Could We Possibly Get a Repeat of Katrina on Monday??

My new favorite quote from the news today, a person being interviewed,

I can't believe this could happen again!

Really? Holy crap, just how many times does such a disaster have to hit before people get a clue? How many times has this happened in the past?

Let's see...

Years within 60 miles
1879, 1879ts, 1887, 1888br, 1897br, 1892ts, 1893, 1900tsbr, 1901, 1905ts, 1907ts, 1909, 1914bdts, 1915, 1916br, 1932ts, 1934tsbr, 1936ts, 1944tsbr, 1947, 1948, 1949ts, 1955ts, 1964bdts, 1965, 1969br, 1979, 1985br, 1988ts, 1992br, 1998ts, 2002- 2 ts, 2004tsbr, 2005ts, 2005

36 times in 137yrs end of 2007

Names from list above
Brenda, Esther, Hilda, Betsy, Camille, Bob, Elena, Florence, Andrew, Hermine, Bertha, Isidore, Matthew, Cindy, Katrina

How often New Orleans gets affected?
brushed or hit every 3.80 years

Average years between direct hurricane hits.(usually within 40 miles to include small hurricanes)
(11h)once every 12.45 years

Statistically when New Orleans should be affected next
before the end of the 2009 season

Last affected by
2005 august 29th Hurricane Katrina hits just east with 125mph winds while moving north with very heavy damage and many fatalities. St Bernard Parish under water with many missing.

So, NOLA isn't due to be hit until next year... statistically speaking, but hurricanes don't do statistics. People should. They keep getting hit there and keep getting caught unprepared...almost like ants on a school playground.
They seem significantly better prepared than last time. The new governor is actually doing something rather than sitting and waiting for the Feds to act. Even their infamous Mayor seems to be taking action rather than blaming everyone else for not doing anything.

The Republicans are holding a new conference now and announcing their plans to greatly curtain all their activities in deference to the pending natural disaster.
We here in Florida (Texas as well) who are in the business of Emergency services prepare for disasters constantly. I must attend 100 hours a year of classes dealing with large disasters. I have been trying to get a DHS position so I can teach some of those classes nationwide.

LA still is not doing as many of them as they should, but they are trying.
Alleykat, Please do not mention the Katrina fiasco and Cajuns in the same thread... New Orleans is far from cajun country and the residents are not cajuns with the exception of a small number of unfortunate transplants.
Well, now today Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has announced that they will suspend any immigration enforcement in Louisiana during the hurricane Gustav evacuation of New Orleans. Apparently a lot of illegal aliens came into the New Orleans area to work on reconstruction projects.

ICE decided to make this announcement today, in order to encourage illegal immigrants to take advantage of government programs to help in the evacuation, and not fear arrest for being inside the country illegally.

Is this the right thing for the Federal Government to be doing? I guess this crisis does mean that some laws must be suspended. Not that they were really being enforced that well to begin with .........

I wonder if you added up all the free services that illegal immigrants get from the Federal and State governments, what sort of figure that would come to?

Here is a news story about ICE's decision to not enforce the law during the evacuation:

Here are some images of today's evacuation of NOLA:




Could We Possibly Get a Repeat of Katrina on Monday??

The liberal media was sure hoping so. I was watching CNN and they looked like a bunch of sharks sniffing for blood. CNN, ABC, et al. disgusts me, but then again, so does Fox News.
Could it happen again? Defnitely. And if it does NOLA is gone forever.

Hmmm. I believe you underestimate the stupidity of those who currently run our government. They would just pump another half-billion dollars into New Orleans so that the liberal media would not call them racists.:rolleyes:
Well, now today Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has announced that they will suspend any immigration enforcement in Louisiana during the hurricane Gustav evacuation of New Orleans. Apparently a lot of illegal aliens came into the New Orleans area to work on reconstruction projects.

ICE decided to make this announcement today, in order to encourage illegal immigrants to take advantage of government programs to help in the evacuation, and not fear arrest for being inside the country illegally.

Is this the right thing for the Federal Government to be doing? I guess this crisis does mean that some laws must be suspended. Not that they were really being enforced that well to begin with .........

Is this the right thing to do? Do you even have to ask?
Would it be okay that some number of illegals died because they feared arrest by ICE? Would you demand ICE arrest an illegal who was helping either of the two elderly people in the photos above? What then happens to those elderly Americans?

Human lives come first, even if they are illegals.
Is this the right thing to do? Do you even have to ask?

You are absolutely right. Human lives matter above all. The lives of too many people would also be devastated if we deported any of the illegals already living here. Mexico is a very dangerous place, and there is no work there for all of these folks. We are just going to have to accept the fact that these people have already become de facto Americans, as they live here among us. It will be merely a formality to make them citizens.

"Immigration Reform" and the re-authorization of the Assault Gun and high cap mag ban are things we are all going to have to accept in 2009.

The liberal media was sure hoping so. I was watching CNN and they looked like a bunch of sharks sniffing for blood. CNN, ABC, et al. disgusts me, but then again, so does Fox News.

Fox News and ABC News are better than many of the others. I don't put them in the same category. CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN are all far more liberal and biased, in my opinion.

Katy Couric did look upset tonight that Gustav will not be another talking point for the Democrats to bash the Republicans with. But will anyone in the liberal Press give any Republicans any credit for this much better outcome??

I also could not believe how much she dwelt on the issue of Palin's daughter's pregnancy on tonight's evening news.
