutional halos and enshrined in these rare civic virtues?

Perhaps there are so, so few of them that no one has ever seen them, like I have never seen a Libertarian even in the smallest cubicle of my City Council.

If political sanctity is the only paradigm short of which you will discard any candidate as an "enemy of the Constitution", you are never going to be happy until the next revolution. And if, in your mind, there is no difference whatsoever between Bush and Gore, well...... unless you get all your news from short-wave radio, you should know that is not true.


Constitution-RKBA=a weakened document!
First, let's heave the idea of a candidate being "viable" or not into the compost heap. No matter how badly the Republicans and Democrats have conspired to rig the system in their favor, after the polls close the guy with the most votes wins. Ergo, anyone on the ballot is "viable".

Another bit of rotten produce to add to our pile of fertilizer: the notion that a vote for someone other than the Republican is actually a vote for the Democrat. This one smells worse than the first, and needs to be disposed of once and for all. Clinton was elected, twice, by the folks who voted for him. Had no one voted for Clinton, he would have lost, no matter how anyone else voted. Ergo, Clinton was elected by those who chose to vote for him, and by no one else. To imply otherwise is to insult those who choose not to help the Republican party in its quest for socialism, albeit cheaper than the Democrats. Yes, socialism, although fascism may actually be closer to the mark.

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform." Mark Twain was a man of uncommon common sense, and had a keen eye for politics. The majority of Americans do vote for either the GOP or the Democrats, mainly for two reasons:
1. That's who they've always voted for.
2. That's who they're told to vote for, by the press, and by the two parties.
Yet wing-nut-head Perot was able to seize a sizable chunk of votes even after a campaign which showcased his lunacy. Jesse Ventura won in the Democrat state of Minnesota, surprising all the pundits. Here in Alaska we've had independent governors, and many independent state legislators as well as independents at the local level. New Hampshire has a socialist congressmen, for crying out loud. Ron Paul of Texas, a REpublican in name only, runs against the Democrats and the Republicans, and wins. Third parties are succeeding, and have for some time.

Times are changing; the internet is changing the way people get their information, and modifies their opinions. You can either continue to poke along, voting for folks you know aren't really on your side, or you can begin to change. If you truly believe that third parties will eventually be a good idea, but can't force yourself to vote for one at the national level, then, for the love of whatever god you worship, vote for one at the state or local level. Many of you say the third parties must build a base, help them! Otherwise your talk is so much rationalization.

416Rigby vows to pay if a third party candidate wins the presidency, a pretty safe offer. I'll bet any one person $100 (I have to save money for ammo, in case I'm wrong ;)) that the third parties will have their highest vote totals ever at the next presidential election. We can give our money to Rich to hold. Who wants to take a chance?

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
Ipecac, I applaud your contagious optimism, and I actually agree with you on everything you said except for the notion that voting for a 3rd party does "not" elect a Democrat.

Well, technically not. But by splitting the vote on the Right, you de facto allow the left to end up with the relative majority; again, look at '92.

I agree with you that 3rd party vote could skyrocket this year, but it all depends on who runs. Jesse or Pat won't make a dent. Trump may actually make some noise, and in spite of some of his ... ahem... idiosyncrasies, I kinda like what he has to say. Still, so far my favorite is Bush, not by default, nor by exclusion. I love what he has done here in Texas and, unless he proves himself seriously unworthy, I will support him with flying colors.

And, just out of curiosity.... How is Bush a Socialist? I haven't noticed any red-commie tendencies in my governor in the past five years.

Let me up your bet. I'll be glad to lose $200 if the 3rd party gets more votes than '92 WHILE keeping the Democrats out of the White House. How does that sound? That's 2 boxes of Federal Premium .416 Rigby, my favorite deer load! :) :)


Constitution-RKBA=a weakened document!
Talk to any DC lobbiest,staffer or observer in the Beltway and they will tell you we don't have two parties any more. Am I going to throw away my vote next year? You know better than that. However, if we don't start the process of creating the interest in the American People and desire from Republicans who are fed up with the lack of leadership in the GOP to disolve the existing chaos and create a new force cognizant of our Constitution, we are going to find ourselves without a Second Amendment in the next twenty years. The Republicans have proven by Monicagate and the Government shutdown one of two things: (A) they don't care or (B) they are incompetent. With all due repsect, if you believe that the Republican Party in its current state won't sell us and the Bill of Rights down the river, you are in for a sad awakening. Rome wasn't built in a day. We need to start now to lay the foundation for a solid road back to the Constitutional Republic we once were instead of a global lawyerocracy. I am not in favor of a third party, I am in favor of detroying the mess we now call the GOP and starting over.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

You are correct with a lot of what you say.

There is a primary element missing in your argument. You say that we should get organized and get some media attention in support of our cause.

