Consider the aftermath


Moderator Emeritus
We all know the favorite Liberal tactic is to begin the demonization process, lay the blame for all societal ills upon the demonized segment; then begin the character assasination ( ironic coming from a Party that believes character is unimportant ;)), browbeat the opponent for not blindly accepting their dictates, etc.

OK, now its 2 yrs, 5 yrs later, whatever....regardless how the gun issue ends consider this: They turned upon their neighbors, friends, relatives and spewed the worst sorts of venom, slander, libel, inferences, and lies. Many of us will suffer humiliation, embarrasment, significant financial loss, opportunities, and other things.

What will it all be like in the future? Will it be forgive and forget on their side? Can they ever look at we law-abiding good citizens in the eyes again? What about us? Whether we win or we forgive and forget? Can we after all of this?
Keep in mind that if we win, it won't be over, they'll be back and it will begin again.

So...without flavoring this thread I will wait for a bit before I state my position (although I know one person here who knows on a gut level how I feel)....
How will you deal with this?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I don't know that I can forgive those who'd deprive me and all of us of our freedoms. I know I won't forget! Eventually, I might could be civil, not friendly, but that will take a long while. I know that the holocaust survivors have said, "Forgive, but never forget," but right now, I'm not up to stating that I'll just "forgive." It would not be a true statement.

They will put you in jail right now if they can, and more of us will be "eligible" for jail in a few months by stroke of pen.
Jail/ more livlihood, horrible burdens on your families. Ruined lives. This isn't fantasy, its a very real possibility. THEY WILL TRY TO DESTROY YOU
Since hardly a days goes by that I don't see someone with a Rebel Flag in their front yard or a bumper sticker that says "The South Will Rise Again",.... I am constantly reminded that No, when it is supposedly all said and done, we will not just forgive and forget.

They will be back or we will be back. You can't keep the idea of freedom supressed.

We must never forget or forgive someone who wants to rob us of our God-given rights and put chains on our ankles.

If the guns go, then we should turn our basements into neighborhood Smith & Wesson factories.
I'm a pretty easy guy to get along with. I may eventually forgive the survivors, but I will never again trust them.

If it comes to changing basic rules, I, for one, intend to advocate changing the rules! And there will be a lot of people who don't vote after that.
The more they try to beat me down the harder it will be to forgive, if at all. I would never forget. We will probably know by September 1, 1999 how far they will take this. By March 31, 2000 they will know they made a mistake.

The essay is 9 years old, but that makesit all the more worthwhile IMHO.
Ok, (realizing that a lot ofpeople won't take the time to either goto this link or read the entire lenghthy essay) the author makes a number of valid points.

Ban guns-totally and next year a min of 20 million new guns will be on the street, based on the estimated traffic in illicit drugs (marijuana specificly).

Ban just handguns and the death rate will go up as criminals turn to shotguns and longarms.

reading between the lines- Crime is at a low point, not because of any gun control or CCW, but mainly because of a good economic climate (Reference the high crime years 20's and 30's vs the low years of early to mid 60's and the high years of the 80's and the present lower rates). I would surmise that the rate will rise again when our present good economy falls off. Big difference? Criminals will be armed,the law abiding will not.

More on topic- The figures concerning the willingness of gun owners to get involved vs the unwillingness of anti's. The moral bigotry section is also excellent.

Rule 1) Never iniate aggression.

Rule 2) Retaliate against aggression without hesitation, without reservation, and without quarter until one or both of the following conditions are met:

Condition 1) The aggressors are crushed psychologically (spiritually) to the point that they are incapable of EVER initiating aggression against me again.

Condition 2) The aggressors are rendered physically incapable of ever initiating aggression against me.

The above is a paraphrase of material from the author F. Paul Wilson.

