Countdown to McDonald

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I hope you're right. The status quo is the quintessential immovable object in the legal world.

I do understand that these cases will be citable precedent, but it's not like the "enemy" is just going to surrender. Virtually every local and state law will have to be fought until the courts will no longer hear it before anything changes on the ground.
The status quo is the quintessential immovable object in the legal world.

You're pretty much correct in this assessment, but Heller and McDonald will be the status quo. Appellate courts hate to be overruled, and will tend to rule even more conservatively than the Supremes might be inclined to, just to be on the safe side. There will be exceptions, of course, like in DC, but the CA Supreme Court has already deferred ruling in a couple of cases so as not to be overturned if SCOTUS rules in favor of McDonald.

Also, as has been noted elsewhere, the tide has turned on gun control, and that affects legislatures, and even courts, whether or not it's supposed to.

Times are a changein'.
Peetzakiller, I know how you feel. I also live in NY, Long Island to be more specific. This ruling will not win the war and the fight will go on. To liken this to WWII this is not VJ day. Heller and macdonald though are Midway. Our side has come back, has momentum and is no moving forward instead of just trying to fend off attacks.
Having been involved with this issue actively for two decades I am filled with incredible emotion over this event. So many individuals and organizations have worked so hard to see this day. It is a watershed to feed the river of freedom - so many scholars on the second amendment and history- so many political activists pushing first concealed carry laws and now open carry, so many standing up to say we want our RKBA back.

Honestly if you asked me ten years ago - I would not have dreamed that I would live to see the day the second amendment and the RKBA was recognized as an individual right.

No this is not the end, there will never be an end - the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. But with a ruling recognizing an individual right in McDonald that applies to the states - it will be a huge victory.

Tomorrow with a win, I will say thanks to God and I will go shooting, and I will look at my children and know that for the first time they live in a nation that has finally legally recognized the their individual RKBA.
kraigwy said:
Can some one tell me, in dumb old grunt terms what "PorI" means?
In both the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, the rights of citizens were referred to as Privileges and Immunities. In the 14th amendment, it was written as Privileges or Immunities.

The former has long been shortened to, P&I. Whereas the latter has recently been shortened to PorI, to make the distinction as to which documents we were referring to.

Why the change? It could be as simple as a legal means to distinguish political rights (privileges) from natural rights (immunities), in the Lockean sense (this is my best guess).

Edited: I'm closing this thread, and have started another thread on the decision itself. Thanks to everyone for contributing.
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