Concealed means concealed

I live in a free state where we can carry openly or concealed. No big deal here. Most people don't carry openly but you see it often enough that folks don't freak out.
As dahermit stated it could have been a LEO off duty . When you carry concealed all the time it becomes part of you and I'm sure it wouldn't be so easy to snatch his weapon . The guy who shouldn't carry is the one that is always touching the weapon . No short jackets with long holsters , just keep it covered , use common sense . You still have to be able to get to it if bad things happen .
No. Carry is carry. How someone else carries is not your business. Exactly what nit you had to pick with this person, I don't get, but your judgmental attitude and your inclination to interfere shows you are clueless. You have no clue that the person was carrying on a permit to conceal or otherwise. Whether the state law requires concealment for concealed carry permittees is immaterial when you don't even know that is the statute under which he was carrying and you have no authority for law enforcement. Your perception about other people's reactions is also flawed, probably distorted by your own screwed up thinking.

Concealed means concealed to me. That said, I enjoy looking for CCW holders when I'm in public. A lot of people are pretty sloppy about their concealment.
Concealed means concealed to me. That said, I enjoy looking for CCW holders when I'm in public. A lot of people are pretty sloppy about their concealment.

Being a CWCer myself, I have found sometimes it's easy to tell another CWCer. Sometimes it's the way they dress, sometimes it's a lump where it shouldn't be and sometimes it because of an accidental exposure. What it has done for me over time is realize what works, what does not work and how I can improve my own CWCing. Are there times when I get sloppy with my CWCing? Yep, and many of those times I do not care. Many times it comes down to a scenario that would be no different than if I was OCing(which is legal here too). What it has not done for me at least, is made me think that I am somehow superior to those I have spotted and given me the idea I need to go up and say something to them about how poorly they CWC.......:rolleyes:

Nor do I feel the need to go to a public forum and try and convince others how great and knowledgeable I am about CWCing.

Just sayin'........
When I first started to carry concealed was years ago. I drove trucks for a living 48 state's and Canada. Deal was to wair a bulky light coat and carry a small gun, even in NY city! Finally gave in and got a CCL here in Oregon after years of not carrying, I was a bit paranoid that people would notice. Well no one does! If it bother's you, check in the bathroom mirror before you go out. I noticed that even with a shirt on, I reach up with my right hand to much and the bottom of my holster does expose, I strongly suspect anyone will ever noticed it. But I also found that reaching up with my left hand, nothing expose's. That I have worked into a habit now and don't think about it a lot. My best shirt's for spring and summer are long tail flannel from the year before with the sleeves cut off at the shoulder, no body notices! I think that if I wore a larger gun, it would be much more noticeable, my P89 Ruger is much harder to conceal than my S&W Shield compact. I gave up firepower and weight for concealment. Yet the biggest thing I found to over come is the idea everyone is looking to spot a concealed weapon, they are not! The only time I ever carry open is if I'm out plinking in the hills. Two thing's abut open carry in town that bother me. First if you were to actually be in a position where a bad guy is trying something, he know's you have a gun. So either you set yourself up as a target or, with luck, the guy simply leaves. And I find wearing open it's like an in your face statement to people that actually are afraid of guns, I find no reason for doing that either. I carry concealed at home. If in the house and someone stop's by I have a shirt I put on to answer the door concealed. I don't think anyone coming to my house would mind but then it just not necessary to find out!

People are not out there looking to spot concealed weapon's. You reach up and the bottom of a holster show's, most people won't know what it is! Create habits that keep your holster concealed. I reach up with my left hand, I'm right handed, and I never bend over, I stoop down. I do bend over at home and actually reach up with my right hand, never in public though. If you stop and give it some though, your probably never gonna need your concealed weapon. In a lot of years over the road in the most dirty market's in America, I never did. Rather I learned to avoid spots. I don'y advertise I carry and at this point I doubt many people really care if I do! Conceal as best you can, develop habit's to keep concealed and don't worry about it. You see someone else carrying, ignore it, most likely everyone else missed it or don't care.

Hmmm, how about a XYCC, or XYG, or XYP?

Kinda like when you leave the barn door open after visiting the facilities.:D
In Louisiana open carry has always been legal , no permit required . If you can own a gun you can strap it on and go anywhere guns are allowed in.
Ergo if your concealed gun becomes ain't breaking NO laws....
Isn't Louisiana a great place to carry !

I have found it best that you not butt into other people's affairs..
It's none of your/my business .
Its just plain ole common sense that dictates .. that which is being concealed (by conscious effort) will sooner or later be exposed by virtue of human nature and happenstance. People carry guns and people (from time to time ) will notice that someone is carrying a gun.

I try not to be "that guy" who interject "helpful information" to others who may or may not welcome it or even care. I simply mind my own business and leave others to theres. If I happen to notice that someone is armed, I will make a rudimentary assessment of them so that I may decide if they are a squared away individual or someone I need to get away from. Unless they drop their gun on the ground and are unaware that they have dropped it.. I am not going to butt into their business.

I do not know the OP and assume he/she is a good person with good intentions. That said, I generally think that when someone comes up to me to give me some helpful advice about something that I am doing.. I tend to think its a crafty way to express their disapproval.

I was once in a bigbox sporting good store and an elderly gentleman slipped in front of me and I knelt down to help him up. One of the other customers nearby also helped and must have noticed that I was armed. I heard him making a comment to his companion that I was carrying an "old" Beretta when in fact I was carrying a old "Browning BHP". The companion made some sort of comment which seemed to disapprove of guns in the store or some such nonsense and about that time I had paid for my items and was leaving.

As I am going out the door the first guy( the one who noticed my gun) had this smirk on his face and said something like "hey buddy , let me ask you something" and proceeded to step ahead of me. I simply said.. No thank you and walked past him. I am fairly sure he was going to share some "helpful" information with me but I took the wind out of his sail before he could express himself. I am not sure if others feel the same as I do but I do not really want to be approached by stranger who want to "tell me something" or "ask me something" relating to the gun on my side.

Concealed is concealed until its not.. we all make the error from time to time, its no big deal unless is actually violates local law. Thankfully, I live in a OC state so I am reasonably covered if I inadvertently expose my firearm. Concealed is concealed ( in perfect circumstances) :)
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had this smirk on his face and said something like "hey buddy , let me ask you something" and proceeded to step ahead of me. I simply said.. No thank you and walked past him. I am fairly sure he was going to share some "helpful" information with me but I took the wind out of his sail before he could express himself. I am not sure if others feel the same as I do but I do not really want to be approached by stranger who want to "tell me something" or "ask me something" relating to the gun on my side.

Maybe he was going to compliment you on your handgun choice...ya never know..:)
Like a few others in this thread, whenever I see a 'slip' in someone else's CC effort, I prefer to keep my nose ''out of their business'' and use it as a reminder to confirm that I am still concealed whenever I observe such things.