Cooper Firearms Of Montana

Being practical, once again, what is McCain's voting record on gun bills?

No one know?

Obama has only been in congress for around 150 days. He's a liar, and a chameleon, and the best fund raiser of all time.
He'd tell you anything you want to hear, as long as it would get you to open your pocket book.

Of all people who have a major reason for being anti-gun, he's probably at the top of the list. Fear of being shot, high in most of our thieving politicians, must be VERY high in his case. Since he's used his race to achieve many of his accomplishments, he's put that at issue for the public. Not to mention his name, which, while I can find really no evidence of Muslim ties, certainly IS a Muslim name, not the most popular group in the U.S. after 9-11.

The only real difference is the Klinton's have PROVEN themselves anti-gun, and, I'm pretty sure McCain has voted right along with them.

Do we really have any choices, and, being pragmatic, supporting someone that might represent change, against people that have proven they are anti-gun, no matter how illogical, doesn't seem that far out of bounds.
I think a search of McCains' voting record on gun bans might not be as favorable as we would like. Many war vets do not think anyone but the military should have step father included.

I get it...McCain is a war veteran, so he's like your step-dad, who doesn't like guns. Come on. Please. Seriously.

Have you actually looked at McCain's voting record on guns?

Here's another gem:

The only real difference is the Klinton's have PROVEN themselves anti-gun, and, I'm pretty sure McCain has voted right along with them.

Seriously? You've been a member longer than a couple of posts, so you must have seen prior L&P postings on the vast difference between McCain and Obama/Clinton regarding gun control.

McCain voted against the assault weapons ban. Mr. Clinton advocated it and signed it into law. Mrs. Clinton supports it. Obama thinks it is a terrible scandel that President Bush didn't work to have the assault weapons ban renewed. You know, the assault weapons ban, that keeps mere civilians from owning the most effective weapons there are to protect themselves and their families?

McCain voted for the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Act. Clinton and Obama voted against the Act. By the way, the Act has resulted in the dismissal of several lawsuits against the firearms manufacturers and gun dealers. Those lawsuits were designed to bankrupt gun makers and dealers. Remember?

Obama wants to ban handguns. McCain doesn't.

Obama wants to ban all semi-auto firearms. Including semi-automatic shotguns and deer rifles. McCain doesn't.

It is simply astounding to me that there are still those who are trying to convince themselves that there are no differences between Senators McCain & Obama when it comes to gun control. :confused: Because there are huge differences. Obama never met a gun control law that he didn't like.
Let me reiterate. One more time.

This is not so much about which candidate is more anti-gun than the other. Granted that there is the perception that one is worse.

It is the fact that a business owner allowed himself to be interviewed about his choice and his campaign donations. That, coupled with the perception above, is why folks have Zumboed the man and his company.

The question of which politician is worse, detracts from the real issue. Any businessman/owner who endorses any candidate, leaves himself open to such action by the public. Should the endorsement be detrimental to the company itself, then any action taken by the board is justified.

Now add to the above that this is about a firearms manufacturer, and the owner has publicly endorsed a candidate, who is perceived to be bad for 2A rights, and the result is exactly what we have. Considering that the 2A community once before flexed its muscles in the Zumbo affair, what happened here follows logically, when (discovered) power is used.

It is as clear as night and day. Mr. Cooper got exactly what he should have foreseen he would get.

For those of you that keep hammering away at Obama v. McCain, tells me you really don't have a clue as to what has just happened.
No, I don't know what McCains' voting record is on guns.
I'm ASKING what is his record?

The only reason I voted for him was he brought Sarah Palin on board, and I KNOW she is pro gun.

McCain has been part of the congress that has been spending money like a drunken sailor, and, giving the drunken sailor, Bush, money to hang himself and our party right out of the white house.

50 BILLION dollars to Africa for Aids? Heck, you could spend that in San Francisco and the Bay Area down to the last dime, and have nothing left over.
I'm sorry, but, I'm so sick of wasting tax money, and anyone involved, that I have no loyalty to any of our current elected representatives. I look at it as picking the better of evils, and, Bush certainly has spent enough to support that position.

I fully support anyone's First amendment right to be stupid. They have that right. I believe that the First Amendment requires we support people's rights to say what makes our skin crawl. That said, I'm NEVER buying a firearm from that guy, and, likewise, I'm not to hot on Ruger and S&@ when they caved in, pressured by the Klinton's.

I totally support this idiots right to be stupid in public, and, his company has every right to flush him.

Politics and business often don't mix. Stupid and business
are a fatal combination for any business...
Maybe I am way off here but I see this more in the business judgement sense. Mr. Cooper is in the gun business. He has shown support for a candidate that most in the gun community find to be antigun. As Al said, what does he think will happen? This reminds me of celebrities who say "I want privacy" but the business they are in is anything but private. Does Mr. Cooper think that he can support an perceived antigun candidate and then have the gun community say: "That's OK Dan, we'll still buy your guns even though your have aligned yourself with an antigun politician". Please. Al, is right he got what he should have known he would get.
Mr. Cooper made a bad business decision. That's what it comes down to. Maybe making his contributions public somehow suited some deep seated need, or maybe he's just an idiot. Either way, he lost his business and is probably going to be the cause of a lot of his employees losing their jobs since most consumers are now going to be turned off to the company.
So now that we have his choice as president, will there be any chance of the company surviving this fiasco? I did at one point have mixed feelings about helping to spread the word of this and the impact it may have on the company. Brent
Bill Ruger was widely vilified for refusing to market hi-capacity magazines to civilians, was he not?

Just a couple of examples from threads on TFL:
That answer to that is to stick together now, not to continue to reward the traitors like Bill Ruger. Protecting his butt is not a good enough excuse for betraying America, and his actions are no less than that.

Doesn't even out traitorist activity. If Ruger had fought against the AWB instead of appeasing them so that his Mini-14 didn't get included with the AR-15, perhaps there might not have been a ban. He is the one that created the concept of "high capacity magazines, " leading to their inclusion in the AWB. Don't forget, Ruger used to sell a pistol gripped/folding stock version of the Mini-14 to civilians. He had no problem with evil features on his guns until he wanted to suck up to congress.

The company seems to have survived in spite of all this righteous indignation.

People like Cooper's products: they'll probably survive too...

Not so sure

Ruger did survive Bill Ruger's "treason" against gun owners, and the S&W name still exists today (although under different management), but Cooper Firearms is not such a big company. The make high dollar specialty rifles, essentially a niche market. I don't think they have the margin or the customer base to survive a serious hit like the one Cooper has brought down on them.

Time will tell.
I suspect that the companies pre election press releases were a smoke screen. I saw a Cooper rifle I liked advertised online a couple days ago. I went to the company website for any information I could glean about the current company status of Dan Cooper.

There is no mention of any of these events in the company history. The 2008 PDF still lists Dan Cooper as President. It looks to me like the damage control worked. They waited for it to blow over and it did. It would not surprise me if Dan is still running Cooper of Montana.

Given what I found I would still not purchase another Cooper. Seems this one didn't develop the momentum the Zumbo incident did.