Forgive? Forget? I will not forgive or forget aggressions against my freedom that occurred before I was born much less what is happening now.
Forgive and forget? A lot depends on whom we are being asked to forgive.
If we're talking about sheeple, I view them as empty headed vessels that can be filled with any kind of crap which they will spew forth when their masters pull their collective string. Generally speaking, they fall into the "forgive them, for they know not what they do" category. These are not the lead dogs, and to paraphrase the old saying, they're going to have the same view regardless of what direction they're going in.
So I probably wouldn't hold a grudge, but I would keep an eye on them, just in case they decide to soil in the house again.
As for the leaders of the pack, the Clintons, Schumers, Feinsteins, Bradys and Lautenbergs, they "DO" know what they do.
They deserve the same fate as a dog that bites a baby.
I could not forgive and I certainly would never forget.

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once"
S&W minfactories.... nawww much too difficult... sten guns are the thing!

On the other front... At some point, those who value freedom must crush the opposition... not just win a set back victory or even a supreme court 1/2 way win something like: the right to keep and bear is guaranteed , but you are subject to registration... but to gain the undeniable premise that we are free and RKBA is foremost, and to punish those who have raised their voices against God given freedom.

I reality, we would need a complete social revolution, but the historically challenged sheeples will not participate which leaves you with the fundamental revolutionary principle... 1% of the dedicated supported by 10% of the general public will rise up against tyranny... then they will turn it back over to the money mongers and the cycle will begin again....

One amendment to the Constitution needs to be what was unwritten in the original, that no person of title may hold political office and participate in legislating... Lawyers are Esquires upon swearing the oath of the bar... they are "titled, and as ssuch were never supposed to be allowed in the legislatures.

Patrick Henry was very correct when he stated...." Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."

It is truly amazing that everything we have said about the anti's and there supporters has already been stated by our forefathers and our past generations failed to learn and to pass down this great wisdom to their progeny..... a said commentary on our grandfathers grandfathers...

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
How do you forgive or forget someone that will go to any means, leagl or not, to ruin you life, ruin your reputation, and blindly steal from you. And the worst part is we are letting it all happen. It never should have gotten to where it is now in the first place, but we are to ones that sat here and let them do it.The first time they cheat us, shame on them, the second time, shame on us...

The current anti gun furor smacks of McCarthyism. I can see congressional inquiries, ("Have you been a member of the NRA", " Who are members of the NRA"). Eventually something will happen to bring this to a head. I cannot forsee what this event will be but it will either destroy the Constitution or end up with the Libs discredited as McCarthy was.
The Pendulum is swinging to the left, but it will begin to swing back, by that time I will be very old or dead so forgiving the other side is not a problem with me.
I will fight them any way I can (within legal means of course) but realize that I will just be a casualty in the long struggle.
DC, I lost an uncle two years ago who I was fond of. He fought with Patton in the Battle of the Bulge. He once told me that he had considered himself dead already when he went into the battle and this kept him fighting and prevented him from cracking up. I am beginning to feel the same way about my beliefs that are constantly being challenged buy the current culture. I believe they fear people like me and this drives their agendas.
They know they can't suppress me and will probably try to destroy me, but they may destroy themselves in the process.
Five years ago I did not own a gun and had never read the constitution, I mean really read it, let em come.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited May 22, 1999).]
The agression has already been initiated and has continued for years!

Forgive? It will take time, lots of it.

Forget? Never, or I would be bound to repeat it.

"Forgive and Forget" is a falacy.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Here in the South we remember Colonel Reb who ,wrapped in the Stars&Bars,said "Forget, Hell!"

Better days to be,

I will not forgive or forget - why would I want to forgive or forget that someone was a complete fool - so they can fool me again??

For that matter, I am actually changing my business and social contacts in cases where people clearly do not support the Constitution, including, and especially, the 2nd Amendment. I've dropped a couple of professional associations because I have concluded those people were technically intelligent, but ignorant. And, apparently reveled in their ignorance regarding firearms. I will no longer waste my time with fools who willfully support the destruction of freedom.

It is time to choose sides in this fight. It is time to speak the truth, and to require honesty, responsibility and a respect for freedom on the part of our associates. IMHO.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited May 22, 1999).]
I will not forgive.
I will not forget.
At the first opportunity I will get some payback.
I won't get mad, I will get even.