Confederate Symbol Controversey


New member
I was watching Hannity & Combes on Fox News tonight. They reported that Gov. Bush of Texas had two plaques removed from a state Government building. These plaques had some sort of confederate symbol on them. They had two African-Americn guest on the program. One of the guest stated that ANY confederate (ie plaques/flags/etc) symbol represents racism and degrades blacks.

I agree with the other African-American guest who stated that not only does the average black man not care about this issue, but also that groups like the Rainbow/Push colalition and Rev. Al Sharpton are hurting the black community.

By no means am I a racist, nor do I want this to become a racist dissucion. But I do want to know what you all think.

1. What does the confederate symbol really mean?
2. Do leaders like Rev Jackson and Rev. Sharpton do more harm then good?
3. Shouldn't all people rely on themselves more then others to represent there needs?

Historians, including the majority of Afro-American historians, tend to ignore the contribution of Afro-Americans to the Southern Cause; many of whom were equally patriotic towards their State or country as were the Yankees up North. While many were not allowed to serve in front line capacity, some certainly did (See "One of Jackson's Foot Calvary") and C.S. Stevens (Berdan's Sharp Shooters) writes of several "black" sharpshooters. Others served the Confederate Army as mule skinners, cooks, and even spies (the Yankees underrated the intelligence of a "slave" and never credited them with ability to gather or deliver intelligence). Others raised funds or served as laborers in preparing fixed defenses.

That set aside, what has this subject got to do with firearms?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
What it has to do with firearms is that the seperation of the south from the north was over the derogation of the Constitution by the increasingly socialist federal government. I.E....States and individual rights that were being trampled by the Feds.

It was then about less government and more individual responsibility and freedom; as it is now.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
Of course Shaprton, Jackson, and the NAACP hurt the Black community, thats what they are intended to do. All of their activities are geared to maintaining or increasing the dependence of Black and minority communities, to support the socialist who promises to deliver them from their bad situation. They blame Whites, Jews, society, history, anyone they possibly can, but as long as Blacks are kept helpless and dependent, the socialist prospers.

Why do they stress condoms in public schools rather than abstinence? Because they can 1)have a new generation of blacks who will be dependent on the liberals who promise them welfare, and 2) to support the abortion industry who will be needed to perform the abortions (at public expense, of course).

Why do they excuse and even justify substandard English while calling it 'ebonics'? Or stress diversity, bilingualism, multiculturalism and other PC essentials at the expense of traditional education? Because they want them to fail in the job market, and need welfare or affirmative action programs in order to get by.

Why does the liberal media put so much focus on Black athletes and Rap stars rather than those that have prospered in other fields, like academics? Why is the message that the way out of the ghetto is with a basketball instead of a book? Because they know these are dead ends to only the smallest fraction of the whole, with so many of the others ending up dealing drugs, in jail, or not becoming self-sufficient. They claim that the society is racist and oppressive. THAT is why they cant make it, not that they are being mislead and exploited by those that claim to be their saviors.

The NAACP will get the attention of the masses by protesting the evil flag which keeps the black community down and honors racism, or the major networks fall season prime time line up which doesnt have enough Blacks. They get the attention of the masses and divert their energy to these non-essential trivialities instead teaching them to invest their time in more productive areas.
In truth, the Black community should thank the networks for not having Blacks on the shows, then they will not be assiciated with the crap on TV (Friends, ugh).

In short, the Blacks in this country are still enslaved, but the chains of this enslavement are on the minds of the people rather than their wrists. The ironic thing is that those Blacks who claim to be "liberated" and "aware" are actually the ones who are most blind.

But the Blacks are not the only ones who are enslaved, the Whites are blind as well. I've actually seen White girls cry after a showing of 'Amistad' and appologize to their Black friends, asking their forgiveness. This was at a collage campus, mind you.

The socialists want everyone they possibly can under their control, White or Black.
If they're upset about plaques at an unnamed gov't building, I hope they remember to take their blood pressure meds before strolling along the front lawn of the Capitol building in Austin! :D :D :D
People need to get over themselves!

To the best of my knowledge, a great many blacks fought for/under that flag. They were in fully integrated units and received the same pay as their white counteroparts.

Us Yankees put them in segregated units and paid them less to fight and die.

Which flag should tick them off?

I am not a dangerous psychotic!
I just play one at work.
Regardless of what the symbol means to me or you, collectively it stands for the "in your face" defiant attitudes that the South exhibited all along. Unfortunately, race seams to be the only punches thrown these days. I have a feeling, like all Southerners that I have called friends and brothers, if one would ask nicely to remove the symbols to someplace else, they would oblige.

