Convicted of possesion of paraphernalia

Regarding the permit: you mentioned the factor of having 2 convictions.

Be sure of the laws in this area for your state if you plan on applying for a permit.

In my state any misdemeanor involving possession or abuse of a controlled substance within the past 10 years disqualifies you from being able to receive a permit.
The state of Florida will hold a misdemeanor drug conviction against you for (3) years and deny transfer during this preiod. IIRC.
The state of Florida will hold a misdemeanor drug conviction against you for (3) years and deny transfer during this preiod. IIRC

As they should.....sorry, IMO, not everyone deserves the right to own, carry or otherwise use a gun
They're more likely to harm us with a ballot than a bullet, so let's say a misdemeanor also removes the right to vote. :rolleyes:
Let us not get self rightious on this guy. We all have our drug of choice as humans, and thiers no accounting for taste. Even food has been used as a drug. Personally, I am a coffeeholic and drink it from sunup to bedtime. Having a beer is a two times a year thing for me. Will I beat on you guys who like a six-pack after work everyday? No. How about you guys that sit in front of computer chain smoking all day? You would tell a man he has no right to defend himself because he doesn't smoke the same cigarette as you? C'mon...:D

There is a deeper level of drug abuse with the more hard core drugs, but these people typically fall into the sub-culture themselves and destroy thier own lives. I fail to see the difference between beer drinkers and pot smokers. Except that the beer drinkers are more prone to start a fight than a guy who smoked a joint.

Has the current concealed carry permit regulations for Indiana. You are automatically disqualified for having a previous felony or domestic battery conviction or being charged with more serious weapons related felonies. Otherwise it looks like anyone who is legal to own a handgun can get a permit.

I did not see anything about drug specific violations that were not felonies.
Here is my observation,for what it is worth,and it was evident in the thread I started about medpot cards versus filling out the firearms purchase form,"I am not a user of...
Some folks dwell in the land of what IS.What is the law,what does it mean,what are the choices availabe,etc.
We can discuss at length whether a law is stupid,and I might agree,but the really critical point is,the LEO,the DA,etc or those who grant the permits are not going to dimiss the law because we think it is stupid.

We can sit around going"Man,the pot laws are just so wrong,its like beer,pot smokers are mellow,on and on " but that is in the land of make believe.Facing life with "Thats not fair" is what we do before we figure out life is not fair.
IMO,a person is stuck with"If I want to retain my 2nd Ammendment Rights,then I must make a choice"
Not speaking of harder drugs,but if a person just wants to smoke pot,these days are probably easier than the 60s-70's.The reality we have to live with,because it is true,the laws do not like the combination of guns and drugs.If I were to decide to use controlled substances,I would sell my guns.As I hold my 2nd Ammendment rights a higher priority than than smoking pot,I do not posess or use pot It is my choice.
I can drink alchohol,or I can drive.If I drive after 2 beers and a shot,I'm going to get caught because I would have a $10,000 bounty on my head.That is what it costs.I have to make a choice.If I tell the officer or the judge"I drive slow and I'm only going 2 blocks blah blah blah it is not going to matter how I feel about it.If I blow over a .04 I'm busted.I will lose my job,and I had better not have a gun in the car.They don't like drunks with guns,either.
As the weenie punch guy said,its about being a grown up.Yeah,I know,its not fair.
I know this one

This is hard to follw but I will try. Indiana will issue a permit if one was convicted of a crime as a minor that would have been a felony if one was an adult, but you won't pass the NICS. So you can qualify for the permit but can't buy a gun? Indiana and the feds have different standards. A face to face would be legal in Indiana.
The GCA says:
Crime punishable by imprisonment
for a term exceeding 1 year. Any Federal,
State or foreign offense for which the
maximum penalty, whether or not imposed,
is capital punishment or imprisonment
in excess of 1 year.

Notice it says exceeds 1 year. The OP said 1 year.

Also previous post said call ATF, last I checked the FBI is owner of NICS that does the background checks.

Just go try to buy a gun, then you will least for that day.