Could We Possibly Get a Repeat of Katrina on Monday??


It looks like Hurricane Gustav may get back up to a category 4 Hurricane when it hits Louisiana. And it is now looking like it will be coming very close to New Orleans.

In fact, the Mayor of New Orleans has just ordered that the city be evacuated tomorrow ( Sunday ).

Do you think that anything will change compared to what happened during Katrina? Will authorities do a better job in evacuating the city this time? Will the police do a better job of staying on the job, and not confiscating firearms belonging to law abiding citizens? Will the New Orleans Superdome become another relief disaster?

What if we are looking at a repeated mess of what happened during Katrina, just before the coming Presidential Election??? Could this not then have serious political repercussions?? Could not the Presidential Election thus be affected?

Here is a news story all about this:

Don't forget it wasn't Katrina per se that did in NOLA.
It was the levee's breaching.

Could it happen again? Defnitely. And if it does NOLA is gone forever.

Anybody notice wonderful Mayor Ray Nagin is nowhere to be seen.

I'm praying for those people.

Don't forget it wasn't Katrina per se that did in NOLA.
It was the levee's breaching.

Has the government done anything yet to strengthen these levees since Katrina? If New Orleans is going to be devastated every few years, then perhaps the city will have to be abandoned one day.

Anybody notice wonderful Mayor Ray Nagin is nowhere to be seen.

But he just issued this order to evacuate the city. Certainly he has not already fled the city himself??

USA Today already is reporting that highways out of New Orleans are becoming jammed.

Here is a photo that they took of the mess Saturday:

The poor have free rides out! That is better than I have it if I need to leave I have to pay my own way.
I bet we will have to pay again to rebuild that toilet bowl...

Either fill the bowl higher than the levees or abandon the place. It is not needed. We do not need it for the port as we have several others nearby. We surely don't need it to be the rookery of scumbag thug criminals either.
Actually, we had meetings on this just this week. (I was there in MS for post Katrina recovery) The largest problem in NOLA last time had more to do with how the incident was managed than anything.

There were basically two separate disasters with Katrina. There was the hurricane landfall, mostly centered in and around Waveland, MS; and there was the levee failure in and around NOLA. Florida had a written agreement with MS to provide aid, and TX had an agreement with LA to do the same. FEMA, contrary to popular belief, does little in a disaster. They are not there to do anything but provide some administrative support. Operations and C3 are provided by state units through interstate assistance agreements.

FL teams arrived in MS, established a command base at at NASA's Stennis Space Center, which is located right on the MS/LA border. That command base controlled the logistical support for each of the local command centers, one for each county that was in a disaster state (Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson) I was in a unit that spent time in each county, as we were reassigned as we were needed in other places.

LA had a little different outcome, as we all know. First, when the TX teams arrived, they were told they were not needed. After LA officials finally decided they needed help, the TX teams could not establish all of the C3 needed, because LA officials wanted to micromanage the show, instead of letting the Incident Management Teams do the jobs they were trained for. Without proper C3 in place, the supplies and rescuers could not get the job done, and many rescue teams were left to freelance and fend for themselves. A leaderless Army, if you will. This is why you saw some units doing spectacular rescues, while others did almost nothing. Spectacular helicopters make for great TV, but there has been some discussion that the helicopters could have saved more lives by performing other missions, while the rescue teams that were supposed to perform the rescues were never ordered into the area due to command failures.

It is believed that LA officials have learned their lesson, and things will be different. We will see.
Amen Divemedic! Fema and the fed gov asked N.O. and L.A. officials if they were going to need help and they said "Naw we got it..." Contrary to media reports the fed gov did not drop the ball. They do not invade... they must be invited to help. By the time them sorry politicians asked for help the fed gov was already deployed in the really devastated areas of mississipi and alabama where they were invited.
Also, Gustav is a Cat 3 as of this morning, not a 5. FEMA does not classify Hurricanes, that is done by the National Hurricane Center, a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Also, people complain about rebuilding NOLA because it is in a disaster area. Using that logic, we should also abandon all of the cities in California that are located on fault lines, every city in the Mississippi river valley that floods on an annual basis, and the entire coast in all hurricane prone areas. Obviously unworkable.
I'm from Baton Rouge and I fear the worst. The culture of the place has changed since Katrina. I miss that.

