Converting already loaded shotgun shells to rocksalt

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No, forget the big "dangerous" dogs, go for a herd of small yappy ankle biters!! Excellent warning characteristics and if the bad guy(s) actually try to sue you what is their claim? Punctured by a Pomeranian?? Chewed up by a chihuahua?? They'll be laughed out of court.

Not so if your Doberman or pit bull latches on to them, you'll be at fault for having big "dangerous" dogs.

Alternately Geese are very good "yard dogs" under certain circumstances...

ON the subject of rock salt, finely ground like table salt is one thing. Larger crystals, chunks, etc can be dangerous or even lethal.

Remember if all you're doing is replacing the lead shot with salt crystals, you're still shooting a solid at about 1100fps or so. Bigger chunks are going to act just like shot, at close range.

Won't penetrate as much as lead shot, but could be enough to harm or even kill.

back before WWII, Grandfather loaded 12ga shells. Neighbor asked him for some loaded with "split peas". Neighbor had a dog, bothering his chickens, and wanted to teach him a lesson, wanted something that would really sting but not kill. Grandfather suggested rock salt, but neighbor insisted on split peas, so Papa loaded some for him.

"Killed that dog dead as a stone!" he told me....

Anytime you shoot ANYTHING out of a gun (and that can include "blanks") the law considers it deadly force. Whether it kills or not, its deadly force, because it COULD kill.

Bottom line is, if you're not "in the right" to shoot them with a bullet, you're not in the right to shoot them, AT ALL!
This isn't about handloading ammo, it's more about the legalities of the OP's idea, and that was answered in the first few posts.

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