Congressman Rangel Threatens President-elect Bush

You guys have really busted my gut!

with this one. If we only had political commentary like this in the media instead of that spin. What finely tuned BS detectors you have!

Tommy = short for Thomas Atkins, generic name for a British soldier, like G.I. for American soldier. Name most famous to Americans from Rudyard Kipling's poem, "Tommy".

O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy go away";
but it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins," when the band begins to play.
As much as I hate to say it Mr. Bush will never prosecute Clinton. The scumbag may have raped the American people but apathy dictates that he still has a high favorable following. Prosecuting him would be political suicide for Mr. Bush. The mindless Clinton lovers would see Bush as being vindictive and that would hinder his affectiveness. Damn shame but I fear that is the way it is going to be. Too many simple minded fools think that Clinton has been a good president.