Confrontation on Airplane...How Do You React?

I would probably sit next to the fat guy, or ask the attendent for a seat upgrade (depending on how long the flight is), and let her deal with it.

I wouldn't get into an argument with the guy, and I certainly wouldn't get physical with him. Not worth the energy or trouble.
Never be the first to fight. I am the first to admit that in my earlier post I would defend myself physically from a nut job. I think it important to note something here though.

I would NEVER be the first to throw a punch. I also wouldn't shove, bump, twist fingers, stare down, or do anything in the least that may escalate the situation or be construed as a physical assault.

We are not talking about a restaurant, bar or street here people. This is a commercial airliner. Just like those of us who had siblings when younger or have multiple children now know how dad wants quiet and will duly punish all involved parties, the authorite WILL come donw on both involved parties unless you have clear proff from the aircrew and or multiple witnesses that you were not at fault. More than anywhere else you better leave your ego behind when you travel on commercial air.

Now if I see some guy trying to light a fuse in his shoe or such I am going to remove his arm from his body and beat him with the wet end, but at that point the stakes are far higher than a beligerent drunk.
I don't fly. When they started the show ID/arrive 5 hours early/take your shoes off/TSA crap I stopped. Haven't missed it yet.
My then-wife and I were on a Turkish Airlines DC-9 in 1979 in Istanbul. They had boarded us from the rear hatch, and we were in the next-to-last row.

There was a VERY drunk guy in the row ahead of us. Somehow he got the idea I had made a comment about him, probably because I was speaking in English.

He decided to turn around and make an issue of it just as the hatch was closed and the plane had started to move. I guess security was a major big deal in Turkey at the time, but for whatever reason, somehow his action got noticed just as it was registering to me that he wanted to rumble.

At that moment, the plane jerked to a stop. The hatch opened, and as soon as the stairs hit the ground, a very large and mean-looking woman stomped up them.

By then the guy was babbling something I didn't understand but that was making my Turkish wife raise her eyebrows.

The mean-looking woman grabbed the drunk by the armpits and yanked him out of his seat (he had no belt on) right across the lap of the aisle passenger in his row. She then literally dragged him to the hatch and disappeared with him. The hatch closed, the plane resumed taxiing immediately, and took off.

I have no idea how this got noticed and reacted to so fast. The whole thing could not have taken over one minute.

So I guess that if I were in this situation, I'd wish for that large, mean-looking woman to appear again.