Concealed Cary for the Chubby

6'1" 245 and a member of the donelap club (my belly done lapped over my belt). I use an Alien Gear IWB holster at about the 3:30 position. I have the cant adjusted so as it leans my Glock 19 more forward (muzzle angled farther back) some. This puts it more in between my 'love handle' and my ribs and the end of the holster out of my hip fat when I sit down. I've tried it in different positions/cants and this is what works for me and I find it very comfortable whether standing, sitting or even while in my car. My draw is still smooth and natural (for me). Also, it doesn't print at all even with a dress shirt tucked in; even while reaching, bending or twisting. I have plenty of "soft tissue" to help conceal it.

I tried it in about the 4:30 position and I noticed that mag plate would either press against seat backs and press forward causing the holster to twist and be uncomfortable or, if the back of the chair is curved much at all, end up between me and the seat back pressing into me.
We see quite a few larger guys at our competitions. 90% of the time the IWB style makes for a really awkward draw, and reholstering is flat dangerous.

I'd look at something that holds the gun away from the body a bit, probably OWB. Kydex perhaps.
Although I may not be in the same weight class as you guys, the holidays have caused expansion of my organic weapons retention system (cleverly disguised as body fat to the uninitiated). My IWB pants are fitting normally, WITHOUT the gun. I carry IWB at 4:00. A hybrid (crossbreed, old faithful, alien gear) keeps my pistol from digging into the muffin top. A paddle holster with a cover garment or my LCP in the Sneaky Pete will see more use until I can get rid of those extra pounds.
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