When some carpet bagging New York Yankee soccor mom and dad demand something, it is assuredly not going to get done. Yes we know the symbol has rebel and historacle implications, and we know that it also pisses a hell of a lot of people off.

Rev Al and RC and NAACP need to unify the minorities under hatred and ignorance. They would re-enslave all for the furtherance of their economic agendas. When is the last time Rev Al went to bed hungry? Is the culture so corrupt that they rally around OJ rather then condemming a man who killed his wife?
By trying to make an issue of it they are creating a platform for their agenda. These so called leaders are worried that there isn't enough racism around anymore so they have to create some.

As in Richmond where a City Councilman wants the city to "privatize" Monument Blvd because the statues of Confederate generals should not be maintained by tax dollars; the entire South may see a drive by the North to once again tell it how to think & act by demanding "every" Confederate statue at every courthouse be removed. Then they can keep their agenda alive by moving on the monuments at all the National Battlefield parks!

Perhaps we will see signs on Gettysburg battlefield; "Across these fields marched the 10,500+ white, bigoted Southern racists to attack...." Or "these backward southern soldiers were all uneducated gunloving racists, whose only intent was to forever keep the Negro race in slavery."
I just LOVE how you can drive down Monument Blvd and look at the statues off famous Generals... and one Tennis Player. WTF?

You might laugh in the face of FEAR... but unless your armed, its a nervous, unconvincing, little laugh.
Divided is much easer to control.Rasism is one of the best ways to divide.Giveing some classes of people special attention(free schooling,money and so forth)not only divide but allso make the people being given to have no self worth.They are being told that they can't provide for themselves.That divides even more because hate is formed.The goverment is doing a fine job isn't it?This could bite us all in the end.Pun intended.

We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world;
and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men
every day who don't know anything and can't read.
-Mark Twain
“... Gov. Bush of Texas had two plaques removed from a state Government
building. These plaques had some sort of confederate symbol on them. They had
two African-Americn guest on the program. One of the guest stated that ANY
confederate (ie plaques/flags/etc) symbol represents racism and degrades blacks.”

Glad to see Bush is a man of his convictions. I’m sure he’ll stand up for us and honor us the same way he honored those who awarded those plaques....
Nationaly syndicated radio talk show host Mike Gallagher has called for slavery reparation checks to be issued to all peoples. The premise is that most of us have at least one ancestor that was a slave or indentured servant, and we should all be getting some checks.

One caller figured he was good for at least 3 checks based on his lineage.

Mike's a loudmouth, but he delivers good sarcasm once in a while.


Oregon residents please support the Oregon Firearms Federation, our only "No compromise" gun lobby.
I don't see what the big deal is. The south lost a war that they started. Get over it. Who cares about a bunch of confederate symbols?
A war they started? Read your Constitution. It clearly states that the States have the right to do anything not forbidden, and the Federal government can only do what is expressly permitted. No where does it say that States can not secede. Therefore, it is Constitutionally permitted. No where does it say the Federal Government can use force to prevent secession; therefore, it is unconstitutional to do so. It's not for nothing that the War is called the War of Yankee aggression. Describing the war as one "the south started" is a misuse of language a la klinton.
Like any historical event different people will see things as per their own set of beliefs. Whatever the causes of the war, the truth is that the Confederate flag was hoisted in places like South Carolina not after the war, not in the early 1900s when veterans were still alive, but in the 1950s. It was done as part of the white supremacist movement that swept the south. It was intended as an insulting symbol to Blacks. The way I see it states ought have a referendum. If the majority of the people in a state want th Confederate flag or the Jolly Roger or whatever else on their capitol building then they should fly that flag. If the majority says no then bring it down.

So many pistols, so little money.
I agree with Tecolote 110%. There are plenty of black folks still alive who experienced and saw the lynchings, beatings, etc. during the 1950s and 1960s, all by guys who wrapped themselves in the Stars and Bars. In deference to those folks who had to deal with the scum and villany of those times, it seems to me that its a matter of common decency to put the durn thing away and let it go.

A semi-related tale; the swastika was considered to be a good luck sign by certain southwest Indian tribes. The US Army had an infantry division from that area in the 1930s whose shoulder patch had the swastika form on it as a token of their southwestern connection. Until the Nazis started killing people; then they hurriedly came up with a new patch and got rid of the old one.
"The south started the war"? "The Stars and Bars like the swastika"? Boy some of you guys attended the University of yankee!!! Save yoo Confederate money boys..... the souths gonna rise again! Tom B in Gawga
I suggest you take a good hard look at the swastika, then look again at the Indian sign you are talking about. They are not the same.
I think you knew this when you posted.
Please don't make up crap.
There's enough real crap going around without making up more.

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."