Cool hunting photo

In some pards of the world, dont they use 'masks' with a human face that are meant to be worn on the back of your head so that predators get confused and wont jump at you from behind?
MikeGoob, yes, in India against tigers. Also wear football helmets with shoulder pads and spikes on the area where the neck meets the shoulders.
yes they do in sunderbun jungle of India since its the territory of one of the largest cats: Bengal Tigers which have claimed many human lives there. Apparently according to a NatGeo documentary, these tigers, unlike other big cats that attack on the throat, go for the neck/head from behind. So the local population started to wear such masks so that to lure the tiger that it can be seen & hence keep it at bay. Documentary later stated that tigers seemed to learn that illusion & attacks which did seem to get stopped just for a little while, started again.
They are very sneaky buggers

A buddy of mine and his client were quartering an Elk and had one sneak up to within 30' before they noticed it. He grabbed his rifle and drew a bead.. The cat just sat there crouched and twitching its tail for a minute or so before disappearing into the underbrush. They are also way stronger than most people realize, a big cat can drag a grown mule deer up a tree.
Having had the pleasure of caring for a guy's yard full of exotic cats, I can attest to their abilities... A full grown cougar got ahold of the water hose as I hosed out the cage. Tug-o-war was futile. Took kinking and unkinking and patience to wait him out. They play with bowling balls like a kid tosses a bouncy ball around.