Constitution grants no rights

I never called anybody by name. Why did you think I was singling you out? While I will openly discuss opposing view points and debate their various merits with any one person, I am not in the habit of making personal attacks or insults. If you took my remarks personally, I apologize. Perhaps I did not make myself clear.
In my opinion there are basicly three types of gun owners.
1. Those who gripe and whine about everything that is wrong with this country, yet do nothing.
2. Those who boast about what they will do when the time comes, yet aren't doing anything at the moment.
3. Those of us who do what we can within the existing system to make needed changes, spread the truth and awaken the sheeple to what is happening.

I am part of the third group. While our current system of government is heavily damaged, it contains a solid foundation on which to rebuild. And it is the system that we must work within to make things better.

In the end we must ask ourselves a simple question. Which group am I in? Only our conscience can answer that.
From our glorious leader Johncowardis :

"Resistance is futile !"

"You WILL be assimilated ! (into the U.N.s doctrine)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
RE: Educating the masses

That is the highest priority. The thing to do is teach folks how to truly think and reason again. Almost every issue and concept has been distilled down to an emotional response. Think about how the phrase "for the children" crops up in almost everything from guns to all aspects of public spending. Most of people don't think any more, they react emotionally and if you engage them in a conversation you'll find they have a gut-level core belief that hundreds of thousands of kids are killed by guns every year....hundreds of thousands are victims of sex criminals....hundreds of thousands are starving every year.

OK, where are all the funerals and graves of these kids?

My point is, "for the children" is behind or used in the spending of billions of dollars and the driving force for the bulk of repressive legislation ranging from taxes, firearms, food and air quality, vehicle safety, etc ad nauseum.

Its estimated that around 40-50% of American adults (ca.140 million people) own a firearm. If you believe the media and gov't emotionalistic fear hyperbole, then wouldn't we be seeing bodies on the streets? If just 1% of these gun owners lost their grip and killed someone (very likely according to the hyperbole), we'd have 1.4 million dead by gun causes each year. We don't have anything near that....less than 33,000 last year which includes suicide.

The fact is, guns are a symbol that is easy to exploit for a wide range of political purposes, a symbol exploited by the government, politicians and social engineers.
In their arrogance they believe that this time in history is somehow different. Governments,if they endure, always tend toward aristocratic forms; and no government in history has evaded this pattern. As the aristocracy develops, the gov't tends more and more to act in the exclusive interests of the ruling it a nobility, heads of financial empires or an entrenched bureacracy. As history shows, these same governments have a long history of destroying their own nations. People are what make civilizations great, and every civilization depends on the quality of its individual citizens. If these citizens are over-legalized, over-organized, over-taxed and over-suppressed, they can't and won't work and the civilization collapses.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The government/establishment is not afraid of us, and we don't influence them. We are the excuse ("fanatic, right wing, fascist fanatics, armed to the teeth, rampaging through the streets, slaughtering innocent children, etc."). See my previous posting above for a different view of the establishment's problems and remember that, while gun control proposals/laws sometimes follow criminal acts, they always follow large scale civil disorder by minority groups. Always.

P.S. If Hitler had been asked why he was building concentration camps and had replied "I am doing it for the children", he would have been praised by American liberals. Always watch what the politicians say, not what you think they mean.