Copper removal?

And Bore Tech Eliminator not only works, its NON HAZ . . .
Not sure why anyone would use a haz material in this
day and age when non haz is available.
This is why: ;)


Not that the test would be setup to be biased of course.

What I can say is per the link, my experience and confirmed by Unclenick, Bore Tech removes copper that is layer in a barrel and does it very good.

Its also NON HAZ. It has a carbon cleaner as well so if its just a normal carbon layer it will take that out and get to the copper under it.

I know which one is both safer and is effective.

And to contend that the Bore Tech Copper only does nothing, wow.
The data's the data, RC.
Simple test, simple results.
Not saying they did, but you can manipulate testing to give you about any data set you want. I am going to try KG12 big bore again. When I last tried it, I did not get results comparable to what is seen and talked about on here. Maybe I had a dud batch. I still have about 2 ounces of it back at my shop.

Again, can anyone tell me what the difference is between KG12 and KG12 Big bore?
My bottles say KG 12 big bore. I use hoppes and repeatedly scrub out he bore, than run tight dry patch through. Then a tight patch with kg 12 on it, using the instructions. If the patch comes out heavy, run another tight patch with kg 12. Then a nylon brush with kg 12, then patch over jag with kg 12. Then a dry patch and then clean out bore with hoppes. I clean off all the tools/rods with warm soapy water.

Am not about to try all the copper cleaners available, but the only copper cleaner i have tried that came close was cr 10 (Think barnes used to make it)
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It's the same.
The Big Bore name has an anchor in that it was originally designed for canon.
Thanks. I was wondering because the kg12 I see in pictures and on YouTube is yellow. The kg12 big boar I have is orange. The big boar also appears orange in pics and on YouTube.
I've only had luck with montana x-treme stuff as well. But I'm going to try the KG! Sweets works well for light copper. But takes forever when breaking in a barrel with bad fouling. I like to wet a patch around a brush. Pull it through a couple times then replace patch and repeat until clean.

A lot of the rifles i see. Claim to be "cleaned" when they walk through the door. Almost 90% have copper fouling. I don't think most people grasp what "clean" means. Thats not to say if its still shooting that it necessarily need cleaned. Lots of guys wont clean a barrel till groups start opening up. But! They also tend to shoot several times a week. I don't believe a rifle should be stored dirty.
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I have not tried many of the other products mentioned in this thread, but will add that I was amazed at Bore-Tech Eliminator. It turned heavy copper fouling deep blue in seconds, and I could not see any more copper at all, after 2 cycles of wet & dry patching. I like that this stuff doesn't stink, isn't poisonous, cleans up with water, and most importantly, won't harm steel if left in too long.

The KG stuff you guys are talking about sounds interesting, but I'm very impressed with the Bore Tech, so I won't bother trying anything new until my existing bottle is gone.