416Rigby, you are sucking on a dreamcicle if you think you are going to get the media to report favorably on gun ownership or the right to bear arms let alone the viability of a third party. That will never happen until the current power brokers of the media change their minds and support gun ownership or a change in the current status quo. I do not see the likley hood of that happening and with them in control over what you (and the vast majority of Americans) see and hear on the news, your arguments fall on deaf ears. Your views don't stand a chance unless you can express them on the 6:00 O'clock news. And you know that ain't gonna happen!

The media power brokers will use their first amendment rights to destroy your second amendment rights.

Do you really think the media will report favorably on gun ownership if you or we modify your behavior in some way? Get a freaking clue buddy! It ain't gonna happen! Your enemy IS the media. Your enemy is the liberal, socialist left media owners who have already decided for you how you should live your life!!!!!!!!! Geezuz H Crist? When are people going to see that connection! THE MEDIA, buddy! You can't influence and change the hearts and minds of Americans without it!!


[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited October 19, 1999).]
Sorry, 416Rigby, I have to stick by my original bet. Frankly, I'm don't subscribe to the popular notion that all third party votes are "stolen" from the GOP. Personally, I won't vote for either a Democrat or a Republican unless their name is Paul. I think Pat will get a substantial portion of the vote (not mine), and I also think the Libertarian candidate will do better than ever. Who knows who else will run as a third party candidate?

As to socialism, I was refering to the Republicans in general, not to Bush, as I don't really know much about him other than what he's been saying in the news lately. However, some of what I have heard still points towards socialism. He's for: goverment controlled education (unconstitutional at the federal level); he's increased the size of goverment in Texas during his administration, at least from what I've heard and read, correct me if I'm wrong; he's publicly stated that he will sign more gun control into law if elected (btw, any system requiring a permit or any governmental permission to exercise our right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional as well as morally reprehensible, but I'm a radical); he's a fan of the war on (some) drugs; in short, he likes to steal money from Peter and provide expensive, inefficient and unnecessary programs for Paul. This makes him a run-of-the-mill Republicrat, ie, socialist. Remember, there are right-wing socialists as well as left.

You better take up handloading if you want to feed that deer rifle! I recommend X-Bullets, altho a solid might be the best choice on a little ol' deer.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
Dear Rigby and fellow Republican supporters,

The thrust of Rigby’s thread is that the country is not ready for a third
party. I agree. But we have about a year to work on that.

Also, Rigby, please don’t believe you are playing devil’s advocate - you
are not. You are playing typical party politics. Oh yes - and (however
inadvertently) you are advocating gun control.

I agree we must endure “8 YEARS OF THE WORST, MOST CORRUPTED,
Clinton was elected by Democratic votes. To blame those voters who had
the integrity and bravery to desert the gun-grabbing Democrats and their
weak-kneed Republican cohorts is both silly and untrue.

By not having cancer and giving your body to cancer research are you
supporting the spread of cancer? Of course not.

By not voting for those who advocate gun control, am I supporting gun
control? Be serious.

The entire argument for voting Republican is based upon the
misconception that there is a difference between the wings of our
one-party system - the Democrats and Republicans.

The argument fails completely when we see that every gun control bill
which has become law was loaded with Republican support as well as
Democratic support. Therefore, to suppose that Republicans will “save
our guns” is as reasonable as believing Bill Clinton, “...did not have sex
with that woman...!”

To ridicule a person for voting with integrity rather than rationalizing
away his freedom, proves Rigby is right in one respect. America is not
ready for a third party because we have been brainwashed by the
current one-party system. But to take pride or to assume a moral or
intellectual superiority because of this brainwashing is clearly

Clinton was no more elected by Rigby’s vote for Perot than Kosygin was
ousted by my obtaining a CHL. To fall “prey to idealism” is to follow the
example of our Founding Fathers - a path clearly superior to anything
currently offered by the Democrats or Republicans.

Rigby, you correctly state, “We can not expect total victory from a
completely defensive position!” But then you abandon your own
philosophy by saying we should vote for gun-control advocates (who are
Republicans) to defend ourselves from gun-control advocates (who are

A vote represents support FOR something or someone. When you vote
AGAINST something or someone you ignore the entire concept of the

Voting Republican will not bring about change in the Republican party.

Voting Republican means you AGREE with their goals and methods - it
has nothing to do with Democrats. It means you AGREE with every
Republican signature on every gun control bill which HAS become law or
WILL become law with their support.

To say we must vote Republican because of Supreme Court Justice
appointments is, at best, a fallacious argument.
- To accept (for the moment) a suggestion that Bush is pro-gun rights is
to ignore his membership and allegiance to the Republican Party, the
second biggest gun control group in America. When he plays
national-level politics (rather than state-level politics) he will NOT have
the same power he had in Texas! He will be forced to kiss the
Republican papal ring.
- To ignore that a third party would select pro-gun judges is an oversight
based upon the probability that a third party won’t win the Presidency.
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy based upon the ignorance, fears, and
pseudo-intellectualism of the Republican party line.

