Costa Mesa man plows down preschoolers in revenge killing


New member
Near where I live today, in Costa Mesa, a man with a vendetta against someone (unknown who yet) decided to kill a number of preschool children to take out his vengeance. The target of the vengeance was probably someone at the school, or their child, but details are not out yet.
Did he use a knife, chainsaw or axe and run into the playground and hack them up? Did he use a gun? Did he plant bombs? Maybe poison the food, air or water? Perhaps trap them inside during class and start fire to the building? No...he used a huge brown Cadillac as his weapon of choice.
The man rammed his car through the wall surrounding the playground and crashed it into as many kids as he could target.
So far, at least two are dead, two or more in critical condition, others hospitalized. This just happened, so not all details are out. The man is in custody.

I don't really need to point out the irony that he mowed them down with a car as his weapon of choice, do I? I wonder how we will ban them...

May God rest the children's souls, and be with their parents, who I am sure are very devistated at this sudden loss. I am sure it happened very fast from the pictures, but a little extra security certainly would not have hurt anything.

An Uzi toting preschool teacher might have been just the ticket. I haven't seen any coverage on the news yet. They seem to be fixated on the most recent gore of the day, namely the Oklahoma tornado(s).
An uzi-toting teacher could not, in alll honesty, have prevented this. What could? Maybe vehicle barriers, but I dunno.

Disgusting. One can only hope he goes to max. security prison and his story is told. I know that's wrong but I just don't give a dman right now. Maybe I'll edit it later. Screw it.
I bet if would have shot the kids it would have been on every news station, all day long. But, because it was just a car it isn't news worthy, not good propaganda.
Exactly correct. Even though it happened right in my backyard, I heard a very shot blurb about it on the news...far from the top story, and they spent about enough time to say what I put above...about 30 seconds.
That is why I posted it, I figured that if I had barely heard about it, certainly no one else would.

I think I'll write my congressman demanding legislation restricting cars. Perhaps if someone got up in congress and made such a speech it would open peoples eyes to the insanity of blaming inanimate objects for their problems.

Lets see: The car was bought without a background check, there was no way we could have stopped this deranged person from getting ahold of this deadly weapon.

The car was capable of rapid acceleration and driving faster then 65 miles per hour. What possible use would the average citizen have for a vehicle of this power. You can't legally drive that fast on the street. General Motors marketed that car, knowing that it was capable of being misused.

I'm sure other TFL members can add to this. If we could somehow get this message out, maybe we could open some eyes.
Interesting that it wasn't on my local news and I'm 250 mi north. Guess it just wasn't politically sensationalist enough. Betcha if he had been driving an SUV it would have

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Poor kids.

The only thing that would have helped that situation, gun wise, would have been a 30mm chain gun on the roof. With HEI rounds.
AS many of you know, I am a news junkie and I keep the TV tuned to one of the news channels during the day while I work.

I saw this thing mentioned twice today, both time as a small story. No mention of the correlation between gun control and car control.

I am hoping that Sean Hannity or someone will bring it up in the next day or two....

It was mentioned <font size=6>ONCE</font> today that I saw, and I check news between classes. This man murdered TWO PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. But there are no votes to be whored for in this one, so it's not important that two tiny innocent children died because the guy was a ****nut with a defective brain.
My post last night was pretty close. There was a 4" article on page 11-A of our paper this morning about this. That will be the last that they will have to say about it.
I think that there ought to be a law that does not allow Cadillacs within 1000' of a school.
Kit in AR
I was told about this story from someone who heard it on the glass teat or bitch box. It didn't make local paper headlines.

Now, which form of pop culture set this turd off? If indeed revenge for a past wrong was the motivation, he had had time to let a percieved humiliation stew and simmer before acting. Thus, this tragedy was not spontaneous. Something must have desensitized him, eroded his adult perception of right and wrong.

Seriously, as both a goal of criminals and a tool to aide and abet lawbreaking, the humble automobile surpasses the firearm and knife in practicality. A sheep sees a firearm, he/she gets nervous. A sheep sees a car and most times wont pay it any mind. Monsters can use automobles to travel to distant targets ( don't poop in your own backyard), dispose of guilty evidence and use as a means of escape. Cars and such are regulated and costly for law abiding citizens but if you want one for misuse, you can obtain one easily enough.
(the other )Jeff
First off I want to give my thoughts and prayers to the little one killed and injured.
I also wonder how often this happens and no one knows about it, someone decides to
end it all and causes a massive "accident" that kills five or six people?
I guess as someone else said it is time to outlaw caddies (what do I care I don't own
one). I also hope that a group of lawyers get together and sue the car manufacturers for
building such a dangerous item without controls to prevent such a terrible thing from happening again, (if it will save just one child) . Maybe sarah brady will get on a anti-caddy
bandwagon, naw she loves to have her fat butt driven around in one and we all know
people like her are above the law.
"I think that there ought to be a law that does not allow Cadillacs within 1000' of a school."


Today the man says he did it simply because he "wanted to murder innocent children". That's all I heard, and I watch all the news.

Witnesses say that they watched him line up his car by backing it up at an angle off the road, then rev his engine and accelerate into the fence. Hindsight tells the people that they "could tell what he was about to do" because it was pretty obvious from what they say.
Theory has it (my theory) that someone with a gun who was watching with the rest of the dumbfounded people *possibly* could have stopped him by shooting the tires or him.
But, in that case, if anyone knew and had acted, maybe they could have ran and told the kids to flee.
It sounds as if there were people watching him, and they had some clue as to what he was about to do, but were so dumbfounded, disbelieving and horrifed that they just watched (a symptom of the "TV generation?").
It's easy to say what could have been done, or what I would have done, but I have a feeling that these people just could not fathom that he was about to do something that insane, so they doubted their instincts.

CNN says that he just waited in his car to be arrested after the fact. shooting out the tires may no be the best idea, its like a blow out at high speeds. right after, the car is unpredictable. the best course of action would have been to move the kids out of the way and then beat the hell out of the drive afterwards. I don't think killing would be good, cuz with him alive, we can make him feel that pain of what he did for a lot longer. death can only happens once. pain can last forever, or a least it will feel like forever

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?