More importantly, the oil rigs, and the Port of New Orleans. Any one care to guess; what percentage of imported oil comes thru the Port of NO? How about what percentage of oil from the gulf and what percentage is refined there? Also what percentage of heavy imported goods come thru NO?

It's a much larger strategic threat than the "human events" crap the news is focusing on. But "no one" seems to be the wiser...
Katrina came ashore east of New Orleans so the storm surge coming up the Mississippi river was not as bad as they could be. If Gustov comes ashore a little more to the west, the wind on the NE side of the eye could cause a surge to be funneled up the Mississippi due to the shape of the delta.
If you live in a fish bowl expect to get flooded. People take risks where the live. Florida gets huricanes but people live there. People live near the rivers and get flooded. People live in California and get earth quakes. People in the Midwest get cold snowy winters and even tornados. People live in reclaimed desert areas like Arizona and get no rain.
All in all people live where they want to. If one does not like their climate they can move and not come back. This is what many did the last time NO was flooded.
Bush just addressed the nation on TV. However, of all the network stations, only ABC News appears to have carried the address nation-wide.

Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney have canceled their plans to attend the Republican National Convention this week, so they will be available to manage this disaster. Both men were supposed to address the convention on the opening night: Monday. President Bush said that he plans to visit Louisiana as soon as possible, potentially as soon as Tuesday.

So Hurricane Gustav is already having a significant political effect on the nation.

Saw Michael Moore on T.V. last night almost ecstatic that Gustav might interfer with the coverage of the Republican Convention.
Saw Michael Moore on T.V. last night almost ecstatic that Gustav might
I saw that too. The "man" is disgusting. Didn't he thank god for sending Gustav? Moore may indeed be the most revolting libtard of them all.

RE: NOLA. Living on sinking land, already below sea level, between a lake, one of the world's larger rivers, and an ocean, in hurricane country... well what did they expect to happen? If people choose to live there, I guess this is a free country, but expecting the rest of the nation to foot the bill every time Mother Nature (predictably) demolishes the area isn't fair. Yes, oil and freight are imported through NOLA, these facilities can probably be maintained there, but it's no place to build a city (again.)
Michael Moore`s probably working on a new movie(as we speak) of how Gustav was created by the GOP(namely Mccain) as a retaliation to the issue backpeddling Biden`s been doing since nominated VP elect as Biden is not now agreeing with Mccain on issues today he did yesterday;). I will pray for everyone in Gustavs path for their safety and the wisdom to get out of its(Gustavs) way and its aftermath if possible.
Could We Possibly Get a Repeat of Katrina on Monday??

Absolutely not! Those Cajuns might not be the brightest folks on the planet, but they weren't stupid enough to elect another dumbass DemocRATic governor this time! As one might expect, things are going a lot better this time. Even Negligent Nagin is shaping up!
Republican National Convention was postphoned because of the storm also

Did they? I just woke up an hour ago and haven't seen all of the news. The GOP convention leaders were concerned that the hurricane & post-hurricane disaster would make it inappropriate for "celebratory" activities to be going on while the folks in NOLA suffered. But as of last night they hadn't made the decision to postpone the convention.

Re: Michael Moore et al... I've heard several stories about Demwits saying Gustav shows that God hates the GOP or is punishing the GOP (How devastating a Democrat city shows that, I dunno... one would think that flooding the GOP convention hall would be more appropriate).

And only a bunch of Demwits would re-elected an incompetent boob like Nagin after his dismal failure with Katrina.

Re: Levees - wasn't there some kind of federal probe into how NOLA and LA spent federal levee funds for redevelopment, road improvements and other non-levee purposes? What happened to that?