To vote Republican is to throw away your gun-rights vote because your
vote supports the Democrat/Republican machine that has given us every
single gun control law in recent history. My God, folks! Where do you
think gun control has come from? Penguins?? It has been
“compromised” into existence by the very Republicans you ask us to

We’ve waited long enough. There never will be a more opportune time!
One more Republican regime won’t hurt us any more (in the long term)
than one more Democrat regime.

By voting for a third party, you effectively are voting for “none of the
above”. Even if a third party does NOT win the Presidency we have a
better chance of showing the Democrat/Republican party that we are fed
up with gun control by no longer supporting their party.

Rigby states, “Vote 3rd party and we will have another 4, perhaps 8
years of a gun-grabbing, alienating, lying and cheating socialist
government.” That slyly ignores the proven fact that if you vote
Republican, you perpetuate the very government that has taken away
every Right we have lost. A Republican vote supports the effort to turn
America into the same restrictions prevalent in England, Japan, Canada,
and Australia.

The longer we wait, the more Rights we will lose. The destruction of our
Constitution is becoming the status quo! We MUST vote for a change!

I, for one, prefer to vote for Constitutional rule. Therefore I will not, I
CAN not vote for the Democrats OR the Republicans. They are simply
two versions of the same gun-grabbing political machine. The Republican
votes on gun control laws are indisputable proof of their intentions!

Rigby, you have shown a lot of brass offering bets to TFL members so I
will make you a counter-offer. IF a Republican is elected:
- I will give you ONE HUNDRED dollars for every individual gun-control
procedure, restriction, and control REPEALED during that Republican
- You give me TEN dollars for every individual gun-control procedure,
restriction, and control ENACTED during that Republican regime. I’ll even
At the end of that regime, I will have enough of your money to buy one
of the weapons the Republicans will help outlaw. Want to bet?

It’s time for a change.

Stick it to ‘em. RKBA!
You make a strong and persuasive argument. Maybe the best I've seen to date.

You fail to provide us with the means to unify gun owners under a single vote. If gun owners are to abandon the republicans (who feel secure in the knowledge that gun owners will vote for them because gun owners have nowhere else to go) then they have to have a place to go that provides a no nonsense message to the power brokers. Otherwise we gun owners will be effectivly ignored. Seems to me gun owners aren't a strong enough vote to win national office all by themselves. Seems to me the best we can hope for is to make the republicans loose with a clear message that it was because they failed to support gun owners and that if they want to win in the future they need us. They need to understand that they ignore gun owners at their peril.

By voting for some kind of third party we may just be handing victory to the democrats. Maybe that is what it will take to make the republicans realize that they need us. I'm ready to do it because I've seen my gun rights erode away despite a republican controlled house and senate. I say screw em' and go any party other than democrat or republican. Still it would be best to have all gun owners unified under one candidate. Any suggestions?

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited October 20, 1999).]

I will take that bet if you are talking percentage of the vote.

In 1912, T.R. and the Bull Moose Party got 27% of the total vote. If you think any third party will even match this percentage, you got a bet!

I have to correct sbryce regarding the Republicans starting out as a third party. The GOP started out when the Whig Party fell apart. In fact, most Republicans were disgruntled Whigs. In their very first national election, the GOP had the second most votes next to the Democrats. They were never a third party.

Even Pat Buchannon in his 1975 book stated that voting for a third party is the same as voting for the Democrats. It is still true.

As for the parties being the same; why are we having arguements in Congress over test bans, federal hate crimes legislation for gays, partial birth abortion, campaign finance reform, tax cuts and many other issues if the parties are identical?
“You fail to provide us with the means to unify gun owners under a single
vote.” Oh, boy! Don’t I know it!!! If only.....

Eighty million gun owners have the power to elect anyone we want. The
problem with gun owners (from a RKBA perspective) is:
- Many (Most?) gun owners don’t vote.
- When gun owners do vote, they vote for issues other than RKBA.
So we have the power but simply don’t use it. Therefore, no champion will appear. They figure, "Why support a bunch of fragmented losers in a fight they don't really care about?"

Therefore, I agree with you completely. Voting for the Republicans will perpetuate
their gun control agenda. It’s time to make them include our Right to
keep and Bear Arms along with other minority rights. If they see their
careers are threatened by ignoring us, perhaps they’ll come around. As
you said, “They need to understand that they ignore gun owners at their
You asked a good question, “As for the parties being the same; why are
we having arguments in Congress over test bans, federal hate crimes
legislation for gays, partial birth abortion, campaign finance reform, tax
cuts and many other issues if the parties are identical?”

