correct amount of stock contact for bull barrel

I'd considered buying the parts, but the reason I'm doing all of this is to learn. I don't actually need a superbly accurate mosin with 200 hours into it, I just felt like learning by doing. Since I work in a machine shop, I figured making the tools would also help me learn more about machining.
The other reason is that most parts are intended for Rem700 or Savage platform. Most of them don't work so well with a mosin action, except for the "universal" tools, which don't particularly fit anything well.
I did find some pictures of action mandrels, and they're almost exactly what I planned to make, so I'll just go ahead as planned.

The reason that I bedded the action and barrel before truing it is because I likely won't have time to true it for another few months, but I want to shoot it now. If just bedding the action gets me to 2 MOA or so, I'll be happy to hunt with it for deer season, and then redo the bedding job this winter when I true the action.
I really appreciate all the advice, I have zero experience with stuff like this, so it's good to be able to just ask questions!
One thing you need to consider is what I posted is Rem 700 truing. I think Win 70 is similar.

Savage truing would be different. The bolt bore is ignored due to the bolt head floating. I’ll bet a Savage gunsmith has to built a jig to hold the bolt head.

I don’t know Mosin’s, what makes them accurate and what doesn’t matter. Somebody surely does.
The mosin has a floating bolt head, so I'm not super worried about that, it's more of a practice thing. I plan to true the back of the bolt lugs and the bolt face to the centerline of the bolt head. Then true the receiver face and lug abutments to the receiver threads.
Hopefully that will result in everything up front being close to perfect, and the rear will be mostly irrelevant.
I've also considered truing up the recoil lug, since I plan to redo the glass bedding this winter anyway. I haven't checked it on a lathe, but this gun is 100+ years old, so I doubt the recoil lug is square to the bore. Only one way to check.
One thing you need to consider is what I posted is Rem 700 truing. I think Win 70 is similar.
The only things Winchester 70's ever needed truing up was first the receiver face squared up to the barrel thread axis, then the bolt lugs lapped to full contact and finally the bolt face squared up.

If the Winchester bolt axis ends up a degree or thereabouts off the barrel chamber axis, doesn't matter. Their receivers are over twice as stiff as the Remington.
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