Concealed Weapon

No ones rights are being infringed by keeping guns out of crowds to limit damage to innocent by-standers from accidents, especially those that may allow booze to flow, have guns stolen etc in these dense populations. Others have rights to safety at times, and the 2nd is not being infringed nor your rights negated when limits are placed on mixing with dense populations such as the above when you have a gun on or other places where havoc could result from accidents involving lethal weapons. You don't live on an island but with 300,000,000 million people who all have rights. You're crying wolf at the door when the least safeguard against accidental death comes up - as if a gun-owner's rights were absolute in every situation in life. Why not find out as much about your responsibility to others, as well as what you interpret as your rights to yourself.
There are many who carry in Illinois, and in every inch of this state it is illegal to do so. Sometimes we have to decide on which law is more important to obey, the one passed by the legislature or the one of self preservation that comes from a higher source.
I never have and if I had I would never be so stupid as to post that I had.

As a coworker's husband found out the hard way the police will take your computer early in an investigation to go fishing for incriminating evidence. Every post you have made and file on the machine is subject to being located, viewed, and used against you.
"Or they believe in a pesky little amendment that contains the words 'shall not be infringed'"

A limit on the government, not a right to trample others property rights.

Thanks,I learned that everyone is quite different on how they think the law should be obeyed.Each state seems to be different in how they want you to carryout their gun laws.I got into a discussion about guns with my nurse while in the doctors office.She brings her gun to work for protection.I asked her about the nogun sign on the front door of the doctors office.She said I dont use that
Old Navy,

Hey, if you got the cash to fight them in court, do as you please, seems to work for famous folk. Perhaps you could set a precedent for us.

Me? I'll follow the laws, and just try to avoid places where I can not carry.
A limit on the government, not a right to trample others property rights.

Since when is what I keep in my pocket a property owners concern? If they aren't going to complain about the color of money I keep in my pocket they need not complain about anything else in my pocket.

BTW: I stay out of places that are posted, even though their signs mean absolutely nothing as far as the law is concerned in Florida. If they openly exhibit an anti-gun mentality they don't sell anything I need.
In Florida, that is getting harder and harder. Places that have posted in the area (or have otherwise indicated that CCW is not welcome):

Sea World
All Florida Hospital campuses
Orlando Regional Medical Center (all 7 campuses)
Bass Pro
Wal Mart
Blockbuster Video
K Mart
Many area Banks (First Commercial Bank even has a man trap with a metal detector)
Publix Supermarkets

That is just the ones I remember off the top of my head.

So, what I do is carry anyway. Who cares? There is nothing they can legally do about it, except ask me to leave if they see a weapon. Concealed means concealed. Call it my own little "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.
Interesting that in SC the signs carry the full weight of the law and are very specific about how the signs have to look. However I don't know of any place that is posted but that may be because in SC there is no OC provision. I am sure that there is some place posted but I haven't seen it.
"Sometimes we have to decide on which law is more important to obey"

This statement is utterly asinine. You cannot choose which law's to obey or it makes you an irresponsible gun owner. If you get caught breaking any gun law you are hurting the cause for legal gun owners/carriers.
concealed weapon

In my town ,Omaha,Nebraska,every criminal carries a weapon. Except the courthouse,jail,prisons, and some med centers. And Stores and Malls. I just say that if I can not protect myself from the armed criminals, I will hold the mall,stores,med centers ,and others incase some criminal should shoot me or my family members that are shopping or at the docs office with me,ACCOUNTABLE FOR HAVING A SIGN OR THE PICTURE OF A GUN WITH A LINE THRU IT!!!!!!! I have told all the business that have that signs that also I will not care to shop there anymore. And because of the gang shootings here in Omaha,I and other pro-gun people have stopped doing busines in the malls. I havent been in the malls for 6 long years. Rich642z,Omaha,Nebraska
You cannot choose which law's to obey or it makes you an irresponsible gun owner.

So when a ban of (insert the name of your favorite gun here) goes into effect, you will turn them all in? Will you inform on your neighbors who didn't?
I will fight like hell to keep em... but you can't flagrantly disregard the law, it is going against all the laws that let you keep your weapons.
it is going against all the laws that let you keep your weapons.

I know what you mean but I don't think you worded it right.

There are NO LAWS that allow me to keep my weapons. There are only laws that allow the government to take them away... There is a difference between the two.
"Since when is what I keep in my pocket a property owners concern?"

As soon as they want it to be since you have entered their property.
Are you willing to let any person that enters your house carry?
The appliance repair guy?
The plumber?

While I do not like these weenies posting any more than you, in some cases it is more of a 'request'.
If your weapon is made they can only ask you to leave.
You cannot actually be charged with anything.

In other places it is a violation of your carry permit to carry in posted places (like Texas in a properly posted location).
I believe that a person has the right to rule that no weapons are allowed on their property (ie, in their home). What I am referring to is corporations. Once a corporation allows their property to be open to the public, they must accept certain limitations on their property.

Fire codes, restrictions on discrimination, and other such restrictions. I do not believe that a corporation has the same rights that a person does, being endowed by their creator and all that.

With that being said, my rights as a PERSON are more inviolate than a corporation's right to dictate anything other than my access to that property. That is, if I am creating a nuisance or a disturbance I can be asked to leave, but they cannot prevent me from entry simply because I have a brown wallet, or a concealed firearm, or if I am not wearing undergarments.

You can make the case for a corp asking people to leave who are disturbing others, for example: loud mouths, people too shabbily dressed for a formal establishment, open carry, smokers, etc. However, my concealed weapon is not creating any disturbance. If they wanna post, fine, but since there is no law that states I must comply, I do not.
As soon as they want it to be since you have entered their property.
Are you willing to let any person that enters your house carry?
The appliance repair guy?
The plumber?

If my house were open to the public I would have no problem with it. I also have no problem if guests or repairmen come over with a concealed handgun. Unless I frisk them I won't know or care what they are carrying. It's apples vs. oranges to try to equate someones private home to a business open to the public. A more logical comparison would be a private home vs a private club.

While I do not like these weenies posting any more than you, in some cases it is more of a 'request'.
If your weapon is made they can only ask you to leave.
You cannot actually be charged with anything.

Agreed, I am simply not going to accommodate their request unless it's a request to leave if for some reason they see my gun.

In other places it is a violation of your carry permit to carry in posted places (like Texas in a properly posted location).

One more reason I choose to stay in FL. The signs don't mean anything legally.