Concealed Weapon


New member
Have you ever worn your weapon somewhere you know you should not have?I have worn it in theaters,post office,but not in doctors office,or
There is a difference between legal and moral (moral obligation), Ohio has the law of private business puting up sighs saying "criminals welcome" (no CCW aloud) and I know of people that will shop there, honestly illegal, but they're aren't going to be victomized in a robbery....what a loaded question....what do they say? Not illegal unless you get caught? :)
In some states (like SC) CCW is prohibited anywhere that medical services are provided, to include doctor's offices, hospitals, clinics and urgent care facilities. I'm not sure what the penalty is other than losing your permit. They also ban CCW from public (read gov't) buildings and sporting events not related to guns.

NC goes so far as to exclude CCW from any place where you pay admission to get in such as concerts, theme parks, outdoor festivals, events, etc.
In my county in NY, carrying in crowds is not illegal but is advised against.

They want to prevent gun accidents around dense populations, increased possibility of stolen guns etc., kids with interested hands etc.

I avoid CCW in crowds for that reason and because the purpose makes sense. I'd avoid it anyway for those reasons.

I don't consider the advice against MY RIGHTS! (We do live in a society with others who have their rights also- to safety etc - as well as "OURS!!!!")
No this thread isn't stupid but it does demonstrate that some people consider their right to carry a gun is above all other rights and laws. It also shows that some people have no respect for others if it interfers with their right to carry a gun.
I have always considered that my rights only extend to that point that they infringe upon the rights of others.....and vice versa.:cool:

In some states (like SC) CCW is prohibited anywhere that medical services are provided, to include doctor's offices, hospitals, clinics and urgent care facilities. I'm not sure what the penalty is other than losing your permit. They also ban CCW from public (read gov't) buildings and sporting events not related to guns.

(10) hospital, medical clinic, doctor’s office, or any other facility where medical services or procedures are performed unless expressly authorized by the employer.
A person who wilfully violates a provision of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court and have his permit revoked for five years.

(6) school or college athletic event not related to firearms;

Other athletics events are not covered so you can carry at the Darlington Race.

Not all public buildings are covered.
The problem I have with a COMPANY telling me that I cannot carry is this:

1 A company is not a person, but a creation of man that is designed to shield the stock holders from personal liability. Therefore:

A company does not have the same rights that an individual does.
A person who own a company (or a portion thereof) can hide behind the corporate veil, and incurs no penalty for violating MY rights, beyond losing his investment.
If that company tells me I cannot carry, but I am then injured as a result of an attack on my person, the company and its shareholders will hide behind "third party intervention" and claim that they are not responsible, even thought they created the victim free zone that enabled the attack.
Thanks. I was too lazy to look it up and it's been awhile since I took the class. I don't ever go to sporting events other than school-related ones so the distinction was lost on me. I was aware that some government buildings, such as interstate rest areas, are not on the prohibited list.
Companies that put up "ghostbuster" signs must be in compliance with state law or else they are void.

In my state, even if you get caught carrying in a business that has a sign, it is not a crime unless you refuse to leave.
No this thread isn't stupid but it does demonstrate that some people consider their right to carry a gun is above all other rights and laws. It also shows that some people have no respect for others if it interfers with their right to carry a gun.

Or they believe in a pesky little amendment that contains the words "shall not be infringed"