Costa Mesa man plows down preschoolers in revenge killing

Things like this and Littleton just seem to prove the theory I think is most correct. It's not the guns or movies or the internet or even bad parenting. Some people are just @#$#%&* psychotic. There is nothing we can do about that, not now, probably not ever. I think some people can be born without a concience, the same way some people are born without arms. They see people as things, taking a human life for them is no different than you or I plucking a weed from our front yard. It is truly sad, but it is what we have been given.

land of the free and the home of the brave
Finally got a little blurb on my news: very perfunctory, just stated what happened and the dead/injured toll, and a 30 sec film clip of a Cadillac with cops and EMTs milling around. No outrage or shock by the reporters. Wonder what happened to the phrase "for the children"?

We finally have a perfect example of media and governmental isn't the crime that is important, its the means to enact the crime. This driver is obviously much less evil and less a threat to society and children than a gunman who kills 2 kids and injures 3 others.

Or, could it be that that cars are much less able to help us protect the Constitution and prevent tyranny? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The girls in the office here couldn't understand why I was sitting at my desk with tears rolling down my cheeks. (They hadn't heard about the incident.)

Those poor little kids. As a parent myself, my heart goes out to their parents and relatives. As an ex-teacher, my heart goes out to the children's teacher(s) who will also live with this forever. They will spend their lives saying "If only I had ....."

As to the (insert suitable epithet here) in the car, if American prisons are like Aussie prisons, the other inmates will, given half a chance, ensure that he never forgets exactly what he did.

The Detroit Free Press had an article on page 4 of the first section on the 5th. No editorials or cartoons against the ownership of automobiles. Nothing on the local tv as far I could see.

Running over pre-schoolers is not a hot button. If he had a gun in the car, do you want to bet it would have been mentioned on all the networks for days after the event?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Actually this could have been prevented if Al Gore was in charge. We would all be using small, non-polluting, earth friendly transportation devices that would not have the power to crash through anything. I suspect these "devices" will have airbags on the outside to protect animals and children.

Seriously, I have two young children and I know I can't protect them from every possible harm. I try to teach them how to react in any situation.
My point about Gore was to illustrate that this administration can come up with some feel good way of "doing something" while limiting our freedoms and further controlling our lives.

[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 06, 1999).]