Controversy over kids handling SWAT weapons in...California

Natman, I couldn't agree more. I have long said that a basic firearms safety course should be incorporated into the curriculum of public schools. The schools system doesn't seem to have any trouble teaching children about other subjects that their parents may find objectionable such as a sex, drugs, or Darwinism, so why should firearms be any different? I'm not talking about indoctrination here, just providing a basic knowledge of how to safely handle a firearm.
Good thread about it here:

Initlial report in the Press Democrat here:

My August 16th comment on the Press Democrat site:

Why is it that the same folks who would ridicule the head-in-the-sand approach to sex education, feel that it is an appropriate way to deal with gun safety education?

Both sex and guns are permanent fixtures in American society. Just as sex education must be taught in the right way, at the right time to foster responsible, safe behavior in the future, so must firearms safety be a part of one's upbringing in this country.

We don't need to encourage children one way one another to be firearms enthusiasts, but we had better teach them basic gun safety.

If we do nothing, then we are allowing Hollywood and gang culture to define what firearms ownership means, rather than allowing these fine officers to be examples of proper gun handling and use. Those of us who grew up in households that firearms learned rich lessons of trust (between parent and child) the fragility of life (safe gun handling, muzzle control), and responsibility.

Firearms rights in this country are being expanded by the courts, not diminishing. It's time to stop putting our heads in the sand for the safety of our children with regard to firearms education.

Oh yes I did!:
. . . for the safety of our children . . .
"" "I would not want my child to be involved with something like that... Those guns, they should have been behind glass -- to teach the kids that you don't want to deal with this gun, because it kills." Holtz told

"I am coming from the heart of a woman, a mother, a grandmother," she added. ""

The fox site locks up my slow computer hook up so I can't go to the link. I'm guessing the woman who made these statements is younger than most would consider a average grandmother to be and lives in the inner city. If that is true, from her perspective guns are a issue because that is all she has been exposed to. However she is mistaking a symbol of evil from the actual evil generated by the person misusing a gun.

Would she feel the same about weapons used before guns were invented?

I also wonder if this person would not call police to assist them because they have guns?

This also brings up the point that some parents feel that anything challenging their point of view will suddenly turn their children in to mass murders with a hell bound soul. To this I pose the question.

" Do you really feel that your influence on and your involvement in your child's life is so weak that any outside influence needs to be removed lest they make their own decisions? If you are truly teaching your children in a good way, they will find their own path using the good judgment you have taught them, even if something counter to your teaching comes their way. "
"I am coming from the heart of a woman, a mother, a grandmother," she added. ""

My mother is also a grandmother... she carries a ruger LCR every day lol. Maybe they need to start a grandmothers concealed carry course?
Someone that is "shocked" and "frightened" over seeing an inanimate object is crazy! I wonder how they feel about 5 gallon buckets, and hammers?
"I would not want my child to be involved with something like that... Those guns, they should have been behind glass -- to teach the kids that you don't want to deal with this gun, because it kills."

Oh boy, the "guns kill" BS again

yes, and by extension, teach your kids that the Police are killers. This absolute knee-jerk, self-assured know-it-all nonsense makes my blood boil
Someone that is "shocked" and "frightened" over seeing an inanimate object is crazy! I wonder how they feel about 5 gallon buckets, and hammers?
I get your point, but I think she said "shocked and devastated".

Even more ridiculous, IMO.

devastate |ˈdevəˌstāt|
verb [ trans. ]
destroy or ruin (something) : the city was devastated by a huge earthquake | bad weather has devastated the tourist industry. See note at ravage .
cause (someone) severe and overwhelming shock or grief : she was devastated by the loss of Damian.

Wow, really?
This Woman, Mother, and Grandmother is simply responding to her fears and indoctrination's handed down to her. There will never be firearms education in our schools. The schools are run by the CIA and they are intent on dumbing down our children, not teaching them about firearms and critical thinking! It was the CIA that got our Nation on powdered drugs for cryin out loud. If we want our children to be competent with firearms then we have to teach them ourselves. Or take our country back lol.

That they will mandate Sex Ed and Drug Ed, but not Gun Ed stinks of subversiveness.:mad:
The hypocrisy of what passes for the liberal/progressive thought is on display here. They constantly claim that education is the solution, but in the case of individual freedom nooooooooooooooooo. Here they do not want true education they want indoctrination and fear.
If I had children I don't think I would like the police to give them unsolicited gun safety lessons; only because that's something I'd rather do myself when I felt it was appropriate.

But I wouldn't throw a hissy-fit over it either.
I should follow your lead and stop trying to understand them. The last time i tried to understand comments like in this article I felt a pop in my head, peed my pants and forgot who i was for an hour.

I laughed, I cried, I spit Coke on my monitor.

They constantly claim that education is the solution, but in the case of individual freedom nooooooooooooooooo.
How do you deal with the problem of teenage pregnancy? Education.
What should society do to prevent AIDS? Education.
How can we prevent accidental firearms deaths? Abstinence.

Apparently some folks believe that education only works for really complicated problems, not simple things like firearm safety. :D