My answer, basically, is, “So what?” :)

1) Members of the Soviet Communist Party argued about how to “govern”
the Soviet Union. Those arguments did not make the Communists a friend
to the common Soviet citizen.

2) During WWII, the Nazis and the Japanese had differences between
them but neither was our friend!

3) On the other hand, we argue on TFL about the effectiveness of “light
and fast” bullets versus “heavy and slow” bullets. But that does not make
ANY of us enemies of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

4) Differences between the Democrats and Republicans (concerning
subjects other than gun control) do not make EITHER of them a friend of
the gun owner! Until the Second Amendment is restored, the other
arguments are largely irrelevant. If we lose our Right to Keep and Bear
Arms, the government will TELL us what our opinion is on the other issues.

5) Any difference between the Democrats and the Republicans on gun
control is at best superficial and inadequate. I challenge anyone to find a
national-level gun control bill that became law without Republican support.

Who is our friend? Who is our enemy? I answer the question simply and
accurately by determining who will restore our Second Amendment to its
proper status, i.e. “...shall not be infringed.”

Presently we have no leader in this effort to restore the Second
Amendment. But that will NOT convince me to vote for the enemies of our
Right to Keep and Bear Arms. As I said, I will not, I CAN not vote for
those who would “compromise” our guns rights out of existence.

If we would unite and vote for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a champion would appear! We would HAVE a candidate. But our politicians currently consider the argument irrelevant. They have been getting the votes they need from us all the while they have been taking away our gun rights.

No more! Enough is enough!

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Cactus, I think I may have been unclear. I meant the total percentage of the votes cast for all third parties combined, not any one third party. My point is that more and more people are becoming disgusted with the behavior of the 2 major party(s), and are going to look elsewhere for political satisfaction.

If you're still willing to bet, so am I.

As to Buchanon, or anyone else for that matter, stating that a vote for a third party is a vote for the Democrats, he's wrong. It's a vote for that candidate. BTW, I understand Buchanon is leaving the Republican Party to run for the Reform Party nomination, so I doubt even he believes what he said in the past. That old saw about what a vote "actually" accomplishes is simply a tactic used by the republicans to keep voters from fleeing the party in droves.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight

I pretty much agree with Frank, here, and I have to reiterate that if that is your opinion of how to do things, you'd better keep it to yourself. Telling any party that you demand this or you support that and oppose the other, BUT YOU WILL VOTE FOR THEM ANYWAY!, is gonna get you thoroughly ignored. Why would they care what you want, if your vote is in the bag?

I agree that my not voting for a candidate decreases his chance of winning, by however miniscule an amount, but I am not voting for a whole bunch of candidates, decreasing each's chances equally. If there is absolutely no viable candidate for whom I am willing to vote, should I stay home? Because that was the case in the last two Presidential elections.

Saying that I, therefore, "elected Clinton", means nothing to me, as I can not say with any confidence that I would not rather have Clinton as Prez than his Republodoofus opponents. IOW, golden images of a possibly rosy existence mean nothing when you did not see where the country actually would be with either Bush or Dole in there for some period.

George W. may still get my vote. I haven't seen any Dem who has a chance. But G.W. is also well on his way to DISCARDING my vote, deliberately, at which time he will not get it! But in that event, rather than stay home, I will go vote for whoever has stated positions which I can vote for, whether that candidate has any chance of winning or not. Thus I will not be counted among the apathetic who just don't care enough to go to the polls. If that costs Bush the election, maybe next time someone will pay some darn attention to how my vote was lost, since from what you say it would then have cost Bush the election to ignore it.

I'll tell you one way that G.W. can get my vote without reservation, and it seems so simple I'm amazed that he hasn't thought of it yet. When he was running for governor of TX, his Dem incumbent opponent, wildly popular including with me, announced that she would veto legislation approaching passage directing that TX simply STUDY the concept of a concealed carry law. Bush was asked if he would sign such legislation and his reply was one word-"yes". Ann Richards was soundly defeated and G.W.'s political career was underway. We were told repeatedly that her defeat had nothing to do with her anti-defense stand by our steadfastly honest and honorable media, without any credible explanation otherwise. G.W. knows better. And the legislation when passed did not mention a study anymore, simply passed the CCW bill. And he signed it without particular fanfare, just as he had promised. EVERYBODY knew that was what he was elected to do, at that point.

Let someone ask him, point-blank, if he would support/sign FEDERAL concealed carry legislation, allowing the holder of such to carry in any state, school, post office, the White House, or anywhere else besides airplanes (really bad idea), anywhere in the country regardless of the sale of liquor or anything else, and let him answer the same way, "yes", and he has my vote. Right now I ain't sure.

But I will NOT vote for a gun-grabber, allowing him to claim a "mandate" to confiscate guns. Not while breathing, anyhow, for those of you in Illinois.
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